Zailey froze up, unable to calm her exploding nerves. She fidgeted backstage shifting her eyes to the left, where other competitors scrambled to get into their costumes, and glancing to her left, where Gavin stood. Taking a deep breath in, she tuned out the loud echoes of microphones and deafening screams of the audience. She closed her eyes and took herself out of the competition, rewinding back to 30 hours ago.
"Zailey! God, I was getting worried, I thought something happened to you!" Connor exclaimed as soon as she answered the call.
"What do you mean? I've been waiting for your call... What took you so long?" Zailey asked, her ecstatic mood flowing out through the phone. "You know what, it doesn't even matter... How's everything? Are you jetlagged? You're getting along with your mom, right? Is this going to be your number?"
Connor chuckled, "I miss you, too. It's been the longest day of my life. And it's weird considering I basically skipped an entire day."
"Oh, I hear ya-" She said before realizing she was still in the room with Gavin. "But... I'm so sorry... Is it okay if we talk a bit later?"
"Sure, are you right in the middle of rehearsing?"
"Yeah... I'll call you in an hour."
"Alright, bye..."
Gavin looked back at her and smiled, "You seem really happy now."
Zailey nodded, "But enough about me. What happened with you mom?"
"Is that why you hung up? You've been waiting for his call all day."
"I know... But I promised you I'd help with your mom first."
He smiled, "She congratulated me for making it this far... And she told me that she was excited to watch me..."
"That's great! Wow, that's gonna make my job so much easier."
"She also told me not to come near her."
Zailey gulped, "What?"
"If people found out I was her son, the public's gonna doubt us. They'd think that we got special treatment. The focus wouldn't be on us, but me and my mom's relationship."
"I guess, but... What about after the competition?"
"Something about ruining the show's credibility. It was supposedly all her manager's idea to avoid meeting."
"That's so unfair!" She exclaimed. "No matter what they say, I'm gonna make sure you two meet again. Trust me, okay?"
"Zai... I think they're right. It'll only bring unnecessary attention to me. You don't deserve that."
"Gavin, who gives a shit about fame? This is family we're talking about."
"I don't know... But, I'd like if you stop dipping into this for a bit," he said before walking out.
"Gavin!" Zailey tried to yell, but the door slammed quicker than she could get her words out.
"Have you gotten in touch with Connor?" Elizabeth asked Zailey through the phone.
"Are you kidding? She's in London, she can worry about a long distance relationship once she gets back to LA," Josephina said. "Just have Gavin entertain you or something."
"A phone call doesn't hurt... After all, Connor was supposed to come with them, remember?" Jacque bud in.
"But, Zai... Isn't it Connor's-" Elizabeth started.
"Birthday." Zailey continued for her, "Yeah... It is."
"Damn! What the fuck are you doing then?!" Jacque asked excitedly.
"We talked for a couple seconds earlier... But it isn't his birthday for another 6 hours where he's at."
All the way in Australia, Connor and Janine woke up from their naps and finished unpacking. Excitement was radiating from Janine's aura, while Connor was still silently trying to figure out the reason for their abrupt move.
"I have a surprise for you waiting here," Janine said.
"What is it?"
"I told you, it's a surprise," Janine said. "A birthday surprise... Someone special that will answer all of your questions."
Just then, Connor's phone rang, "Excuse me."
"Go ahead, I'll finish up here."
"What took you so long?" Connor said through the phone.
"I was just on the phone with Lizzie, Jacque, and Phina. We were setting up a surprise," Zailey said.
"Wow... Why is my life filled with so many surprises?"
She laughed, "Turn your camera on."
He went into the bedroom and checked himself in the mirror before activating his camera. Once he activated, she instructed him to go outside.
"When are you turning yours on?" He asked.
"Right... Now," She activated her camera to reveal her face, as well as the twinkling scenery behind her. "Happy Birthday Connor Davis! Would you like to go on a date with me?"
A bright smile spread across his lips, "I'd love to."
She took a seat overlooking the sparkling river and fairy-like string lights. The lamps were dimmed on the tables, enough to focus the attention on the bright, intricate bridge a little off to the side of the platform.
"Where are you going?" Zailey asked, wondering about the sudden shakiness of the screen.
"My mom showed me a nice breakfast place that's walking distance from here," Connor answered.
The two placed their phones right in front of each other, and casually ate their meals. Despite the distance, they still somewhat felt as if they were right next to each other.
After their meal, Zailey watched as people gathered around the dancefloor and slow danced.
"Is that classical music I hear?" Connor asked. "I didn't know you were into that..."
"Well, it's good to try new things sometimes, y'know?" Zailey said.
Connor nodded, "Who knew you had a romantic side?"
"I'm planning on going all out... Come on, let's dance!" She stood up and joined everyone else on the dancefloor.
Keeping the camera directed towards her, she swayed and imitated the steps everyone around her was making.
"You're crazy," Connor laughed.
"You love it. Dance with me!" Zailey said.
Connor swayed along from the other side of the phone, ignoring the awkward stares he was receiving from the customers around him. Once the music shifted gear, from slow to hip hop, Zailey's face lit up and started dancing along with the beat.
She took him on a tour around the nearest places and villages, while he showed her what it was like where he was. After exploring almost every inch of their surroundings, they both made their way back to their respective hotels. Even in the bathroom, while Zailey was brushing her teeth, she could not find it in her to hang up. Instead, they brushed their teeth and washed their face together, as Connor was getting ready to start his day and Zailey was getting ready to sleep.