Thirty Eight

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It doesn't take me long to realise I am marrying a cruel, cruel man. His whore Myranda gave me the whole speech about him and what he does to women he tires of.
But I am Rayna Stark Of Winterfell, this is my home and I will not be afraid.
It is the day of my wedding, this evening I will be wed to Ramsay in the Godswood.
They keep me locked in my room, telling me that I'm not allowed to leave until the wedding. Myranda locked me in here for good measure.
I should never have left Jaime. I should have let him to come to the Vale with me, Lysa would have likely tolerated him since it meant Petyr wouldn't have been able to be around me. Jaime would have never let it all happen. Even with one hand he would have protected me with his life but now he is far away.
He still loved me, he never would have given up on me. If it wasn't for Littlefinger chances are I would be wed to Jaime by now.
I pull the Lannister ring off my trembling finger and put it safely inside the lining of my chest with his letters. If Ramsay recognising it as being a Lannister ring he would likely cut it off my finger.
I will be wed tonight and I will have to endure what comes with it. I've never been with a man except for Jaime, I pray that he will understand why I've had to do this, that I was betrayed and sold like a whore.
If I ever want to be with him again I will need to kill Ramsay and Roose and every other living Bolton but I can't while I'm powerless.
I am more alone than I have ever been. In Kings Landing I had Sansa, in the Bolton camp I had Jaime and then in the Vale I had Sansa again. Now I am completely and utterly alone.
"Rayna", he stammers and I turn to look at him. At the brother who betrayed me yet I trust him more than anyone else in this castle.
"Theon" my voice trembles as my eyes begin to water. I feel no anger, just fear "Help me"
"I can't"

Roose stands by the weirwood tree where Robb should be and Ramsay stands beside him where Jaime should be.
"Who comes to claims her?" Roose asks.
"Ramsay of House Bolton" he says and with a little smirk adds "Heir to the Dreadfort and to Winterfell"
He then looks to Theon "Who gives her?"
Theon goes stiff under my arm "Theon of House Greyjoy, who was", he stutters and I cringe at seeing what he's become "Who was her Fathers ward"
Despite my loathing I'm reluctant to let go of Theon as he gives me away. The man I knew is long gone and now he is just a broken shell. If Ramsay could turn Theon into Reek what will he turn me into?
"Lady Rayna will you take this man?"
I imagined my wedding day right here in this very place. With my Father and then Robb giving me away. Jaime standing across from me looking at me the way he does. He's never been able to hide the love in his eyes no matter how hard he may try. No matter what comes out of his mouth his eyes have always told me the truth. We would say our vows and he would place a Lannister cloak over my shoulders.
No cloak shall be placed over my shoulders tonight, I shall be given no symbol of protection from the Bolton's.
"Lady Rayna will you take this man?", Roose repeats and I stand defiant but as I see Theon out of the corner of my eye, his eyes silently pleading with me I know that if I refuse I will be given a fate worse than death, a fate worse than whatever Ramsay will do to me tonight. I will be given the same fate as Theon.
"I take this man"
I imagined after my wedding with Jaime that we would make love well into the night then we fall asleep together as husband and wife. He would be mine and I would be his until the end of our days.
Now I stand in the bedchamber facing Ramsay, feeling sick to my stomach. Kissing Littlefinger was bad enough, but the thought of sleeping with this sadistic cunt is far worse. I'm well aware however that it is my duty and expected of me. I will complete that duty but that is all I shall endure from him.
"I've heard many things about you, the most eligible woman in Westeros, the Stark beauty, the Stark whore", he says as Theon stands by the door "I believe you were to be Lady Tyrell and then Lady Lannister at one point but well I heard about the Kingslayer and his one hand"
I just stare at him in silence not trusting reasonable words to leave my mouth.
"He couldn't please you well with one hand I imagine", he laughs "Speaking of which do you still have your Maidenhead"
"No", I answer honestly, it's not exactly a secret.
"Ah well can't be perfect, now tell me are you still loyal to the Kingslayer, do you still love him"
"No", I lie.
He backhands me hard across the cheek, catching me off guard and I stare at him in shock "Your eyes speak the truth, I'll be sure to let him know of our marriage"
"Do not lay a hand on me", I warn and he only hits me again.
"I will not be an obedient little whore", I sneer. I will lie with him as it's my duty but I will not let him beat me into submission.
"Clearly not, you are feisty, I like feisty, it makes this so much more enjoyable", he grins as he grabs me by the throat.
"Theon", I choke pleading for him to help me by no help comes.
"Now we are going to consummate this marriage one way or another", he says squeezing my throat more tightly.
"Reek I want you to watch", Ramsay instructs and I gape at him in horror "We need proof that our marriage is consummated"
He releases his grip on my throat to undress himself. I will not be humiliated like this.
"What did you say?"
"No", I repeat standing my ground.
He hits me again and I strike him right back.
He goes to hit me again but I duck under his arm and grab my dagger strapped to my thigh. I go straight for the neck but he catches my wrist and begins crushing it. I scream out in pain as throws me to the ground and I clutch my wrist. When I try to grab it he kicks me in the ribs until I'm unable to get up.
He picks my dagger up off the ground.
"Well this is a pretty dagger", he comments as he bends down in front of me and holds it to my throat. Theon stands there with fear in his eyes as I silently plead for him but I know that he can't defy Ramsay.
"I can't kill you but I can hurt you, a wife must be obedient", he warns "So you choose, will you be obedient or do you choose violence?"
"I choose violence"

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