It's not easy being Nina

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Nina POV

I was at work and we had finally caught the serial killer who had been killing all those teens awhile back. He was on the run as me and my partner Antonio was chasing him. "Come on Moxley! Keep up." He tells me as my mind was running thoughts about James. The man runs inside a apartment building running all the way up to the rooftops. Me and Antonio following him as we got him cornered. "Give it up asshole. Time to serve justice." Antonio says walking up to with his gun drawn. My mind zoning out as I look at my hand. My wedding ring wasn't on my finger and it was starting to bother me.

"NINAAAAAAA!!" Antonio screams out as I looked up watching him get thrown off the roof. Splat. I blink my eyes as the killer grins turning his attention back to me. He looks around looking for an escape as I block the exit. He sprints my way as I grab for my gun as he smacks it out of my hand. The gun slides over on the ground as he grabs me by throat choking me. I instantly kick him in his dick as he lets me go. He growls swinging a aggressive punch on me as I stepped back dodging it. "Stand still so I can kill you." He says as I run to get my gun. He grabs me by my hair pulling me back hard as I fall on my back.

He kneels down pressing his hands on my neck choking me as I punch him in his nose causing him to stumble back. He rubs the blood leaking from it as he grins at me. "You got sum fight in you. I like that." He talks as if he's praising me as he walks towards to grab the pistol. I stand up charging at him trying to tackled him down as he throws me off. "You should've brought more men." He tells me as he grabs my weapon aiming it at me. Click. Click. Another click as I had the clip in my jacket. He looks at me with a knowing look as I sprint towards him pushing him off the roof. He grabs my leg as we both fall off the roof crashing hard on to a car. The hood denting in as I landed on top of his chest.

He puts me in a headlock squeezing my neck as my breath was shortening. He applies pressure harder as I bite into his arm. He squeezes harder than before as I bite into his arm with all my jaw strength. He lets go yelping in pain as I roll off of him landing in a puddle of water. I cough catching my breath as he stands in front of me. I punch him in his dick as I swing two fists into his face. I swing another hand as the man caught my arm throwing me down hard. I use my training as I swipe my leg under his legs hard making him fall to the ground. He gets up as I put up my hands aiming to end this situation I was in. I look past the man seeing Antonio still breathing as he was watching on. He looked broken something was definitely broken. "He's still alive. Well I'll make sure to kill him too." The man says as I take my clip out my jacket tossing it at his face. The clip smack him directly between his eyes as his guard was completely open.

All the bullets smashing out once the clip hit the ground. I kick him in his chest using my right leg to crash a hard kick in his knee. He falls down on one knee as I round house kicked him in his jaw. Knocking him out completely as he falls to the ground unconscious. I pick up my gun sticking another clip inside from my jacket. I pull out my phone dialing Bryan's number. "We got the son of a Bitch. Come to Peace st." I tell him hanging up the phone. I go to my partner as he's unconscious. I pick him up taking him into my suv as I drive to a hospital. My phone rings as I see it's Cali. "Yes cotton ball?" I say as she's talking to fast for me to understand. "Mom. Cats been hurt." She tells me as I turn my car around doing an illegal u turn.

"Where are you?" I asked her driving towards the house. "I'm home." She tells me as I pull up to the house. I go into the house seeing Catherine all bloody and banged up. I grab her carrying her over my shoulder as I place her into the back seat. I head towards the hospital as Antonio started to wake up. "Moxley... did we get him?" He asks as I nod as we pull up into the parking lot. Cali grabs Cat holding her up by her arms as she was unconscious. I grab Antonio as something was broke as he kept wincing in pain. We head into the emergency room and a bunch of nurses and workers made their way To us placing both on stretchers. I take a deep breath as I sit down as Cali sits next to me.

"You okay Baby?" I asked her as she looks at me with a traumatizing glare. I pull her into my arms as she just stares at the wall. "Is Cat going to be okay?" She asked me as I noticed the split in the back of her head. I knew the truth but the only thing I could do was lie to my daughter. To protect her feelings. "She'll be fine sweetie." I tell her as James walks into the entrance with his most likely son. He goes to sit next to me as I don't look at him as Jr sits next to Cali.

"I took care of it." James tells me as if that's going to make anything better. "We." James jr says as he looks at James. "We took care of it." He Goes on as Cali puts her hands on her face. "Killing them isn't going to do nothing but make things worse." She says as we all look at her. "She's right. There's a 16 year old girl in the hospital." I tell the boys as they sit back thinking now. The hospital doors open as we all look up to see a woman walking into the building.


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