A painful escape

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Nina POV

We run down the tunnel as we reach light finding ourselves in a another room. The room was a abandoned prison as we run to the Iron bars on the window. We hear footsteps approaching as we try to open up the window. "It's no use." Indy said pulling on her hair looking back at the tunnel. "Maybe we would know where else to go if your simple minded mother wasn't so trigger happy." I point at Shayla as she flicks me off. "Now is not the time to argue. We have to keep going down these halls until we find a exit." Indy tells us as she runs down a dark hallway.

We follow behind her as Shayla looks back making sure the guards haven't caught up with us. We continue to run down this dark hallway trying to find a escape. Lights shining bright as guards were in front of us as Indy sprinted back towards us. I turn a corner as the girls follow behind me. I smash my shoulder into a steel door that was barely shut as I forced it open. The girls follow me inside the room as the guards shoot at us. I try to shut the door as they proceed to fire and move forward. Bam. The door was slammed shut as I looked aside to see Shayla had helped me. "Let's go!" Indy was anxious as the guards banged on the door to budge.

We continue to run down the hallway as the door was beginning to budge open. "Over here." Indy tells us as we walk towards her to see a window. "James is down there!" I say getting worried as he's ducking behind cars and firing at officers. "He'll be fine. Where the ones that have to get the hell out of here." Shayla said snapping me out of my thoughts.  "We have at least ten more minutes before the military gets involved." I warned the girls as we finally come to a door. "Well. Would you look at that." Shayla said as we look around to see that we made it outside. "Oh shit!" Indy nearly falls off the ledge as Shayla grabs her yanking her back. We look down to see that we were high up above concrete ground. One wrong slip and this whole escape would be for nothing.

I look around looking for our next advantage before finding a way down. "Stay close to the wall, it's a ladder over here." I tell them as we make our way towards it. "They're at the old watch tower!" One of the guards behind us voice rung out as I let Indy go down the ladder first. She makes it down as I motion Shayla to go next. James see's us as he runs towards Indy as a bunch of guards start shooting at her. He sprints towards her teeth gritting together as he fires shots at the men. "He's going to get himself killed!" I say looking back at Shayla as she stands still. "That's the man I fell in love with... he's always been reckless. Look how he willingly sacrifices his own life to protect her." Shayla says as the guards or finally reached us now.

James gets hit and falls down as he crawls towards Indy as the guard keep shooting. Indy hides behind a boulder as the guards empty out clips. She's crying and holding her ears as the guards next to us watch on. "What is he doing. He should stay down. Idiot is going to die." One of the guards said as Shayla grabbed him by his arms trying to toss him off the ledge. "Shayla! Don't!" I tell her as he head butted her as she head butted him back. The two guards behind him aim their guns at her as I grabbed the assault rifle off the ground gunning the men down. "NO!" The man yells as he grabs Shayla by her neck as I help her push him off.

The man grabbed Shayla as he was falling causing her to fall off with him. They both were hanging off the ledge, I grab her arm trying to pull her up. She wouldn't budge as I look down to see the man was hanging off her leg. She kicks him in his face as he continued to hang on. "Hold on Shayla! I'm sorry!" I said as tears slip out of my eyes as I try my hardest to pull her up grabbing her arm with both my hands.
"It's okay. I'm the one that should be sorry." She tells me as tears fall down her eyes as well. POW. I feel a sharp pain piercing the inside of my shoulder, I looked as blood leaked out of my clothing. Shayla looks at me with concern in her eyes as I hold on to her.  I looked back to see one of the guards I had shot was on his dying breath still trying to shoot me. He shoots again as the bullet hits me in my chest knocking me back as I feel my hands release Shayla.

The guard drops dead as I close my eyes feeling the pain take over my body. I looked down to see Shayla had landed on her back as she was still breathing. The guard holding onto her was dead as I forced myself to get up collapsing at the attempt. "HOLD ON SHAYLA!" I screamed down to her as she looks spaced out. I crawl towards the ladder leaving blood trails on the ground. This was looking bad as James had finally made it towards Indy. She noticed Shayla was down as she ran towards her guards reloading clips firing at her as she gets hit in her leg. She falls down as she limps up desperately trying to reach her mother.

I finally make my way to the ladder climbing down before falling hard on the ground going unconscious.

James POV

It's too many of them. I hold my stomach as I was losing blood. I take my backpack hiding behind cover as I grab some bandages. I wrap them around my stomach grunting in pain. BOOM. I look up to see all the man firing had been blown back or to pieces. Jr had found the RPG in the trunk as Cali had smashed the car through the barb wired gates. She pulls up next to me as the firing had stopped. I get up running towards Indy as Jr gets out and grabs Nina putting her in the car. "We don't have too long before more come out!" I tell Cali and Jr as they wait for Indy and Shayla.

"Come on baby'girl." I tell Indy as I look down at Shayla as she had blood dripping down her nose. The adrenaline that was driving our spirits wild had finally come to an end. My former lover was leaving me and our daughter as she was taking her breaths slowly. Tears staining her face as she forced a smile on her lips to show Indy that everything was going to be okay. I take a deep breath fighting back tears as my heart drops as I feel a loss for concentration. She just forces that smile to stay there as Indy is stuck. She doesn't move she just stares down her mother with a helpless glare of disbelief. I could sense the guilt she was feeling knowing in her mind this was her fault.

I feel dizzy as I struggle to stand on my feet as I manage to hold on to myself. "I love you." I tell her as her lips widen a real smile this time causing more tears to slide down her face. She closes her eyes and prepares herself. "I love... both... of... you." She tiredly speaks as I watch her leave me again. "Indy we have to go!" I tell my daughter as I snapped out of my thoughts remembering where we were. Indy wasn't moving. She was stuck. "Jr grab Shayla!" I tell him as he gets out of the car picking up her lifeless body. My heart aches as I force my tears to wait as I had to pick Indy up. She went weightless onto my arms as her body felt light. I put her in the back seat as I hold her into my arms.

Cali drives the car down the narrow road gaining speed as we hit endless street. Indy doesn't blink as Cali looks back at her tears running down her face too. She focuses back on the road as tears finally hit my face as I scream loudly. I ball my eyes out like a big baby as I punch the door hard and repeatedly. My tantrum catching everyone off guard as everyone starts to sniffs and get emotional right along with me. Indy finally breaking down and crying once she sees my reaction as we both lost someone we love today.

May your exhausted soul finally Rest In Peace

Shayla Carmalla Bayley, 1998- 2033.

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