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James POV

"Come out with your hands above your head we're only going to say this once." A officer barks as they continue to bang on the door. I run to the basement as I push a button on the wall to reveal my gun room. I had plenty of guns and ammo. I always knew something like this would happen so I planned on going out like Rambo. Boom. The door gets kicked in as I hear them above me. They must've been checking Bryan's dead body. There's no coming back from this as I get into position to cover myself.

At least the kids were safe.

Nina POV

I started to walk to our room when I heard glass shatter from Cali's room. "He's a very dangerous man so watch your 6." A man had his back turned as I easily slid my way into my room. He was dressed in a marine uniform as I look out the window to see the marines were here. I start to get nervous as I limp on my leg as the pain starts to return. I grab my painkillers as I take the pills and grab my nine. I look at my wedding ring as I haven't seen it since me and James's argument. I grab the small band placing it on my finger as a man emerges in my room.

James POV

Gunshot. Gunshot. A officer runs down the stairs as I hit him with a headshot. More just keep coming as they keep firing blind shots. Hoping they'll hit me. A hear a female scream through the house as I realize it's Nina. "NO!" I scream out as I got my bag of ammo on my back as I hop out the corner firing wild shots. Bodies dropping as they missed their shots. I duck down as a officer walks up on me with a shotgun. I squeeze the trigger as my gun clicks as I was empty as he's about to fire on me. But he drops by a headshot as I turn my head to see Tre. I haven't seen him since we were kids.

Nina POV

The man grabs me as I try to fight him off of me as he was strong. He squeezes his grip on me as he's trying to pull me out of the room. Adrenaline rushing through my body as I hold onto the door. My grip tight as he keeps trying to force me off the door. Pow. Pow. Pow. The men assaulting me hits the ground gasping before taking his last breath. I look up expecting to see James but I instead see Tre. "What are you doing here?" I asked him confused as ever as he was dressed in military fatigues. "They said we were going after a man name James... I realized it was my cousin. And I just couldn't stand by and watch you two get hurt." He tells me as I look behind him as he drops weightlessly on the ground.

Everything going silent as Tre had been shot dead in his head as he died immediately. I aim my gun at the men in front of me as I fire rapid shots hitting two men. I duck back jumping back into my room as I shut the door. Tears started to fall down my face as I shook my head trying to figure out what I'm going to do. Everyone one we knew is dead are continuously dying. Am I next?

James POV

I breath heavy as bodies was surrounded everywhere as blood started to stain the carpet. I look outside to see if anymore man were out as my leg started to limp. I had been shot as I fought the pain and shut the door behind me. I had to get to Nina, Tre said he was going to get us out of this. I walk up the stairs as I look at the trail of blood as I see Tre laying on the floor. He was lifeless as I turned him over as I took a deep breath holding my emotions in as I walk into my bedroom.

Nina had killed some men as she sat on the bed shaking hard as I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. I dropped my book bag of ammunition as I sat next to her. "We can't sit here right now. We have to go." I tell her as she nods her head knowingly as helicopters started to surround the house. "I'll try to hold them off see if you can make it to one of those armored vehicles." I tell her as she takes a deep breath and stands up. I stand up grabbing her hand before she can leave me as I pull her into my lips. I placed my hands on her cheeks cupping her face as I kiss her slowly. I let her go as I hear men coming up the stairs. I watch her open up the window as she climbs out avoiding being spotted by the helicopters.

I open my bag as I grab a grenade as I pop the stock out, loading a new clip into the gun. Men running down the hallway as I pull the pen and roll the grenade. Boom. My ears ringing as the walls have been destroyed and the men had been killed. I make my way to their bodies as I stack them on top of each other to make a fort. Men keep running into the house as I grab the men's guns emptying clips on sets of ten of men. Things are getting ugly as I was starting to run out of guns and my basement was too far away.

"He's behind those bodies shoot through them!" One of the men say as they start to shoot through the bodies. The bullets getting stuck in the deceased men as I grab another Grenade from my bag. I pull the pen launching it by the front door as it explodes knocking all the men back. I stand up as there has to be hundreds of dead bodies just laying everywhere. I felt like I was in the movie 300 with all these murders under my belt. The helicopters started to distant as they were no longer in the area. That's strange. I hear honking outside and it must be Nina as I start to run down stairs.

I felt a sharp pain hit my arm as I stumble down the stairs hard as I had been shot. I turn around rolling out of the way just in time as I almost got nailed down. Men in suits were firing at me rapidly as I grab another dead body holding it above me. Was it the FBI? No these suits were to fancy and mob like as I grab the gun on the floor lifting it up. I shoot down the men running down the stairs as they slide like bowling pins. I slam the clip inside the rifle I had as I stand up limping my body starting to wear out. I just had to make it outside to Nina.

Beep beep. I could hear her. My wife needed me.

Another man runs inside the house as he starts to fire at me as I swing my arm shooting him down. I got hit in my shoulder as I drop the gun losing my adrenaline. I finally make it outside as a loud explosion sends me flying head first into a tree. My eyes giving out on me as I look up to see the house had been exploded. The house with our memories come crashing down as I take my last breath before accepting death.

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