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The day after the feast I go to the village to seek out Theons friend Ros. I'm no fool so I know what she is but I'm not exactly going to get the advice I need from my mother. I met her several months ago when I unexpectedly found Theon trying to sneak her out of the castle so I promptly helped him get her out before it was my Father that caught him and gave him a thrashing and she jokingly offered that if I ever wanted any advice to find her. Well now seems to be the time.
"Lady Rayna I'm surprised to see you here", she exclaims when I find her in the establishment.
"May we go somewhere private?"
We go into a private room and I'm wondering if I've made a mistake by coming here but she did offer.
"I didn't know that you were interested in my services" she begins and I very quickly realise what she must think I want.
"Oh no, not those services", I laugh feeling rather embarrassed. "Do you remember when we met and you said if I ever needed advice?"
"Ah yes", she laughs as she remembers "Have you found yourself a man?"
"I'm searching for a husband and well I think I've found a potential suitor but I have no experience with how to court men"
"Well what type of man is he?"
"He is a very handsome man, he would be a perfect suitor but for the moment he is sworn to take no wife and I was wondering how I may encourage a man to break that type of oath"
I've become captivated by Ser Jaime. He is unlike any man I've ever met and I want to get to know him. The only problem is the Kingsguard issue but even I know that most men are subject to seduction and if I want him as a potential suitor then I need some help. Last night I could see he was interested, I may not be the only one looking for marriage and I need to act on this opportunity.
"The Kingslayer", she pieces together "From what I've heard he has never taken a lover"
That's something I haven't thought about, if he's ever been with a woman. He's been sworn to the Kingsguard since he was about Robbs age but I doubt he's never been with a woman. He seems far too cocky and sure of himself.
"I'm not interested in taking him to bed", I clarify "But simply how to court him"
"Now that I can happily teach you free of charge", she laughs.
It doesn't take Ros long to explain how courtship works and little things that can seduce a man without needing to be too scandalous. Perhaps I've even made an unexpected friend.
It's midday when I arrive back at the castle and find the boys training in the courtyard.
"Did you know that Uncle Benjen arrived last night?" Jon asks.
"She was a little busy to notice", Theon comments and I elbow him in the ribs as Robb looks less than impressed.
"So why are you so excited uncle Benjens visiting?" I ask.
He smiles proudly as he announces "I'm taking the black"
Before I can say anything a scream echoes in the distance from one of the broken towers.
"Mother", Robb gasps and I hike up my skirts to my knees as the four of us run past everyone to the tower which is now surrounded by guards who form a barricade.
The boys can see over the guards shoulders and I've never seen them ever look so horrified.
"Don't look", Theon says trying to shield my view as Robb looks as if he's about to vomit.
"Jon?", I ask but he looks just as sick as Robb.
I try to push past Theon but he grabs me firmly by the shoulders to keep me in place "Rayna listen to me, don't look"
"My son", a woman wails and in horror I realise the woman is my mother.
"Don't look", he repeats but I push him aside enough to see the broken boy on the ground.
"Oh gods", I gasp as my knees go weak under me and Theon catches me just in time before I fall to the ground "Oh gods Bran".
"Take her away", I hear my Father bellow as he finally arrives to the scene. In the distance I see Jaime watching with an ashen expression as Theon drags me away from the tower, from my broken little brother.


"You fool", Cersei snaps the following day "The boy might live and if he tells anyone"
"Shh, we can outfox a ten year old", I assure her bitterly. I can't get the look on Rayna's face out of my mind, how she collapsed when she saw him. What I did didn't feel real until that moment.
"If Robert or anyone finds out", she begins as she paces the room.
"I know, why do you think I did it?" I yell "for you, for the children and for myself"
"If you had stopped to think for one moment-"
"I did think and I knew it was the only option, you would still be screaming at me if I let him live"
"You were careless", she growls.
"You are the one who summoned me to that tower, screamed at me again which seems to be a recurring theme and then seduced me"
"You fucked me Jaime, this is no ones fault but your own" She screeches again
"Quiet someone will hear you", I snap
"Whatever happens to that boy is your fault and if you love me you will clean up your mess"
"Cersei I do love you, I always have, I always will but no more in the way you want me to", I decide knowing this is the hardest decision I've ever had to make but it's time "Pushing that child is the last thing I will ever do for you, I killed the mad King to save innocent children and you keep making me go against my morals"
I tried to kill a boy of ten. I pushed him out the window and I hate myself for it even though I know it was the smartest thing to do. If he had mentioned what he saw my children could be declared bastards and stoned in the streets.
"What morals, you are a man without honour, a murderer, a traitor and a Kingslayer"
"You know I hate that name", I say quietly as I finally realise how cruel she can be, how cruel she truly is.
"You are a Kingslayer, and you are nothing without me, if I didn't make Robert pardon you, you would have been killed for it", she says knowing exactly what she is doing with her words and there is no regret or guilt in her eyes.
"And if I didn't push that boy chances are you'd be dead already, so would our children", I snap and I know it's time to walk away "We are done"
"Don't you dare walk away from me", she yells as I head towards the door.
My heart wrenches as I do it but I know what I have to do. It didn't feel real until I heard Catelyn scream, until I saw Rayna be dragged away from the scene. I never want to cause that much pain because of Cersei ever again. "Maybe I will leave the Kings guard and become Fathers favourite again, marry that Stark whore as you called her"
"You wouldn't dare"
"My entire life has revolved around you, no more", I finally decide as I walk away for good.

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