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The next morning I wake in Jaimes bed but when I reach across to touch him I find nothing but air.
"Jaime", I mumble as I sit up.
"Morning", he says and I see him putting on his armour. I look out the window and see its daylight.
"What time is it?" I ask
"Mid morning", he answers then he comes and sits beside me and touches my cheek with a guilty expression.
"Why didn't you wake me, everyone will be wondering where I am?" I exclaim immediately starting to panick.
"Perhaps it's best you stay hidden today unless you want to explain last night to your father", he says and I jump out of bed and run to the mirror to see my cheek and neck bruised.
"Shit, I can't hide this from my Father or my sisters or even the damn Septa"
"I should have heard you earlier, I should have gotten there sooner", he mutters
Now I'm no longer shaking I can comprehend what happened last night.
"Cersei knew I'd run to you, she put a Kingsguard outside my door to deter me and I fell right into her trap"
"She's clever"
"She's wicked", I correct "Purely wicked"
He takes my hand in his "Now she knows about us there's no point in hiding from her, or your father for that matter", he adds
"As far as my fathers concerned he believes this is one sided, that you don't love me and I'm a stupid girl for believing you do", I tell him and I won't lie, in that moment I thought it could be true and that it makes sense but I trust Jaime.
"You know that's not true", he says offended by what my father said and implied but more concerned about whether or not I believe him.
"I know", I say kissing his hand which is intertwined with mine "He thinks I'm a fool for believing you would leave the Kingsguard for a girl you've known for a few months, that you couldn't possibly love me"
"I never expected to fall in love with you Rayna, it was the last thing I thought could be possible", he confesses and I see that there are so many unsaid words still on the top of his tongue, I suspect they are to do with the other woman he loved "Being with you has been like discovering everything again for the first time, rediscovering love, sex and to be honest myself"
I can almost feel his heart open to me, him laying himself bare for me. Gods I adore him. Falling in love was something I hoped for but never expected. Now I love Jaime I can't remember how I lived without this love in my heart and I can't imagine ever living without it again.
"I know that I'm not your first love, but I hope I will be your last", I tell him and he kisses me softly, careful in case he hurts me.
"You are", he promises as he caresses the side of my face and runs his thumb over my lips and then the bruise on my cheek.
"What do I do Jaime?" I ask "What would happen if I told my father about Cersei's threats, he could tell the King"
"Nothing good would come of it, she'd only seek to silence you", he mutters "I will deal with Cersei, if he asks tell him someone attacked you in the halls and that he is now dead, as hand of the King I'm sure he will be aware of the dead body I left"
I nod and he kisses my forehead. "I need to go but stay in here as long as you need"
"What if Cersei-" I begin.
"If you think she is going to hurt you or send someone after you, even if you think you're just being paranoid come find me or send someone you trust to find me and lock yourself in here, I'll come as soon as I can"
I nod "If I'm afraid I'll find you myself or send one of my sisters to find you, and I'll come here"
He walks over to his drawer and pulls out dagger with a golden handle that I assume is Lannister gold.
"Keep this on you, at least then you can defend yourself", he says as he presses the handle into my palm.
"Thank you", I say and he gives me one last kiss before leaving.

As I return to my room I keep my head lowered and let my hair cover my cheek and neck.
When I enter I change my dress and wear one with a high neck to cover the bruises.
I look at myself in the mirror and know that I won't be able to hide it but I can try. I use powder and whatever else I can to try and conceal it but nothing works well enough. I inspect the dagger, Valyrian steel. The hilt is red and gold adorned with Lannister designs as is the matching sheath for it. Both the dagger and the sheath are slim, almost as if it was meant to be a concealed weapon. Jaime has no need for concealed weapons or daggers so I imagine this was given as a gift by some distant Lannister that's sat in his draw for years judging by the dust on it.
I find a garter and use it to strap the knife to my thigh. It's comfortable enough but it will take some getting used to the weight of it.
A knock at the door startles me but I stand and compose myself.
"Who is it?" I ask
"Just me," Father calls and I swallow hard. He can't see me like this.
"I'm unwell", I answer
"I know we argued yesterday but I want to explain myself, my reasons"
I should have known he'd come. He hates leaving things on a bad note especially with us girls.
"Father please not now"
But then I see the door is unbolted and before I can move to bolt it it opens and Father enters.
I turn towards the window.
"Please I'm unwell", I repeat but he grabs me arm and turns me to look at him.
"Father-" I begin as he brushes the hair off my face and then he pulls down the fabric covering my neck.
"Who did this to you?" He demands and I can't bring myself to look at him "Who did this?"
When I refuse to answer he asks "Was it Jaime?"
I look up at him in disgust at the accusation "Do you seriously think that low of him to think that he would do this to me?" I growl unable to even imagine Jaime ever harming me.
"I wouldn't put it past him", he says quietly and I see how much he truly despises Jaime.
"Jaime saved me from the man who did this to me," I snap remembering the story "Some brute attacked me in the halls last night and Jaime heard me screaming and cut the man down before he could do any more harm to me"
"Then how come the body was found around the corner from Jaime's room,", he asks "What were you doing there?"
Shit. "The brute was following me and I didn't want him to know that I was suspicious, for I feared if I let on that I was afraid he would strike me down and well, I feared he would do the worst to me. I knew you were attending to business in the tower of the hand so I walked to Jaimes room as he was the only other person I could think of turning to. I prayed the man would stop pursuing me but he didn't, he put a knife against my my throat, and well he tried to harm me. Jaime had heard me screaming and run out and cut the man down before he could do any further harm", I cry and he wraps his arms around me and I know I'm safe. What I said was true aside from Cersei's involvement. If Father knows Cersei hatched a plan to assault me, possibly kill me than it could start a war between the Starks and the Lannister's.
"I'm sorry Rayna, I'm just glad your safe", he says. I love my Father I truly do but some say Starks have quick tempers and slow minds. I certainly have the quick temper but I am not like my father. He lets honour blind him, he would die for his honour and he would never break an oath or resort to tricks like I would.
He isn't a liar but I am.
"Jaime walked me back to my room and made sure I was alright before leaving, can't you see that he cares for me" I say knowing now is the time to plead our case to him, to convince him that Jaime does love me "This is the second time Jaime has saved me, both times he wouldn't leave until I was safe. During the riot he was the only one who came for me, he abandoned his duty to protect the Queen to save my honour and my life, and last night he saved me again"
"As any decent man should", he says dismissing it but I know I am getting somewhere with him.
"Father, please don't let your prejudice blind you, Jaime truly cares for me, he loves me and I love him"
He can't meet my eyes as he says "Even if he does love you it's too late, the Tyrells are planning the wedding to Loras"
"Father please stop the wedding", I beg no longer being coy or trying to manipulate him into approving Jaime. I just want this damned engagement to end.
"I'm sorry Rayna, I truly am but I warned you not to get involved with him", he says and he walks towards my door
"Father where are you going?" I ask, this conversation isn't over.
"I have work to do, between running the seven kingdoms and looking into Roberts bastards I don't have time to argue this with you for the hundredth time. I'm sorry but you are marrying Loras and that is final"

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