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Immediately Ameera went upstairs to her room, Amir left the house to somewhere far away from her. He wants to stop his broken heart and with Ameera closer, his broken heart doubles. He entered into his car and drove to where ever it is his heart takes him too. He doesn't care of the outcome. What more do I have, he thought.

Ameera walk into her room with heavy heart. She is doom, she thought. So many thoughts were swirling in her head, what would people think of me now? How will my parents take this divorce ? With which eyes will I face my in laws when they come to know about this?. She broke down all over again, she slide down the wall just the way her heart is sliding down inside her. She hasn't done anything wrong, why can't Amir just give me at least a chance to explain my self, she thought. The diary was the final blow.

She cry harder now, she cried like she is about to die. She can't take this anymore. She wish she has someone with her to hold her tight. She wish that person would be Amir, she wish he will enter into the room and give her his smile and shout April Fool. But she knew that will never happen, this was real life. She is now a divorcee.

I will soon be a single mother, what will I tell my children when they grow up. Which eye will I tell them that their father accused me of cheating , she thought again. She shake her head in pity for herself. I pity myself ,she thought. She knew she has a fair share on what happened, she knew she should have told Amir about the marriage plan long time ago, she knew she shouldn't have lied to Amir. She should have told him about Faisal. She didn't want to go and meet Faisal that day but she felt pity for him. He was at the verge of doing something grave and if she haven't gone to see him he would have done what he was about to do.

I only helped a soul, I did nothing bad, she thought. If only Amir had listen to her but now, she has lost all hope for that. She drag herself from the floor and climb the bed to sleep it all off, maybe if she wake up tomorrow in the morning ,it will turnout to be all a dream. She was all wrong, cos that is just the beginning of her broken hearts.


I was waken up by the loud sound of my phone's alarm. It was time for fajr prayer already. My head is on fire right now, but why?. Like a dream, everything that happened yesterday rush back to me. I'm a divorcee. I wipe the tears that drop from my eyes

My phone ding beside her, i pick it up to check who texted only to see a text from amir. It says

I want you to feel how heart broken I was when I saw you with Faisal

Down the text, their was a image. It was a
picture of Amir with a lady in bed, both were asleep. I didn't know when my phone fell on the tiled floor, I broke down in tears all over again. Amir has killed me.

Why is Amir hurting me this way? Wasn't the divorce enough? Must he rub it in my face that he slept with someone else after our fight last night.

I groggily came down from bed and walk to the bathroom to perform ablution. I came out few minutes later.

I set the praying mat and face the Qibla to perform my prayer. I pour all my heart out to Allah. Only him can hear me out, he is the only one who can save me from my heart ache. I know all this will come to an end when I have my God with me. He knows my heart, I have never thought of marrying Amir for his money, I only did it just to help my friend. I have never thought of cheating on Amir, I love him with all my soul and body. He is the only man I love with the depth of my heart. I wish I can take a knife and plague out my heart for him to see how it beat for him and how shattered I feels right now.

After the prayer, I folded the mat. I walk to check the time in my phone and it was already 6:50am. Today is amir's dad birthday and I should be at his parent house by 8:00am. How will I face them? Sigh. I leave it all to Allah.

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