Sixty Eight

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I wake in Jaimes arms and I never want to move. I just want to stay right here with him but it can't be that simple.
I run my finger lightly over the still healing scar on his stomach. I've almost lost him twice these past few months and now I'm sending him south.
Gods this is such a mess. Dragon Queens, dead men and that blonde whore.
Sometimes I truly do wish I was Rayna Lannister, Lady of Casterly Rock. Not Rayna Stark, the Queen in the North and the winter wolf.
Why did Robert have to get killed by that fucking boar. If the old bastard was still alive we wouldn't be in this mess. He may have been a fat, lazy king but his reign was the most peaceful Westeros has seen in centuries.
Now I need to deal with Cersei Lannister, that blonde whore and that's a polite word to call her. Surely she must know she is going to lose. She is proud but not stupid.
Then after her I'll have to deal with Daenerys. Perhaps her and Jon should marry, he might be able to convince her to let the North be free.
Then there is the rest of my family in the North. I wonder how Sansa is going, I haven't heard any bad news so I assume the North is still intact. I wonder if her and Arya are fighting like they always used to and, oh shit Bran.
Bran can wait. I can deal with him and Jaime and all that when I return. At least it will be good to see Arya, I hope it was her who killed the Frey's. I'll be so proud.
"What are you thinking about?" Jaime asks startling me slightly, I didn't realise he woke up.
"Too many things", I reply kissing his chest and looking up at him.
He turns his head and looks out the window. "It's past mid morning", he says stroking my bare back with his stump. He used to be so self conscious of it, sleeping with his hand on and not even letting me look at it and then wearing long shirts to hide it. Now he is comfortable with me and he knows that I am comfortable with him.
"We only fell asleep just before dawn", I remind him and he smiles as takes my hand in his and kisses it tenderly.
"I was planning on leaving early", he says and I stroke his cheek.
"They can wait a few more hours", I say kissing his chest again.
"You know that if I stay in bed with you I'll never want to leave"
"I know"
We lay there in each other's arms until there is a knock on the door.
"Oi, time to eat", Bronn yells through the door.
Jaime and I help each other dress quietly knowing these may be our last moments together.
"Rayna, sweetheart please say something", he asks and I turn to face him as I fight tears.
"I don't want this to be goodbye", I whisper hoarsely
"It's never goodbye", he promises taking my face in his hand and kissing me tenderly.
That's what I keep telling myself hours later when I am standing at the gates of Riverrun with tears in my eyes.
Jaime wraps his arms tight around me once he's finished readying his horse.
"I love you sweetheart", he says kissing the top of my head.
"And I love you"
He turns his head and looks at Tyrion who is walking towards us.
"Tyrion", Jaime says nodding his head in greeting.
"Jaime", Tyrion replies and I look between them. Perhaps bringing Tyrion here wasn't in vain. "When you see Cersei can you tell her-, tell her that is wasn't me who killed Joffrey, that I'm innocent, at least of that crime"
"I've always known that you were innocent" Jaime says and the look on Tyrion's face warms my heart.
"Even after father?", Tyrion asks
Jaime nods again and he and Tyrion share a tender look.
"It's time to go", Bronn says mounting his horse "And I expect a raise for being your personal bodyguard in Kingslanding"
"The brothels there should be enough for you", Tyrion replies before Jaime can and they exchange a laugh.
At least if Jaime doesn't return, I've done this one thing right.
Jaime kisses me one last time.
"Wait", I say as he walks towards his horse.
He looks at me patiently as I walk over to him and hold his hand over my stomach "If I'm with child and you don't return, what would you like me to call it"
He takes a moment to think before answering.
"I know that you've always wanted to name your son after Robb", he replies and I smile tearfully "We'll be together again before we know it"
I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hard not caring who may be watching. As we pull away he takes my hand and kisses it with a courteous bow that brings a smile to my face.
I clutch Tyrion's hand tightly as we watch him and Bronn ride south.

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