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Sansa and Arya come with me to my room that night. I've always been closer with my brothers, with Robb and Jon but I love my sisters. It's only because of the age difference we aren't close but I'm sure that will change in Kings Landing.
I both hold them close as they cry, willing myself to be strong for their sake.
"At least you told Cersei what she really is", Arya says angrily.
"Arya!", Sansa exclaims. Despite what a bitch the Queen is Sansa still admires her. Soon she will realise.
"It's true, I did", I say numbly "I don't regret it"
They climb into bed with me and I stare at the ceiling as they try to quiet their tears.
"Did you see anything?" I ask them hoping to the Gods they didn't.
"No, Fathers men wouldn't let us leave until he came to get us", Sansa answers.
"Did you see it?" Arya asks.
"No", I reply remembering how Jaime held me back and turned my head away into his chest so I couldn't see.
Once the girls fall asleep silent tears fall down my cheeks. Echo was the piece of the North I brought with me here. I was with Father and my brothers when they found the pups. I carried her home myself and raised her.
I just wish I could have freed her and Lady. They could have found their way North with Nymeria who was the only one to escape.
At least they will be buried in the North.
I know I won't get much sleep tonight. I carefully crawl out of bed making sure not to wake the girls and I stand beside the window. I look down at where it took place earlier and I remember who it was that tried to shield me from it.

My arms are wrapped around myself tightly as I sneak out of my bedroom and down the hall. I vaguely remember the room I saw Jaime enter and I find my way there.
I knock quietly and he opens it looking somber.
"I'm sorry Rayna", he says opening the door for me.
I walk inside and stand there with my arms still wrapped around myself as if they were someone else's that could comfort me. His arms.
"I don't know why I'm here", I stutter, still shaken from everything.
"Why aren't you with your sisters?" he asks.
"I was, I was with them until they fell asleep", I reply  "They are so young and I have to be strong for them, gods I hate listening to them cry when I can't do anything to help them"
He nods in understanding. I know he understands. He was once a young man trying to protect his little brother.
"Why'd you come to me?" he asks even though I told him I don't know why I came but inside I do know. My heart ached for the one person who could numb my pain.
"I know why we can't be together Jaime, for some reason my father hates you and your sister hates me and everything is complicated but tonight can it not be complicated?" I ask weakly "Can I please just stay with you tonight?"
He walks closer to me with uncertainty in his eyes. Then he takes my hand and kisses it tenderly. He puts a hand on the small of my back and pulls me in close to him. Usually he's rough with me but tonight he's gentle.
He kisses the top of my head and holds me in his arms. I melt into him and bury my face in his neck breathing him in. His arms tighten around me and then gently his thumb tilts my chin up to look at him. He wipes away a tear from the corner of my eye and for a moment I believe he's going to kiss me.
"You should go", he says abruptly letting go of me and I stand there feeling shocked and cold just as I did the night my father caught us.
"Jaime please", I plead as I tear up "Please can I stay"
"I heard what you said to Cersei", he says even though he didn't see any reason to bring it up before.
"That didn't stop you from coming after me", I argue as I try to figure out why he is doing this. Being warm and then cold again.
"And then I went after her", he says as he looks over my shoulder.
Hesitantly I turn my head and see the hateful bitch standing in the doorway.
"Ser Jaime is a member of the Kingsguard and you being here is highly inappropriate, you should return to your room before I tell Robert and your Father that I found you here", she says with a calculating bitterness.
I turn to Jaime hoping he'll defend me but he stays silent despite holding me in his arms just moments ago.
I shake my head at him as tears blur my vision.
"Jaime", I whisper wanting him to just say something not caring that Cersei could tell my Father.
"You should go", he repeats and I hang my head as I push past Cersei on my way out.
Jaime was right. We need to stay away from each other. As long as Cersei is around he will always be cold to me. To protect myself I need to stay away from him and the Queen.

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