Seventy One

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Tyrion is the first to speak.
"Was it worth it, risking the entire truce for the Riverlands?" he asks and Daenerys is barely masking her anger as she glares at me.
"Considering the truce stands yes", I reply resolutely "The North is free and so is the Riverlands"
"Rayna, surely you and Daenerys could have discussed this after the war", Jon says harshly, taking her side. Of course despite watching me fight for the North these past few years and taking this chance for it to be free he sides with Daenerys.
"And would you have agreed?", I ask Daenerys.
The question we always avoided and danced around. The one issue we could never agree on. I abandoned it temporarily for the sake of diplomacy but now there is no more pretending.
"I would have considered it", she answers coldly.
"Considered", I repeat knowing the real answer and then I look at Jon who shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
"Our brother died fighting for the North and the Riverlands. I have finally accomplished what Robb died trying to do and I will not apologise for it", I say shamelessly. As I touch the direwolf claps of Robbs clock can almost feel his ghost here with me, telling me that what I've done is right.
"Was Edmure sitting here, was the Blackfish sitting here when you claimed their kingdom as yours", Varys of all people says "What if they don't want it?"
"They declared me their Queen, I am claiming nothing that isn't already mine", I remind them but it's like talking to a wall.
Daenerys opens her mouth to argue but Theon steps forward and stands beside me.
"The Iron Islands and the Riverlands were part of the same kingdom and in that time there has rarely been peace between them. As Balon Greyjoy's oldest surviving son and Yara's brother I say that the Riverlands should be part of the North", he says and Daenerys looks even more angered that Theon is defending me and not her. I'm touched and I hope this doesn't backfire on him. No matter what I will protect him, even from his own Queen.
I hear Jaime exhale and know that he is as frustrated as I am. Except unlike Jon and Theon he doesn't have a divided loyalty. He is loyal to me, and only me.
"I spent weeks in the Riverlands well actually over a year as a prisoner, enough time to know that Robb was their King and now she is their Queen. The Blackfish loves her and he would die fighting for her as he nearly did for Robb and Edmure would rather serve her than a Cersei or a foreign invader", Jaime says and I can see Tyrion flinch. Daenerys won't burn most of the people here but Jaime she would happily have killed right this instant.
"I beg your pardon", Daenerys gapes finally addressing him "I am only seen as a foreign invader because you murdered my father and allowed the Baratheon to usurp the throne"
"If I didn't murder your father there wouldn't be a damn throne at all", Jaime snaps and Tyrion hangs his head and curses under his breath.
"My brother used to tell me bedtime stories about the man who murdered our father, and all the things we would do to that man", Daenerys threatens "I assume you remember just what my dragon is capable of"
"You are threatening my husband", I warn her harshly remembering seeing him charge at that dragon. Knowing that I will defend Jaime over whatever alliance I have with her.
I expect him to become quiet but he has suffered threats and insults for years. He will no longer suffer in silence.
"Yes burning men alive, the smell brought back some memories, standing in the throne room in Kings Landing, watching your father burn men alive", he says and her gaze turns deadly but Jaime isn't finished "Like Father like daughter"
Jorah steps forward half drawing his sword.
"One word from her and I kill you", Jorah warns Jaime.
"I'd like to see you try", Jaime replies with a smirk. He is legendary in Westeros, he said at his prime maybe three men in the seven kingdoms could have been a match for him. He has spent months practicing for hours every day with Bronn and he may never be as good as he once was but he is still better than most.
"Khaleesi", Jorah says looking at her for permission.
"Has Tyrion told you why I killed the Mad King?" Jaime asks her and she looks as if she is about to scream at him instead she looks at Jorah who steps forward and Jaime draws his sword.
"Enough", Tyrion yells stepping between them unable to watch his brother and his queen fighting "There is clearly a lot of tension here, a lot of things that need to be sorted out before we can move forward"
I look at Jaime and I know he isn't happy about me deciding without discussion that he will stay in Kings Landing and march the troops North but he won't fight with me here. We will deal with that later on in private. However no matter what disagreements we may have I love him and he loves me and he will defend me here just as I will defend him.
"I pledged to help the North with nothing in return from you and this is how you treat me", Daenerys snaps "You blindside me by demanding your independence and the Riverlands when you knew that if I refused it could jeopardise the truce"
"Yes, I took what is mine", I say without regret. I have fought too hard for too long for it, for the North. I am not about to surrender it because I offended a usurper.
"Except it is not yours to take, the North, the Riverlands, The Vale, the Westerlands they are mine by birthright", she argues and I shake my head at her.
"I am not Queen because of any birthright, the North is mine by blood yes, it belonged to the Starks long before the Targaryens but that was not why I was declared Queen. I was declared Queen by my people because I fought for the North and I would have died for it, for them. Also I didn't take the Riverlands, they declared my brother King, then they declared me their Queen", I declare looking at Jon, expecting him to defend me but he says nothing "The River Lords declared me their Queen because they respect me. My aunt was Lady of the Vale for years before she was murdered. In my time of need my cousin sent his men to help me because he looked up to me. The Knights of the Vale rode North for me and they stayed for me. I killed the man who murdered Lysa Arryn and brought him to justice for his crimes. They respect me and they have declared for me. I never took anything, I never needed dragons or the worlds largest army to build my kingdom. They loved me and they chose me"
She knows everything I am saying is true but she is too proud and entitled to admit it.
"And the West?" She asks stiffly and it's Jaime that speaks.
"The West rightfully declared me as its Lord and therefore Rayna as its lady. Even then the Lannister men who joined her were never forced to. They chose to", Jaime says defending me "They chose her because she wasn't the one ambushing and burning men alive. She was the one who stood between them and you when you wanted to burn the men who refused to kneel. They then bent the knee to her because they respected her"
If she wanted someone to defend her claim to the west there isn't one here. My husband is the Lord of it and he has not bent the knee to her.
Brienne then leaves my side to address Daenerys "We don't know each other but I am Brienne of Tarth, I am sworn to protect my Queen and her sisters. When other Lannister soldiers from around the West heard what their liege Lords wife did, that she defended men who she didn't know against a Queen with a dragon, that she saved those men after the battle, they flocked to Winterfell to serve the Lord and Lady of Casterly Rock and Winterfell", Brienne says speaking up for me and Jaime "Even as I left to come here on behalf of Lady Sansa more renegade soldiers were arriving to serve her and Lord Jaime"
Brienne certainly has fulfilled her oath to my mother and more, now she is sworn to Sansa and I. I trust her with my life and now she stands before a Queen she doesn't know to defend my honour.
Theon looks conflicted as he looks between Daenerys and I then he speaks up "Daenerys, my sister Yara swore herself to you because she believed that you will be a good queen, Dorne and the Reach swore themselves to you just like the Riverlands and the Vale swore themselves to Rayna. I know that you are the rightful heir to the seven kingdoms but not to all of those kingdoms"
Daenerys and I both look at him equally shocked. He is sworn to Daenerys and that declaration is therefore treason.
"Theon", Daenerys says and I see the hurt of betrayal in her eyes.
"You promised the Iron islands our freedom for swearing ourselves to you, yet you demanded that Rayna bend the knee and surrender her kingdom. I betrayed her once, and it is a mistake I can never take back but I will die defending her. She went to reclaim her home and became a prisoner. We were both prisoners together, I saw her suffer in ways that no one should suffer"
I remember my wedding night to Ramsay. The tears in Theons eyes as he was forced to watch as I fought tooth and nail against Ramsay and lost. Once the thought brought tears to my eyes but my skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel. Now I wear those scars he gave me as battle scars, for it was a battle I certainly won in the end.
"Theon, we have all suffered". Daenerys says more gently than I expected "She may have suffered for it but it doesn't mean it is hers by right"
"But it is", he says treading dangerous ground and we all know it "She was born and raised in Winterfell, when I was taken there as a prisoner to be her fathers ward she treated me as her brother. Then I took her home from her, while her family was in the south and she watched them die. She came back North willing to sell herself to the people who murdered her family to take it back. She risked absolutely everything to take back her home and she did. Until recently you had never even stepped foot in the North. How can you say that you have a greater claim to it than she does?"
That is an question that no one can argue against. Even Varys nods his head slightly in agreement.
"And what about the Riverlands?" Daenerys asks and I know she is seeing her argument for the North and the Riverlands being hers falling apart "What claim does she have to them"
I look at Jon. He has avoided speaking. I look at him pleading with my eyes for him to defend me because he is the only one she will listen to.
But of all people it's Sandor who defends me.
"What the fuck is she on trial for here?" He asks startling Daenerys "You and the other blonde cunt both agreed that she gets her kingdom. I've protected her and both her sisters and if I know one thing it's that they deserve to keep their fucking home. Do you wanna know why so many people chose her?"
"Watch your tongue", Jorah warns half drawing his sword once again.
Daenerys stares at him in shock, I don't think she's ever been spoken to quite like this.
"Because she doesn't fucking burn people alive and take their lands, she protects them", he says to her before marching off.
Everyone is silent and I force myself to look at Daenerys. She looks ashen and worn out. She is used to getting what she wants, through force or other means. Now she is in a foreign land with few surviving allies.
"I don't want to fight Daenerys", I say hoarsely, I genuinely thought we were friends at one point. It had been so long since I'd had a female friend that wasn't sworn to me by duty. Shae, Talisa and even Margaery. They are all dead.
"Well it's too late for that isn't it" she replies coldly. The fire queen, so full of ice. I suppose the opposite could be said for me. The ice queen, so full of fire.
Jon finally speaks "Rayna I know why you did what you did, the problem is that it could have ruined this entire truce"
"But it didn't and now our home is free Jon, the North is finally free", I say, half pleading with him. I am his sister, at one point we were all we had. Just the two of us together against the world. Now he is in love with someone who could very easily become our enemy.
"Were you lying when you told Cersei you wouldn't take any sides?", Daenerys asks "Do you still support my claim"
That's when the thought comes to me. Daenerys isn't Queen, all she has is a claim and most of the people who supported her in Westeros are dead. The Dornish woman, Lady Olenna and now Yara is a prisoner. Their kingdoms are now divided and broken apart anyways.
I have more support than Cersei or Daenerys. If I wanted I could claim the throne as mine. The North and the Vale would support me. At least half of the west would if it meant Jaime would be King. My Father declared that Stannis was the true heir, I could even gather support from the Stormlands. The Reach has no Lord or Lady now and they are in a weak state. They aren't ready to face a war. I could protect them in exchange for their support and supplies. Dorne most likely wouldn't give two shits about who is on the throne as long as we didn't bring the war to their doorstep.
Daenerys cannot have children so her dynasty will end with her one way or another. Cersei is past forty and unmarried. Perhaps her and Euron could just manage to have a child but it's unlikely and she can barely stand the man. Meanwhile I have a child in my belly, a child that has the blood of Lannister, Stark and Tully. That alone would give me a solid claim.
I could so easily take it.
When Littlefinger said so long ago that he saw himself on the Iron Throne with me by his side I thought he was mad. Now the possibility of it is so close I can almost see it.
However the dead are coming and Daenerys has the strongest army in Westeros, not to mention the damn dragons.
Now is the time to make peace, once the dead are defeated then the next battle will be fought. People are already calling it The War of the Three Queens.
"Daenerys I may have the support of the Vale and the West but I just surrendered both, it is yours for the taking and if they know I support you then they will be inclined to accept your rule over Cersei's", I say and her face softens and her body relaxes however Tyrion and Varys both give me a suspicious look "I support you, I always have but all I ask is the North. Not that long ago we said that we would do this together, and we will"
She expected another argument from me but I know when to make my peace. She may trust me but I can tell Tyrion and Varys do not trust that my intentions are honest. However they both want peace so they won't betray me.
"Well then perhaps I may have overreacted", she says swallowing her pride "You are right, we will do this together and the truce is intact"
"Unless Cersei finds out that you're lying and that you support Daenerys", Jon says, as always being the honourable Stark.
I'm prepared to argue with him again but Daenerys steps in "Telling Cersei the truth would have been foolish, if she did we wouldn't have a truce"
He doesn't dare argue against his Queen. Then it hits me. His Queen. I realise that even though I am his sister Daenerys is the one he is loyal to. I feel the stab in the heart and then I look at Theon who risked being accused of treason to defend me, to defend my claim to my home. The Northern Lords will want his head for what he did years ago but I will issue an official pardon. If I could protect Jaime I can protect Theon.
"Well shall we return to Dragonstone now that this is sorted?" Tyrion asks and we exchange a look. Perhaps he is still as clever as he used to be. I wonder if he will share his concerns regarding my loyalty with Daenerys. If he keeps them to himself I would be interested to know why.
"We shall", Daenerys says then I think of the boat. I don't want to get back on that fucking boat. I would rather ride all the way back to Winterfell with Brienne but it wouldn't be as safe.
"Tyrion, it's been a long journey here", I begin.
"Long?", Davos laughs "That's a quick voyage"
I do appreciate Davos but sometimes I do question his helpfulness.
I give Tyrion a look and he clears his throat as he must remember me half stumbling off the damn ship and says "We can wait a few hours to take off"
"And before we know it we will be travelling from Dragonstone to Whiteharbour", Davos adds, always cheerful when it comes to sailing.
Oh no. There is no way in the seven hells I am going to be on that damn ship all the way from Dragonstone to Whiteharbour.
"Actually, I will ride North with Brienne and meet you there", I decide and get confused looks from everyone "I haven't been faring well on the sea lately"
"Very well, we will meet you in White Harbour", Daenerys says and she begins to exit the Dragon Pit with Jorah, Missandei and Varys when Jon goes to follow her.
"Stay and speak with your sister", she orders and he looks taken aback. She exits the Dragon Pit leaving me alone with those who I am close with. Now there is no need for secrecy.
"Will you be alright, it's a very long journey on horseback", Jaime says, concerned as always for my wellbeing.
"I'd rather that then spend almost the same amount of time lying below deck sick to my stomach"
Brienne and Theon give me a confused look.
"Your Grace are you unwell?" Brienne asks. I look at Jaime and the soft look of adoration in his eyes washes away the grief of the argument with Daenerys before. He gives me a small nod and I turn to Brienne and Theon.
"I'm with child", I smile holding my hand over my stomach.
"A prince or princess of Winterfell", Theon says and the joy in his voice warms my heart.
"The heir to the North", Davos adds and my eyes meet Tyrion's. The look in his eyes tells me all I need to know about his suspicions, he is having the same thought I was. I am the only Queen that will have children.
Jaime takes my hand and kisses it proudly. I'll have to have some proper time alone with him before I travel north.
Brienne bends down on one knee. "Your Grace, I swear to protect any children you have with my life"
"I know that you will", I say with no doubt in my mind. She is the embodiment of loyalty.
Tyrion speaks up "I can't wait to meet my little niece or nephew, the child of the wolf and the lion, gods just imagine", he ponders and Jaime smiles softly at his brother but I can read between the lines "Will it be a Stark or a Lannister?"
"A Stark", I answer remembering my own declaration. There shall be no king or queen in the North but that whose name it Stark. I look at Jaime and know that he is fine with this but I also know he wants to father a child who can take his name "But I assume that our second child will be the heir to Casterly Rock so they will be a Lannister"
Jaime squeezes my hand tightly as I speak of having a second child. Our future is so clearly laid before us, we just need to take it.
"I can't wait", he says kissing my hand again not picking up on Tyrion's undertones.
"One child ruling the North, another the west, a truly powerful union", Tyrion says and I know what he is suggesting. He knows I have the strongest claim.
"If only my father saw that years ago we would have avoided much of this mess", I laugh easing the tension.
"It's a pretty picture" Jon says suddenly and I almost forgot he was there for how silent he's been "If we survive this war then we can discuss the future"
Forever the realist.
"We will survive", Jaime says clutching my hand and I know that he would go to the end of the world to make sure we live.
"Yes", I say standing "Jon may we have a word"
Davos whistles under his breath as I lead Jon away out of earshot of the others.
"What?" he asks oblivious to how he didn't defend me despite how fiercely I have defended him my entire life.
I open my mouth to attack him and then I close it. I'm tired of fighting.
"I love you Jon", I say taking his hand "You know that right?"
"Of course", he replies and I know he expected me to argue with him but I don't want to.
"And I know that you love Daenerys but please remember that she is not your queen", I say hoarsely and he turns his head away from me.
"Are you telling me that as my sister or as my queen?" he asks withdrawing his hand from mine and I've never felt so cold.
"As both", I reply and I know he is going back on that ship with her. This is my last chance to keep him loyal to me "Remember where you come from, remember what home is"
"Winterfell, as you constantly remind me", he says and I shake my head.
"It's only home because of family, it is home because it is where Sansa, Arya and Bran are", I reply and his eyes soften.
"I miss them", he says and I nod and put a hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry Ray, I just want to stop screwing around with politics and prepare for the dead"
"I know Jon", I say looking him in the eye "I'm sorry that I never took in seriously, Daenerys was right when she said that you don't understand until you see it. Now I understand and I promise that we will defeat them"
Relief fills his eyes at my words and he brings me into a warm embrace and I tell him "Remember that the lone wolf dies but the pack survives".

The Wolf and The Lion || Jaime LannisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon