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" wake up ameera " I felt someone shaking my shoulders. I opened one of my eye to see the intruder and guess what? its non other than my trouble maker brother ,Aliyu.

" What do you want?" I asked him angrily.

" Mama said you should get up and perform your morning prayer. " he folded his arms waiting for me to argue with him.

I groaned

"oh!have you forgotten? today is Monday or don't you want to go to school " he asked smugly...

He knew I love school.Had it been he hadn't called the word 'school' ,am not getting up from this bed till later.

Because of the love I have for school and prayer,I got up and did what was needed to be done . After praying, I did my morning chores ,that is sweeping, washing plate and so on.

Its 7:00am already. I quickly ran to our bathroom which was built with mud to take my bath.

I came out of the bathroom and ran to my room to dress for school.

Few minutes later I was fully dressed and prepared for school. I've had my breakfast.

"Mama na wuce makaranta(mama I've left for school "I shouted. She is inside baba's room.

"Yauwa yar mama sai kin dawo, a dawo lafiya( OK my daughter,come back safe) "she replied.

I left for school, I was in hurry to be I'm school on time coz of how late I was. As the head girl of the school,I should be in school by 7:00am on the dot. The time is 7:40 already and I don't like how these teachers always shout at me for coming late. Kai, waiyo ni ameera.


"Why are you late today, don't you know the rules anymore ?as the head girl of the school you need to be punctual" Mrs Ruben lectured. She is the head mistress of the school..

I mentally groaned. Same old same old.

"I'm sorry ma,it won't happen again" I apologized .

I'm so tired of all the lectures I've received today both from my teachers and also some jealous senior students who want to be the headgirl which was given to me.They have been at my case since then.Any fault they find they go straight to the principal office to report.

Now do you understand this injustice I've been going through? both from some of the teachers and also my fellow classmates?

They are just jealous of me, I never even wanted to be the headgirl. I was shocked when I was given the post. The work is so stressful ,thank God we will be handling the prefectship post to the ss2 student. I'm so eager to hand it over because I want to rest. Waye be son wutu.


It was end of class, we all went to our various houses. I for one didn't go home direct. I went straight to my best friend's house coz it's been long I heard from her. She travelled to Kano coz of her cousin's wedding. She just got back last night.

I knocked on their gate and mallam musa opened it for me,i greeted him as I went inside.

"Tananan ko?(is she around) " he knew who I was referring to.

" eh tananan(yes she is around) " he answered

I said my entry greeting and no one answered. I think they are all in there various room.

I went straight to Aisha's room. I barged into her room without knocking. I saw her sitting on her bed typing away on her laptop .

I ran towards her bed and jumped on her. I hugged her so tight that you'll think I was going to break her bones. I so so miss this girl.

"can-t bre-ath" she said forcefully..i released her from the hug.

" How was the journey?the wedding? boyfriend?, and so on.. Girl,I swear you must gist me about everything that happened " I said eager to hear.

She just laughed at me! Didn't she know the suspense is killing me?

" Allah,if you don't start gisting me right this minute I'll tickle you fa" I warned. Faking my anger.

" OK sorry sorry I will start. Ok I met some one and his name is Bashir we met at the wedding. He is one of the groom's friend. Ameera ,I wish you saw him, he is handsome, chocolate skin ,his father is a billionaire and he just finished his university at London university ahhh...." she sigh dreamily.

I'm so happy she met someone new. Her last relationship was a disaster.If he makes my friend happy then I'm happy for her. .

" I'm so happy for you,if you are destined to be together it shall be"i said hugging her ..she laughed at me.

"Ina tsaraba na yake?(where are my presents?) "I demand like her boss...

I love my friend so much, she completes me and I also complete her. Wink.. We chatted through the whole day.

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