Days in

13 5 3

The Funeral

James POV

It was me, Nina, Cali, Indy, and Jr as we all stood around saying our final goodbyes. The tears on my face matching the rain as it was hard for me to dismiss my emotions. Seeing her one last time stiff and cold shattered my heart. Indy and Nina took it harder than me, of course. My heart burned with anger and frustration saddening inside me. Tears slipping down our faces as the world just lost it's crazy light. Thirty minutes goes by as Nina and Cali head back to the car. Indy letting out her emotions as she wipes her face before walking towards the girls. I watch her fade away as she steps inside the vehicle. It was just me and Jr now.

"I'm going to miss you Shayla, I promise to take care of our daughter. I won't let anything happen to her. I'm going to take care of this. He crossed the line when he put a bounty on our baby." I talk to the grave hoping she would respond. I don't get no answer as it hits me hard. I stood above her grave, the guilt filling up inside of my chest. I don't think... I don't think I'll ever smile again. I touch the grave reading her name as my heart feels heavy. Indy was right, this was my fault.


Cali POV

Mom and Dad didn't want me going to school since the whole city was on edge about the prison escape. Although Indy didn't listen, she kept sneaking out the house every night. Lord knows what ever she's doing. Honestly I don't care anymore. "Where's Indy?" Jr asks as he walks past my room with a bowl of fruit. "Do you ever not eat. Geez where going to have to get groceries again if you keep stuffing your face." I tell him as he shrugs. "And no. I haven't seen Indy. And Until she apologizes for walking up on my mother me and her will not speak. So don't ask me about Indy again." I tell him as he looks at me confused. "She's just mad her mom died. We all are. Shayla was a interesting woman and I had just met her." He tells me as I shake my head.

"Can we talk about something else." I asked him as he nods his head. He walks into my room before sitting down on my bed. "You play games?" He asks looking at my PlayStation 6. "I'll kick your ass in any game." He says as I grin at him. "Your fucking on." I tell him as we set up the game. We play for hours before he finally accepts that I'm better than him. "Cali. Imma head out." He says as I look at him puzzled. "Dad said we should stay inside the house." I tell him as he shrugs his shoulders. "Playing this game reminds me of my brother... just makes me uncomfortable. Been cooped up in this house for days I Needa go out." He says as I nod my head at him as he walks down the stairs leaving the house.

Indy POV

I have a bounty of $500,000 on my head and if you ask me, that's a bit overkill. I had to get out the house, sitting around wasn't going no where. I'm furious at my father and I just can't sit in the house and wait for us to get caught. I was alone and miserable and I lost the only person who knew what that was like. I hate myself. I sit in a restaurant with my hoodie over my head. As everyone chats and starts to mumble about my presence being suspicious. I know I shouldn't be showing my face everywhere but what have I got to lose.

Life felt like a bully tripping me in the hallways as I looked at everyone who stared at me. And then the news kept repeatedly playing the jail escape. "You're that girl from the news aren't you? Indy Moxley." Some bald headed guy says as he looks at me with eyes of anticipation. "What ever your thinking. Don't." I tell him as he signals his friends to come over. "She's gotta pretty big price on her head for her to just be posted up in one lil restaurant." One of the men says as I try to stand up as the bald headed man sits me back down. 

I must've looked like a damsel in distress as a man stands in front of the bald head guy. They stare each other down before a fight breaks out. I manage to slip away as I had enough outside for one night.
I walk towards home as I don't look back once.

Hours later

James Jr

I wake up tied up in a chair as I look around my head leaking blood. I had a major headache as I looked around to see that I was in a apartment. I start to remember what exactly happened. I was walking out tha house as I went down a couple blocks and was dragged into a van. A group of men hit the corner as they were all dressed in suits as they approached me. "What the fuck is this." I say as they all have straight faces in stare me down. "Where's your sister?" The man from the tv emerges from the group of men with a sinister appearance. Matthew Davis. I try to free my hands but it wasn't working as I was trapped.

He moves his face into mine as I spit in his face. "I ain tellin you shit." I tell him as he smirks grabbing a crow bar off the table. I blink a couple times rethinking my words as he rubs the crow bar on my knee. "Boys. Leave. I'll get him to talk by myself." He says as I look him directly in his eyes. The men leave locking the apartment door behind them. He looks at me with this flare of hatred in his faces as he lifts the crowbar up hitting me in my knee. I scream a loud noise of pain as the pain strikes inside my whole body. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" I scream as he continues to bash my knee in with the crow bar.

Hours go by as he bashes both my knees in to the point I'm too exhausted to scream anymore. I wince as he continues to strike my body with the steel. "Are you going to talk now?" He asks me finally stopping as stained tears were dried up on my face. I refused to cry but the pain kept sending water down my face. He grabs my wallet looking at my information. "16. Your my son's age." He tells me as I breathe heavy both my knees broken. "Fuck your son. That's why my big sister chopped his chest open like the fucking pig he was." I say my throat raspy as he turns his attention back to me. "How about I go to this address and talk to your mother. What's her name Destiny?" He says as my mind flutters rapidly with the thought of her dead body.

"She's already dead you prick." I say as he smacks me in the face with the crowbar. He reaches into my pocket grabbing my phone using my fingerprint to unlock it. "Well unfortunately for you. I don't need you anymore son. I got everything I need right here." He says as he's holding my phone in my face. "Wait.. wai..." I started to say as he kicks me in my chest knocking the chair over. He holds my phone in my face recording me as he beats me nonstop in my chest in face. My body was giving out on me as he turns the camera over showing his face.

"Indy is next." He says ending the recording as he presses send. "Your father isn't going to like this now is he." He says. I can't talk as I barely manage to look at him as my eyes were swollen shut. He drops the crow bar as he walks towards the door leaving me here. I finally catch my breath as take a moment to breathe. My breathing stops as I hear ticking as I turn my head to the stove. My eyes widen as I see a timer counting down on the stove as it was cooking. The bastard set a bomb on me. Looks like I'm going to be seeing you real soon Diego.


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