The End

16 11 1

3 years later

James Woody Moxley, Age 39
Nina Renee Carter, Age 38
Shayla Carmella Bayley, Age 40
Indy Kiari Moxley, Age 22
Cali Nadine Moxley, Age 20
Bonita Amoriana Rodriguez, Age 20

We were older now, and still getting older and tired of feeling pain. All we do is smile and laugh these days. That's the only thing to keep us going.


Shayla knows how to keep us going when we're feeling down. One of the reasons I haven't kicked her out yet. She was our light. Our friend. Even if she was the mother of my child. We were still friends.

We just constantly argue like crazy people... well we are crazy people.

Nina and i had both quit are jobs. No more killing we agreed as the death of Destiny was the final straw. We weren't going to work under governmental officials anymore. No military. No police. Shayla had opened her own little store and we all worked there.

No more killing. This time we were normal.

My child's mother was dead. Bonita was still hurt, I knew it even if she didn't tell me. I know my kids well. Indy never talked about the death of her ex but I know she regretted him. Cali had finally grown up and was having fun with her sisters.

I was happy, seeing all three of my kids get along.

Indy and Cali were almost done with college and Bonita had just started.

I just want to live a normal life.

No more traumatic dreams.

No more nightmares.

I want my reality to be a good one.

At least if I can't get any peace I pray it on my kids.

Nina POV

Shayla walks in the room while I'm cleaning as James is on the bed watching tv. "Is that all you do? Sit in bed and watch tv." Shayla says to James as he looks up at her and sighs to himself. "I did my part for this country. You know? 16 years in the military. Matter of fact! Fuck that why are you still here it's been like 4 years." James and Shayla start to bicker back and forth with each other as I grow annoyed.

"Why can't you two get along!" I snapped at them both as they turn their attention to me. "Because he's a big ass kid." Shayla smears her face up as she looks at James as he looks at me. He makes a face I can't help but to laugh at. "Says the girl whose living with her babydaddy and her best friend." James said as Shayla rolled her eyes. "Hey. Shouldn't the girls be coming back home today, for there break?" I asked James as he shrugged. He didn't keep up with the girls any more as I had to write everything down on our calendar. "James these things are important. We don't get to spend as much time with them." I tell him as he sits up on the edge of the bed and runs his fingers through his beard.

"They're grown now Nina. They ain't babies no more." James tells me as I look at him in disbelief. "You sure? Cause you took it the hardest when they left off for college." I said as Shayla stands by the door looking at us. "Yea. They're still my little girls. But they're adults Nina. I mean Indy is engaged to that rich African boy. So what can I do?" He tells me as I look at him reading his body language.

He was trying to be strong but I can tell he was unsure of what he was saying. "My fears were not having enough money to be able to take care of Cali and Indy. But we've made it financially, you see we can afford for their college tuition. My fear was when both of you first got pregnant, was I ready to be a father? And I am. My fear was... how would I be able to live with myself if my kids left this earth. And that's any parents fear. So I'm done fearing. If my kids are happy. I'm happy for them. It's apart of growing up." He tells me and Shayla as we both stare each other before smiling at him.

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