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I yawned as I got up from bed, it's already prayer time so I went to perform ablution and pray. After that, I quickly did my house chores cos ya Ahmad asked yesterday if I could accompany him to a company today ,since I have nothing doing I agreed to go.

He said he was going to see one Mr Tope. The Mr Tope was my brother's friend since from primary school , he asked ya ahmad if they could meet concerning matter about teaching or something. Since my brother is a teacher, I knew he applied for other school even if he already has a job. He said something about it's good to spread your knowledge wherever you go, maybe that was why he also want to teach in other schools.

But I kept wondering why meeting in an office why not at Mr Tope's house or at least a coffee shop or something.

Well it's non of my business anyway.

The time was already 7am by the time I finished the house chores, we were to leave around 8am, Why so early, I wondered.

I quickly went to take my bath and wore my clothes. I wore an Ankara clothes styled in a shoki upper wear and a straight skirt with my small Vail and lastly my 3 inch wedge shoe. I decide to dress nicely because I want to look presentable.

I hurriedly did my make up by rubbing a powder and a nude lip stick, and finally my chain bag.

When I was done with everything ya Ahmad called out to me so we can take our leave.

" my baby is looking beautiful " said mama with a smile. I shyly smile because of how all my other siblings were looking. I knew they were surprised I could dress like this. I mean, it's not like I don't like dressing up or something , I just don't find the time to.

" I never new my baby Sis is this beautiful " teased ya kabiru.

I bow my head down feeling so shy. Why can't they just stop the teasing.

" please leave the poor girl alone" my life saver ya Ahmad said.

" can't you see, her face is about to turn like a ripe tomatoe" he added and the rest laughed at that, and I thought he was at my side. Sigh.

" you people should let her be, you are all jealous cos she is the most beautiful girl in my eye" baba said as he came out of his room. I mouthed thank you to him.

" Ahmad are you not running late for your meeting" baba added seriously.

We bid everyone goodbye and quickly left. We stop a napep at the front of our house and ya Ahmad told the napep man where we were going to.

The napep man packed at the front of the campany as we reached, ya ahmad pay the money.

Wow the company is so big. I admired

From the look of it, the building might be up to let say, thirty floor.

SHUWA COMPANY LTD was written at the front of the building. Who so ever owns this company must be filthy rich cos I've never seen something like this in my entire 18yrs of living.

" come let's go inside when you are done with your fantasizing " came ya Ahmad's voice.

We both work in to the company after the security men checked us in of course. I mean with this kind of building you just have to be checked before entering.

When we got inside, my brother quickly gave Mr Tope a call so that he would come to get us. He asked us to please wait for him cos his boss would soon arrive so they have to quickly arrange somethings before his arrival.

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