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Act 3

Nina POV

A explosion explodes as it nearly kills James as it knocks him into a tree. I hop out the car running over to him. Our house crashing down into pieces as he's starting to tap out. I go to him as he's unconscious as I grab him picking him up taking him to the armored car. I place him into the passenger seat as he was losing a lot of blood. Shit. He opens his eyes a little bit as he stares at me with awe. He starts to laugh as we finally make it far away from the area. "That was fun wasn't it." He said as his smile faded as he winces in pain. He grabs a medical kit in the backseat and starts to wrap himself up in bandages.

"I'll be fine." He said while holding his arm as tears start to fall down his face. "Then why are you crying?" I ask him as I drive to my brothers house.
"I miss Shayla." He said as my heart sank as he started to get angry. "I don't want to see you die Nina. I just can't." He tells me as hours pass of me driving as we were in Las Vegas now. I pull up to my brothers house as he immediately comes out to hug me. "Nina, what's going on? You two are all over the news right now." Nino tells me as he had grown to be a charismatic man. He was taller than me and had a goatee as his signature facial hair.

"What are they saying?" James steps out the car limping on his one leg. "Everyone thinks your dead. Theirs footage of your house being blown up. I thought you two died." Nino tells us as we follow him inside of his house. James goes to the bathroom to clean himself up. "What happened?" He asked me as James comes out and has the most red eyes I've ever seen. "Everyone's dead Nino." James tells him as he looks at me waiting for me to say something.

"I've seen the news... I can't believe this shit is happening." He tells us as cars pull up outside as James goes to look out the window. "Is it the military?" I asked him as he shakes his head no. A knock on the door as Nino goes to open it to reveal Matthew Davis. He's alone as he steps in the house to stare James down in his face. James doesn't do anything as he just stares back. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him as he grins at me. "Because I can. I have the money. You see after I retired from the NFL I used the checks to pay the streets. Do my own bidding if I wanted someone gone I'd just drop a bag on their head." He said to us as we all just stared at him waiting for something to happen.

"No more lives have to be taken." James tells him as he sighs in disappointment. "You killed a lot of officers I was paying. A lot of men too. You costing me a lot of money not to mention the prices on your head. Do you know how many families I have to kill all because their sons and husbands couldn't get the job done." He keeps Talking as James had that look in his eyes. "I just want your daughter you give me her and I'll take the prices off your head." He said but I could tell he was lying as James started to look at Nino.

"The news declared them dead. The prices are gone what are you on about." Nino stated as Matthew looked aggravated. "Well I can confirm that you aren't right? All it takes is a live stream." He said as he started to reach for his pocket as James punched him hard striking him down. "You coming here by your self was a mistake." James told him as he grabbed him by his neck yanking him up. "The world just thinks you two are dead! But that little girl still has a high price pending to be taken." He stated as James started to squeeze on his neck taking his breath away slowly.

"Te...xas... right?" He says while choking as James immediately loosens his grip. James stand still frozen as he just stares at Matthew as he stands on his feet. "I told you I had mob ties." He said as he fixed his suit before taking a deep breath and rubbing his throat. "If you touch my daughters..." I start to threat as he interrupted me. "You'll what? Kill me? I'm already dead. You took someone I was proud to call my son!" His voice starts to grow more hostile as we all stand around each other exchanging words.

"You know. For what it's worth. I'm glad my daughter killed your son. He was a worthless piece of shit who couldn't take no for an answer. Spoiled piece of shit!" James was in Matthew face as the two were both getting angrier and angrier. "That's fine." Matthew says calming down before pulling out his phone and dialing someone up. The phone answers as he puts it on speaker phone.

"We have the girl sir." A voice on the other end says as James immediately grabs Matthew by his collar. "Call em off Now!" James growls at him as Matthew starts to smirk widely as he had James's card. James slams him down on the glass table shattering it beneath him. "Boss? Boss?" The man on the line was still on the phone as Matthew winced in pain. "If something happens to me... your daughter will get her precious throat cut open." Matthew said as I didn't know how to react as Nino looked at me with frustration.

"That was a very expensive table." He says as James gets up letting Matthew up as he punches James in his face. He stumbles back as his eyes are getting dangerously low. "Bring them back to the city. I want to talk to her myself." Matthew says as gunshots are being fired over the line. James tenses up as he looks at Matthew with concerned eyes. I was getting scared as I didn't know what could happen. "What's going on? I didn't give you permission to shoot!" Matthew says as gunshots continue to ring over the phone.

"Sir the man with the one million bounty is killing us." The voice over the phone says as Matthew looks at James. "That's not possible he's right here." Matthew says as James starts to relax now as a smirk grows on his face. "My Father wont let anything happen to my kids." James says as he grabs the phone from Matthew hanging it up. Matthew starts to back up as James walks forward looking demonic.

"James can you... try not to break anything else?" Nino asks James as his fist connected hard into Matthews jaw. The punch knocking him on his ass as James started to take off his jacket. "Nina. Head to Texas." He says with cockiness as I just stare at him before he looks back at me. "Now!" He demanded as I walk over Matthew as he started to get up. I head towards the car as there was men outside. "JAMES!" I scream as he comes out and sees the groups of men who were armed and ready to kill.


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