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James POV

I walk in the gas station to grab a bud lite and some skittles before telling the clerk what pump I was at. Before I walk out the gas station I feel a hand touch my shoulder as I look back. "Wassup James." The man said as my heart dropped sinking to my stomach as I realized who he was, Demente. The clerk looked at me confused as I blinked my eyes to see he wasn't there. "He can't see me." He says reappearing as soon as I walk out the store. "I killed you." I tell him as I head towards my car. "My spirit lives on." He says his voice echoing out of my ear. "Go bother someone else." I say filling my car up with gas as he begins to laugh to himself.

"You thought I was going to just be gone. You thought you could kill me and be gone on about your life?" Demente says as I begin to reach the limit of the pump and put it back in place. "Fuck you mutha fucka." I say under my breath stepping into my car as he appears in the passenger seat. "I killed you. I had you finished you shouldn't be here right now." I say shaking my head punching the steering wheel as he laughs to himself. "I'll do it again." I say reaching under the seat grabbing my 40 caliber pointing it at him. "Oh please. You can't kill me even if you tried to." He says as he smiles at me. "I missed our rivalry. But I see it will continue." He said to me as I begin to drive home. "It's been 16 years. Why now?" I asked him as he sinks into the seat. "I gave you enough time. I'm back to take you to hell." He said before fading away like a ghost. Fuck.


Cali POV

I get off the bus as I step into the school as someone turns me around by my arm. "Hey Cali." Marlo says smiling at me as I shake his arm off before speaking back. "Hi." I say as he follows by my side walking side by side me. "I got a party tonight. I haven't being seeing you around lately, I wanted to tell you." He says as I stop my feet and look him in his eyes. "Marlo you already kno..." I started to tell him as he grips my shoulders. "Please. I know your graduating early in you live far from me I want to see you there, okay?" He says kissing my cheek handing me a note and walking off. I look down at the paper as it had the address on it.

"Heyyyy Caliiiii, Californiaaa." Catherine says as I smile hugging her. "Hey Cat." I say as we begin to walk to class. "I got your text last night about your sister moving in. I didn't know you had a sister. What does she look like." Cat asked me as we sat next to each other in health. "Uh a lighter me with longer hair and a lot of piercings." I tell her as she sits there imagining her appearance in her head. I shake my head at my weird friend as I open a text book as the teacher walks into the classroom.


Shayla POV

"How do you feel? Miss Bayley." The doctor says entering my room I was placed in. "Every day it's a new doctor." I spat as he sits down in the chair. "Bayley..." He says my last name as I snarl at him signaling him to shut up. "Shayla." He says resting his hand on my arm as I was restrained from moving. "Get me out these straps so I can choke you." I say not realizing what I had said as I shut my mouth completely. He continues to write in his notepad before looking back up at me. "I know you may feel a strange reaction from your recent killings." He says as he rests both his hands on his pad.

"I'll do it again in a heartbeat." I tell him admittedly as he writes in his pad. "This is stupid. They got what they asked for when they decided to barge in my house and fuck with me." I say my heart in place not feeling a thing as the words let out. "Bay...Shayla I believe you are suffering from feeling powerless your whole life. From what you told your previous doctors that came to let you talk, you said you feel unsure if your in control." He says as I sigh to myself. "You wanna know how I feel doctor?" I say sinking down into the bed.

"Yes." He says as I laugh uncontrollably out loud before realizing I was laughing and scaring myself. "I feel good. I feel released. All my train of thoughts of wondering how does it feel to kill? Why do people kill? Answered. It wasn't to justify them breaking in my house. I could've allowed them to kill me and my daughter. No. I wanted them to go to that place that's unbearable where you can't run from your mistakes in the past. A place where it's constantly screaming and the mind is always in agony. I sent them to hell." I say taking a deep breath as he writes everything I say before shaking his head as I start laughing again.

Nina POV

"So you graduated?" I asked James Daughter Indy as we been talking with each other for an hour. "No. I might have to transfer to finish if I'm staying here." Indy says as she starts to get sad. "Your welcome here sweetie." I confirmed her thoughts of her not feeling welcomed. "My daughter is just a hard shell to crack sometimes... especially when all your father ever asked about was if you were okay." I say as she looks up at me. "Really?" She asked me as I nodded my head yes. The door opens up as I look up to see my daughter and her friend walk into the house.

"Hey mom... hey fathers other child." Cali says as I look at her hard on sight. "I mean Indy." She says as cat looks at her confused. "Why don't you like me?" Indy says getting up from the couch we were sitting on. "Indy." I say as she ignores me walking toward her. "Like it or not. I'm your big sister and I want my respect you spoiled brat." She goes off as I stand up and get in between them. "That's enough you two." I say as they both nod. "I don't have a reason. I feel like your below me. I'm 16 and a senior and your just a washed up hot ass fast thing from Indianapolis." Cali says as i shake my head about to talk to her as Indy responds. "You don't know me." Indy says. "Bullshit. I've seen you on Instagram with your 15k followers. You shaking your ass and dancing up on guys and getting high out your damn mind." Cali says as I grab her up by her collar.

"Thats enough." I tell her as she sighs before walking away. "I'm sorry." She told Indy as I can tell she meant it a little as she started to go upstairs. "So we aren't going to that party?" Cat says as I turn my head quick at her then Cali. As Cali looks at her with a look of disbelief. James walks through the door looking at all of us as he's confused. "What?" He asked as I smile considering he's been gone for these past years I'll let him make the decision. "I'll go too." Indy says looking at me as I shrug. "Your daughters want to go to a party. I'm guessing a boys party by Cali's expression." I tell James as he laughs to himself. "No. And especially not Indy." He says walking into the kitchen. "What! why not me?" Indy says approaching her father. "Girl. You got yo mamas genes. And I seen you on yo sisters phone actin a foo. You gud love, enjoy." He says going in the fridge to get some fruit.


Indy POV

I walk into my sisters room without knocking as she stands up getting irritated. "First off. You snitched? Already what the fuck sis." I say as she rolled her eyes. "Dad was next to me when I was on your page. You shouldn't have posted it." She said as I stepped up before her friend Cat stood in between us. "Your supposed to be sisters." She says as I mug her. "Is that all you want?" Cali says as I roll my eyes as she does the same. I smack my lips and then she smacked her lips. I folded my arms as she folded her arms too. "Really." I say as she drops her arms. "Really." Wow my sister is a total bitch, I like her.

"We're going to that party." I say as she backs up and looks at me like I'm stupid or I have it written over my face. "Come on Cali!" I tell my sister as she looks stuck like a deer in headlights. "Indy... Dad wouldn't like this." She says as I roll my eyes and motions over to her. "I'm 18 you're 16, you're practically grown daddy won't be around all the time so come on." I say pulling her by her arm as we both exit out her bedroom window. "Your sister is nuts I like her." Cats says as I smile at her showing my teeth as we begin to climb down the roof. "I just want to spend time with my little sister." I said as Cali looks at me smiling briefly as we walked out the driveway.

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