Forty Eight

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Jaime accompanies me to the dungeons.
"Ah, Lady Bolton my lovely wife", Ramsay smiles greeting me.
"I am Lady Stark", I correct stiffly. Stark. I am a Stark. Now and always. I will not be known as Rayna Bolton.
"Actually she is the Queen in the North", Jaime corrects as he stands behind me.
"Does that make me King?", is what Ramsay asks.
"A man can only become King in the North if he is crowned, you are not a King, you aren't even a Lord, you are a bastard Ramsay Snow, a bastard who is about to die"
He looks absolutely furious knowing he will die a bastard and lord of nothing. Once I used to be afraid of that look in his eyes. I feared what would come after. Now I am not afraid.
"You're afraid", he smirks trying to mess with my mind as always.
As I walk closer to him I declare "I am Rayna Stark, this is my home and you can't frighten me"
"Remember that this is your home every time you walk past that little room I kept you in, that everything I did to you was in your home"
My stomach churns at the truth in it but he will not win.
"Yes, this is my home. I was born and raised here, met the man I love here, was sold and married to a sadistic bastard here, was raped and beaten here, then I killed your whore here, I slit her throat to the bone"
The smirk disappears from his face and appears on mine.
"I escaped, then I raised an army and took back my home, I was declared Queen in the North here, I will kill the man who slit my mothers throat here, I will kill the man who sold me to you here, I will marry the man I love here and I will kill you right here, right now in my home"
He laughs darkly but he is no longer confident, he is afraid.
"Lovely speech but you can't kill me, I'm part of you now"
"Your words will disappear, your house will disappear, your name will disappear", I say as I stare him down "All memory of you will disappear"
"And how will you do it?" He asks.
I look to Jaime who I know would cut him down or torture him if I asked.
But I'm not Cersei, I'm not going to ask him to be my personal torturer and executioner.
And I'm not Ramsay. I'm not going to flay him or do what he did to Theon. As much as I would love to. I have something a bit more poetic in mind.
"I've thought of many ways, but first I want to list your crimes"
"My crimes?"
"You betrayed the North, you hunted down and murdered multiple young women as if they were animals, you beat and raped your wife, you tortured Theon Greyjoy, flayed the Ironborn, unlawfully flayed many innocent people alive, had your dogs maul and kill your step mother and baby brother, you murdered your own Father and murdered Rickon Stark"
"Guilty", he smirks "I thoroughly enjoyed all of it, especially you"
Jaime steps forward, his self control finally snapping and backhands him across the face with the golden hand, making a very satisfying cracking sound upon impact.
"At least I have two hands", Ramsay mocks as he spits blood from his mouth.
"I can change that", I threaten remembering what he said to me on my wedding night.
"Allow me", Jaime offers and with a single swift motion he cuts off Ramsay's hand.
As he screams I answer his question "I considered having you flayed alive in a public execution or finding someone good at torturing to come and chop your cock off as payment for Theon"
"Theon betrayed you", he reminds me as squirms, helpless against the restraints and the blood squirting from his wrist.
"He saved me from you", I remind him "Now he lives while you shall die"
"Enough with the suspense, slit my throat and get it over with", he groans.
I laugh as I step out of the cage and Jaime follows "Slitting your throat is far too kind" I open the gate where his dogs are being kept.
"They are loyal beasts, they won't harm me", he say.
"You haven't fed them in over a week", I remind him "I thought that this would be the most poetic way, the beasts turning on the master"
His screams echo through the dungeon as the beasts devour him. A smile spreads across my face as his screams grow louder.
Slowly they cease.
"Rayna", Jaime says once it's over.
"The Bolton's are dead", I declare "He's dead"
"He is, he can never hurt you again"
I turn to look at him and he looks satisfied at the unrecognisable bloody pulp that is Ramsay.
I take one last look savouring the sight and we walk side by side from the dungeon.

The Wolf and The Lion || Jaime LannisterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin