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FIRSTLY,in chapter 47 I  titled the chapter with whether Ameera has a twin sister. She doesn't ,it just a speculation made by Amir coz of how confused and shocked he was when he saw Faisal and Ameera in the restaurant . I'm sure I have cleared up any doubts.

Secondly, this chapter which you're about to read was written with so much love from me to you (my readers❤) ,not that the remaining chapters aren't written with love but anyways you get the drills 😉. The chappy is so heart touching, I almost cry when writing it😪*almost*. Pls show your love for this chapter, take your time when reading it❤  thank you❤


I walk into the hospital with heavy heart. What if the result comes out positive will Amir at least change his attitude towards me?. Would he even tell me what I did to him?. I asked the lady at the front desk if Dr Amina was around and she rudely answered me with yes. I internally rolled my eyes at her, she is rude. I went straight to Dr Amina's office.

I already came for  pregnancy test two days ago and I was told that I should come today for the result and here I'm desperate to know what the result was.

I knock at the door ,I heard a faint come in before going inside. Dr amina smile up at me when she saw that I was the one.  The last time I came she asked of my husband she thought I was a divorcee coz she didn't see any man with me but I had to explain to her that he had a meeting which he quickly need to tend to and she believed me.

" Mrs Bula , how are you doing and how is your health? I hope the nauseousness had stop? "

I gave her a faint smile before answering " yes, I'm doing fine and the nausea has stop"

" Good, we went through the text and I'm happy to tell you that you'd soon be a mother of two beautiful kids, congratulations " she hand me the result.

Me? I'm going to be a mother of twins?. Wow! This is the best news I have ever received, I'm going to be a mother!!.

" thank you, thank you Dr Amina. Wow, this is a wonderful news. I'm going to be a mother"  I began to shed tears of joy, I wish Amir is with me right now. He is going to be a father.

Well, he already is a father anyways.

I promise take care of this two angels inside me. I rub my tummy and silently muttered 'mommy will protect and guide you'. I promise to focus on my unborn child atleast I can take  my mind off Amir and his wicked behavior.

I bid Dr Amina goodbye, I made sure to show her my gratitude by giving her a hug. She was also happy for me. I step on the pedal and my car came to life. I have been learning how to drive a car and now I'm qualified to ride now, I now have a license. At least I don't have to ask amir to take me to wherever it is I want to go.

I drove to our house or should I say mansion. Three days after the incident of the package and the start of amir's behavior, he told me to pack my things coz we would be moving to a new house . I wanted declining going coz I would miss sadiya and the rest of the family but I decided to keep shut not to annoy him more. Now, he doesn't even answer to my greetings, he doesn't even look at me. He always snap at me , most especially when I serve his food,he always complain that the salt is  too much in the food.

It isn't my fault that I make mistakes this days. The work at home is too much, I told him to at least hire a house help but he disagree and told me he isn't going to waste a penny on a house help when he have a wife to do all that. This new behavior of his is making me sick, I tired of all these .

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