Indys Mom

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Nina POV

Shayla walks into the hospital as she looks around before turning her head to us. She approaches us before raising her hand back slapping James across his face. The slap was hard as James took a deep breath before turning his head to look in her eyes. "Shouldn't you be in a nut house. You fucking psycho." James said as everyone was watching us. "Why is my daughter in jail James." Shayla looks at him anger growing as he shakes his head. "Cali got beat on by sum boys and Indy killed the kid." He said as Shayla looks at Cali. I stand up looking Shayla in her eyes warning her not to say anything to my child. "Nina." She said as we haven't seen each other face to face since I gave birth to Cali. 

"Shayla." I responded back as animosity was building up in the room. "Mom." Cali says as I don't pay her no attention. "Fuck you." Shayla says to me as I roll my eyes at her before feeling her hand connect across my face. I hold my jaw looking at her with disbelief. "Oh shit!" Jr says as James stands up about to interfere as I hold my hand up signaling him that it's fine. "Put your hands on me again Shayla. And imma whoop yo ass like I should've did when we was kids." I warn her as she shakes her head her mouth dropping in disbelief.

"How did you find us?" James asked her as she turned her head looking at him. "Your location is on." She tells him as he pulls out his phone before looking back at us. We stare at each other for awhile before one of the security guards walked up to us. "Is there a problem here ladies?" He asks us as we shook our head no. "James. I don't mind you failing me... but our child really." Shayla breaks the tension before sounding like her old self. The guard leaves as I signal the kids to come over where I'm at. "You kids hungry?" I asked them as Jr shakes his head yes while Cali shakes her head no. "Let's go get something to eat." I tell them as we leave the hospital and head towards my car.

James POV

"James you have to change... you can be this person all you want but you can't let it be okay for your kids to see you as this person." Shayla tells me as I look at her as I know she's telling the truth. "Now you have a son... that's three kids James. You have to do better. Their watching you." She tells me as I nod my head feeling my eyes water up a bit. "I don't think I can. It's too late. James was born into killing and Indy just... snapped. They will never have a normal life ever again." I tell her as she sighs to herself. "I know." She said as I look at her studying her as she looked tired. "This isn't going to end well." She tells me as I nod my head agreeing. "What's the plan?" I asked her as she grins at me smirking.

"I'm going to get myself arrested, and then I'm going to get our daughter back." She said as I look at her confused. "How you gone pull that off?" I ask her as she looks at my lips before sighing to herself. "I don't know James... but I have to." She said as I run my hands through my hair thinking. "I'll help you." I tell her as she looks at me her eyes telling stories as I could see she missed me. "I love you." She said as I sit still letting the words sink into my head. "I don't love you anymore." I tell her as she nods her head swallowing her saliva. Tears fall down from her face as I had to force myself to not break. Of course I love her. I'll always love her. But for Indy's sake I was going to need her to be full of anger right now.

Nina, Cali, and Jr walk into the building as Cali and Jr are talking and shes laughing a little. I could tell he was trying to comfort her. Before I could turn my attention to Nina she was slapped hard by Shayla as she fell on the floor this time. She left a red print on her face too. Nina takes a deep breath trying to calm herself down as she stands up. "Get up bitch." Shayla hissed as Nina put her hair into a ponytail. "I ignored you in high school, now I'm gonna kick yo narrow ass." Nina spits as the two women start throwing punches at each other.

"Dad do something." Cali says as Jr takes out his phone recording as I snatch the phone from him. Nina is whooping Shayla's ass too as she's got her by her hair whaling punches on her. I mean... I always knew Nina could beat Shayla. She just chose not to. The security guards grab the two and separate them as the secretary was calling the police. "Don't worry." I tell the kids as the cops come and lock Shayla and Nina up. I watch as the car fades into the distant.

The doctor comes out with his clipboard as he looks at Cali with a sympathetic look. I stand up and pull him to the side as I stare into his eyes. "How bad is it Doc?" I asked him as he looks at his clipboard. "She's in a coma. Her body is unresponsive as well... it's a possibility she won't wake up." He tells me as I shake my head in annoyance. "Mr. Moxley right? I couldn't help but notice you carry that girls last name as well. The one who murdered that poor boy." He said as a bunch of man in black suits surround me. "We've been watching you and yo family." A man wearing a white fancy suit walks through the crowd of men. "We even did a little digging into your background. You've got quite the body count." He said as he was a  black man who stood at least 6 feet.

I recognized him. He was that famous NFL player. He was Matthew Davis, Marlo's father. He gives the doctor a band full of money as the doctor takes it and walks away. The kids watching from a distant as they're trying to figure out what's going on. "Jr, get your sister out of here." I speak loud enough for him to hear. "Buh..." he starts to talk back as I get angry. "NOW!" I yell as he grabs Cali as she's not trying to budge. She's hitting his chest as he sweeps her off of her feet and runs outside. I look back at the group of men. "You fucked up. I got mob ties." He tells me as he signals the men to gang up on me. And of course, they do. I try to fight them off as it's too many of them. I get pinned down and beat on as I look outside to see if my kids got away. And they did.

Shayla POV

"Dammit Shayla. Look what you've got us in." Nina complains as she's still trying to wiggle out of the handcuffs. "Never been arrested huh." I say as she mugs me before sighing and sitting back. "I need your help to break Indy out." I whispered into her ear. "If that was the case. Why. Didn't. YOU SAY THAT!" Nina yells causing the officer to look back at us. I smile at him as he shakes his head in annoyance. "Crazy bitch." He mumbles under his breath as I roll my eyes. "Nina." I said looking at her as she looks back at me. "Shayla." She responds as I take a deep breath. "I don't care what happens to me. But my daughter... promise me we'll get my daughter out. What ever it takes." I tell her as she goes silent for a moment procrastinating everything I said. "What ever it takes." She said as the car came to a stop as I look at the jail building.

We're here.

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