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I'm locked in the Black Cells in solitude staring into the oblivion for what seems like eternity before Cersei visits me.
"Well haven't you caused quite a scandal, runs away from her own wedding and then attacks the guards", she taunts seeming pleased with herself.
"Go fuck yourself", I spit, my mouth is so dry and I've never been this hungry in my life.
"My brother", she begins and she notices how my head perks up "Tyrion has escaped custody through a trial by combat in the vale, it appears I don't need you", she says as smug as ever "I'm sure Tyrion would have followed through on releasing Jaime but well, he's about to go to war with your brother who is rebelling against the crown over your fathers arrest"
"Good", I say curtly, Robb is the Lord of Winterfell now and there is no one better to lead our army "Now are you hear to give me water or to be a smug whore"
She only chuckles to herself as she plays with the flask she holds "You know why your father is here, don't you?" She asks, she expects me to say because he tried to keep Joffrey from the throne but I know the truth.
"Because you fucked your brother and your children are bastards born of incest", I tell her and her eyes widen in shock but I simply laugh
"Jaime told me himself that it was true, and I know that he's the one who pushed my brother", I laugh and cry psychotically as the cells finally take their toll on me "The man I'm in love with crippled my brother because he saw him fucking his sister"
"And what do you plan on doing with that information?" She asks finally seeming afraid. Knowledge is power.
"Nothing", I reply remembering what I promised Jaime "There's no point, I don't want to ruin Jaime and I don't care if your bastard sits on the throne"
"Good", she says seeming relieved but she knows that I have the power to expose her "Your sister begged Joffrey to release you, Joffrey saw you as brave for fighting off the guards actually he thought the tale Sansa spun was rather entertaining, with all the blood and gore of it but he sees your father as a traitor, do not expect any mercy for him"

Guards come and remove me from the cells and escorted to my room where Sansa is waiting.
I run to the table and skull the jug of water until I'm choking on it.
"By the Gods Rayna", she exclaims as she sees my disheveled state.
"How long was I down there?" I ask
"Almost two weeks", she replies and I want to scream, it's true what they say those cells do to someone.
"How did everything go to shit so quickly", I laugh then I look around "Where's Arya"
"She's missing, she escaped"
Gods on top of everything Arya is gone. She could be dead. I can't do this. I can't deal with this but I need to be strong for Sansa's sake.
"Hopefully she'll manage to find Robb, we still have allies and perhaps one of them got her out", I hope. That's what I'll tell myself, I can't bare the thought of her lying dead in a ditch somewhere in fleebottom.

I spend the next few days recovering physically and mentally. I can't lose my mind like I did down there. I need to be strong and sharp to survive this, to protect Sansa.
Almost a month has passed since my Fathers arrest. Sansa and I have been forbidden to see him despite her pleas to Joffrey.
Every morning I've been vomiting from the pain, the uncertainty. I just want everything to go back to how it was.
A handmaiden is changing my linens one morning when she asks "Do you require anything for your monthly cycle?"
With horror everything clicks and I realise.
"No", I say quickly "I have everything I need"
As soon as she leaves I get a glass of red wine and spill it on my linens. Cersei can't know.
Oh gods help me.
I go straight to Sansa's room praying that this isn't happening. "Sansa", I stutter as I enter and lock the door behind me.
What's wrong?," she asks and I sit beside her not knowing who else to turn to.
"I've been vomiting every morning for the two, three weeks and I've missed my time of the month"
The last time I got it was after Jaime left Kings Landing. I should have gotten it weeks ago, around when I returned to Kings Landing but I haven't. Which means that if I'm pregnant it has to be from that night I spent with Jaime in the camp. If people look at the times they will be able to piece together that I got pregnant after I ran away from my wedding.
"You can't be pregnant you're a virgin", she says so naively, assuming that because I'm a noble lady I must be virtuous.
I shake my head and start crying.
"Is it Jaimes?" she asks and I nod through the tears.
"Jaime is the Father and house Stark is at war with the Lannister's"
"Does he know?" She asks, she doesn't know about Bran yet so she doesn't know just how bad this truly is.
"No, if anyone knows it's Jaimes we are both fucked, I'll need to lie"
"How did everything fall apart so quickly, Aryas gone, Fathers a prisoner and here we are", she says tearfully.
"We are Starks, we will survive this, winter is coming and it will only get worse", I say pulling myself together "We must remain strong"
I am pregnant with Jaimes child. If Cersei finds out gods know what she will do. Father can't protect me, I'm alone here and I have Sansa to protect. I'd only be a month and a half along, if I'm lucky I have another two before it will be hard to hide, I still have time to figure something out.

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