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The next day I'm sitting beside my window staring out, waiting for Jaime to walk in my door and come back to me. He screwed up badly but he will face what he's done. He will come back, he has to. Even if he sneaks in here in the middle of the night and asks me to come with him.
However when the door opens it's not Jaime, it's Cersei. When I look at her I'm no longer afraid. I'm too numb to feel fear and the weight of the dagger strapped to my thigh is an extra reassurance.
"I'd say this is a surprise but well Jaimes gone so if you want to kill me get it over with", I mutter knowing that she'd come to see me once Jaime was no longer here to protect me. But I can protect myself.
"No, I never wanted to kill you", she says as she takes a seat. She almost sounds kind.
"So having some brute nearly kill me was what?"
"To frighten you, to get you to go through with your marriage to Ser Loras and go to Highgarden". She's not lying, as much as she hates me she knows that killing the North's daughter would only start a war.
"Away from Jaime", I finish. I've spent much time trying to figure out why Cersei is so against Jaime being with anyone but I can't figure it out. Part of me whispers that I don't want to.
"Your Mother kidnapped my brother", she says, hostility creeping into her voice.
"I know he is innocent, I've sworn to my father that Tyrion is innocent but he refuses to listen"
"Finally, something we can agree on"
I realise that she is only here because she knows I'm the only Stark who will defend Jaime and Tyrion to my parents. The only person they may listen to.
"We both want Jaime back here safe and unharmed, same with Tyrion", I say and she nods in agreement "Although I am surprised that you care so much for Tyrion"
"He is still a Lannister and by my pride I will not allow anyone to lay hands on my blood"
"And is that why you despise me?" I smirk knowing that this is a bad idea "Because I laid hands on your blood"
She clenches her hand in a fist as she resists the urge to slap me.
"Careful, remember that Jaime isn't here", she warns.
"He'll be back", I say without a doubt in my mind.
She simply laughs "Stupid girl, he knows better than to come back after attacking the hand of the king"
He loves me, he will come back to me.
"You and I have a common interest but that same interest is why we will never get along. I love Jaime and he loves me, but for whatever reason you think is rational you don't want him to marry", I say knowing very well we will never get along, but we both want Jaime to come back "Now tell me, how do we get Jaime out of this mess"
"You are a clever girl, unlike the rest of the Starks, I can see why Jaime likes you", she says bitterly and I think that may be the only genuine compliment I've ever received from her "Get your parents to release Tyrion and I will ensure that Robert doesn't harm Jaime upon his return, you will convince your father to do the same"
She wants me to help her restore her family pride, I will happily help Tyrion and Jaime as they are innocent, well Tyrion is by Jaime will have some apologising to do. Yet she acts as if I should be grateful that she is protecting her own brother.
"And in return?"
She scoffs "Jaime will be here safe, if you truly love him that should be enough"
"As far as I'm concerned Jaime is safely on his way west, I do love him but what's that worth if I'm going to be shipped off to Highgarden. Get Robert to dismiss him from the Kingsguard so he is free to marry me"
She laughs darkly "You are a clever girl, perhaps you aren't the love sick fool I took you for", she acknowledges "Alright, once Tyrion is back here in Kings Landing Jaime will be free from the Kingsguard"
"Yes once Tyrion is back, because I know he will uphold that promise if you won't", I say knowing very well not to trust Cersei.
"You are indeed far more clever than your Father, you would have done well here if you only did what you were told"
"Where's the fun it that?" I laugh and I see something in her eyes, a crude realisation.
"No wonder he loves you", she says quietly but I can sense the jealousy in her voice "You might be the only woman as cocky as he is"
"So I've heard"

When I go to see my Father he is still lying in bed, I take a seat by his side.
"I didn't know if you'd come see me", he half groans as he sits up.
"You are still my father, as much as we argue I love you, we are family"
"I'm glad to hear it, for a moment I thought the Lannister's took you from us"
He will be disappointed once I begin arguing for Tyrion and Jaime but Tyrion is an innocent man.
"How are you?" I ask first.
"Sore but I'll live", he says. I should have known that's all he'd say, Stark men are hard men. They don't bitch and whine like the southern ones.
"The girls are worried about you"
"I know they are but I'll be on my feet soon enough, Roberts leaving on a hunt and has left me as regent"
"You're regent?" I ask, I never would have imagined my father sitting on the Iron Throne.
If he's regent then he can make a real difference. As regent he is the most powerful man in the seven kingdoms.
"Then we need to talk about the Lannister's"
He groans at that "Rayna, I don't want to argue"
"Then we won't argue, we will have a discussion"
"Alright", he sighs giving up on fighting.
I think carefully about what I'm going to say, I need to be careful with my words "Tyrion Lannister is innocent"
"It was his knife-"
"Like I said, he is smarter than to arm an assassin with his own knife, at least consider that he is being framed"
"Alright, say he's being framed then what of Jaime, I know that Tyrion isn't the only Lannister you mean to talk about"
"I am furious at Jaime for doing this to you, I am not a fool who is blindly in love, but-"
"You still love him", he finishes unsurprised and I know how awful it is but it's the truth.
"He needs to be held accountable for this, and he will be I promise you but as regent I ask that he is promised mercy upon return"
"Mercy", he scoffs "Like the mercy he showed me"
"I've seen him fight, if he was going to kill you you would be dead", I say. It's a harsh truth but it's the truth. "Mother will start a war if she doesn't release Tyrion, for the sake of our house please see reason, find evidence and bring Tyrion to trial here in the Capitol if you must"
A trial is the best way to go about this. To solve this diplomatically instead of starting a war.
"A trial, do you really believe we will get a fair trial?" He asks and I know we won't. All Tyrion would need to do is request a trial by combat and have Jaime fight for him but a trial is a start.
"You are the regent and hand of the king, Robert will listen to you, please ask mother to return Tyrion for a trial"
"And Jaime?" He asks knowing what I'm really thinking about.
"Despite how awful what he did was, he did it out of anger for his brother, I will make him stand before you and answer for his crimes if you agree to show mercy"
"I'll consider it", he agrees bitterly "Just please be careful, do not trust Cersei Lannister"
"Don't worry, the only Lannister I trust is Jaime, I'm no fool as to why you despise the Lannister's but Tyrion and Jaime are different to the rest"
"We'll see"

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