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Act 3

2 hours later

Nina POV

It was night as I had finally woke up opening my eyes. The car was dead silence as everyone looked a mess. "Try not to move around too much mom. You're lucky you survived a shot that closed." Cali tells me as she's driving. I lift my shirt up to see I had been bandaged. I turn my head to look at James as he looked angry. Indy was crying as everything started to come back to me. "SHAYLA!" I say loudly as James looks up at me with pain in his eyes. "'No.... no... please no." I say as my eyes water up before I start to cry. She's... gone. I hold my arms on my chest folding myself up as I look out the window.
I remember the day we met like it was yesterday, I start to reminisce as I continued to mourn uncontrollably. My best friend was gone.

20 years ago

Me and Shayla never got along every body knew that. This was before either one of us had met James. She was too different from me and would always point me out about it. We would argue and shout at each other in class every day. Truth be told maybe this was destined to happened. We never did see eye to eye so maybe we were supposed to do this forever. But now we can't. The teacher told us to stop arguing one day or he would suspend us. So we both shut up but Shayla being the petty one got my number from someone and continued to talk shit.

So that day we spent the whole class text arguing with each other. The teacher must've noticed us making faces to the texts we were receiving. He didn't hesitate to kick both of us out as me and Shayla walked to the office arguing still. I blocked her number and promised never talk to her again. That night Shayla came to my house to apologized. And my mom allowed her to go to my room. I was watching tv as Shayla sat down next to me. And of course we were right back arguing but after that day we became best friends. Then two years later she's rumored to be having sex with my boyfriend. I ended our friendship just to find out months later she was pregnant with Indy.

Present day

The car was silent as we finally arrived to our house. I looked in the back to see Shayla's body stiff as I had to get in the house. The thought of her not being alive just makes my mind shut down.

Two days later

James POV

I go to check on Indy as she hasn't ate or come out of her room in days. My emotions were still everywhere I didn't know how to feel right now. Part of me feels responsible for Shayla's death. If I never agreed to breaking Indy out she would still be here. But then Indy would've been founded guilty and would've most likely faced the death penalty. I walk into my daughters room as she looks at me eyes swollen from crying. I go to sit down next to her as she looks at me with regretful eyes. "You should've let me stayed in there." She coldly tells me her voice shaking. "I'm hurt too Indy. I loved her too." I tell her as she pushes me hard as I barely move a inch. "YOU CAN'T SAY YOU LOVED HER!" Indy screams at me as her eyes keep raining tears.

"My whole life you were gone. She was the only one who took care of me." She continues as she falls back down on the bed eyes pouring out harder. Nina walks to the door watching us with a sympathetic look. I try to wrap my arm around her as she shrugs my arm off of her. "You may be my father. But you are not my dad." She looks at me directly in my eyes as I feel my heart sink. "Indy don't blame this on Your father." Nina tells her as she was still healing from her wounds. "SHUT UP! You all played a part in this." Indy storms off bumping past Nina hitting her injured shoulder as Nina shows signs of pain.

"Let her go." I tell Nina as I stand up. "The funeral is next week. So contact her family." I say as I look out the window making sure no one has arrived. "She... doesn't have any family left." Nina tells me as I look back at her. "What?" I asked her as she looks down before looking back at me. "She only had her father and mother... she posted on Instagram years ago that her mom died. And you know her dad was an abusive bastard who walked out on her." She tells me as I shake my head sitting back on the bed. "MOM! DAD!" Cali screams as I jumped up fast moving past Nina running down the stairs.

The tv was playing the events that happened days ago as the security footage had all of our faces except Cali. "Shit." Jr says as he puts his bowl of cereal down walking towards the tv. "Turn it up." Nina says walking down the stairs. "Look at dad go!" Jr says getting excited watching me kill all those officers. Cali looks at him shaking her head in disbelief as Indy watches the screen closely. The footage shows Nina getting shot and dropping Shayla. Everyone gets uncomfortable as Indy immediately turns her head to Nina. "IT WAS YOUR FAULT!" Indy screams at Nina as Nina drops her head feeling ashamed. Indy goes to walk up on Nina as Cali stands between her looking her in her eyes.

"Move." Indy tells her as I walk towards the girls as they both stare at me eyes fueling with anger. "Your mother did this for you. So that you could live your life that you never would've got to live." Nina speaks as Indy rolls her eyes at her. "What's the point of living if I have to live with the fact I'm responsible for the death of my own mother." She speaks her anger finally calming down as she looked dead inside. "Your right. You are responsible." I tell her as Nina slaps me on my chest. "James..." she starts to talk as I interrupt her. "If you didn't react off of your fucking emotions you wouldn't have gotten locked up in the first place. You could've simply told me and Nina about the situation that happened to Cali and we would've handled it." I tell her as she storms off upstairs to her room and slamming her door.

"This is my fault." Cali speaks up as the whole house was turning into a episode of keeping up with the kardashians. "It's no ones fault." Nina tells her as she folds her arms looking at me. "I should've let him just have sex with me... that's all he wanted none of this would've happened if I let him get what he wanted." Cali says as I grow irritation hearing her talk like this. "It's your body Cali. You don't have to do anything with anyone if you don't want to. Especially if your uncomfortable." Nina tells her as she nods her head as I stare at my daughter with a look of assurance. "I promise. I won't let anything happen to the three of you as long as I draw breath in my body." I tell them counting jr as well.

"Oh shitttt!" Jr says as we turn our heads back to the tv as the news had our faces. "What the fuck." I say walking towards the tv embracing what the man was saying. "How did they get all of our faces." Jr says as numbers are shown at the top of our names. "Are those... bounties." Cali says as I look back at Nina. "Nina Renee Moxley, the person who brings her to the authorities will be rewarded the amount of $150,000 wanted alive for questioning." A different man comes on the screen and reads off the bounties. "150,000!" Nina looks at me with a look of fear as she starts to shake. "Indy Kiari Moxley, the person who brings her to the authorities will be rewarded the amount of $500,000 wanted alive for her ongoing murder trial." The man goes on to say as we all look at each other surprised by how high the number is.

"She's just a little girl." I say to myself as Nina looks at me looking apologetic. "Why the hell are they placing bounties on us." Cali asked as the next person being revealed was me. "This man killed over fifty officers. Injured a total of eight. Great men who had families waiting for them to return home. The person who can find this man will be rewarded the amount of $1,250,000 for the capture or death of James Woody Moxley." I look at the screen as my body feels frozen in place. "How do they know... it was you." Nina says to herself as the man from the hospital made his appearance on the tv. Marlo's father, Matthew Davis. The one who threatened to come after my kids, he said he was connected to the mob. Could this be there doing. They must've went through my crime record and got my name.

"Two other suspects were not identified. Now a word from former NFL player Matthew Davis. Be sure to vote for him, the man running for mayor." A lady says swooning over him as he flashes his teeth at her as she leaves the stage.

"We don't recommend you to try to risk your life finding these people. If you see these people please give the authorities a call. And don't worry i promise you'll get rewarded each penny that is promised. After all. It's coming out of my pocket." Matthew Davis winks as if he knows we're watching. Jr turns off the tv as everybody goes quiet, everyone got there own thoughts processing in their head.

He wants revenge for the murder of his son.

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