Thirty Five

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Aunt Lysa has summoned me to speak with her. For what I don't know, I can only guess.
Littlefinger most likely so I'm preparing myself for a jealous rampage. Which honestly would be rightly so. I haven't seen Littlefinger since we kissed in the courtyard yesterday and he told me about what he really wants.
The Iron Throne.
I've thought about how he thinks he may achieve that and I really don't know. He would have to kill off Cersei and her children. Stannis and his family. Many many others. How he would claim the throne I don't know. He is either the smartest man or the most mad man I know if he believes he can achieve it.
Lysa is standing next to the moon door when I enter.
"You asked to see me Aunt Lysa", I say as I approach her, feeling the reassuring weight of my dagger strapped to my thigh. Another damn reminder of Jaime. It's hard not to think of him whenever I see the handle made of Lannister Gold. Then there's ring he gave me, a Lannister ring. Which I still wear despite everything.
"Yes, come here Rayna", she says beckoning me towards her. She smiles down at the ground through the moon door. I've never feared heights but that door unnerves me, however aunt Lysa's unsettling calmness unnerves me more.
"Do you know how far the fall is?" She asks, an unusual and alarming question.
"No", I answer calmly.
"Neither do I precisely" she responds "It's fascinating what happens to bodies when they hit the ground from such a height"
"I can imagine", I comment swallowing hard.
"I don't think you can, until you see a head on its own, not one hair missing, blue eyes staring at nothing"
My head flicks towards her and I know a threat when I hear one. Blue eyes, my blue eyes. She is that undone I don't know if she would seriously harm her own niece.
"I know what you did", she says not looking at me, looking straight to the ground. Here we go.
"Did what?" I ask knowing not to admit to something if I don't know what I'm being accused of. However in this case it's fairly obvious.
"Don't play coy with me you little whore, you kissed Petyr", she sneers violently.
"Aunt Lysa you must be mistaken", I say calmly trying to deescalate the situation.
"You can't lie to me, because I saw it with my own eyes", she screeches grabbing my arm with an iron tight grip.
"Lysa he kissed me but I had nothing to do with it", I insist but I sharp gasp escapes me as she grabs me by my hair and pulls me over to the moon door and I have to grab the edge to keep from falling, not daring to let go to reach for my dagger.
"My father, my husband, my sister, they all stood between us and now they are all dead", she yells into my ear gripping my hair harder as I try to pull myself away from the edge and she screams "That is what happens to people who try to stand between Petyr and me!"
My hand lets go of the edge to reach for my dagger but a scream escapes me as I'm caught off balance and nearly fall, my hand barely catches the rock to steady myself.
"Look down, look down!", she screams pulling me by the hair over further.
"Let go of me you crazy bitch!", I scream knowing that I can't die like this.
"Lysa", his voice says from behind us and I've never been so relieved to hear it before in my life "Let go of her"
"You want her", she sneers at Littlefinger "This whore"
"Let her go", he repeats in a dangerous tone.
"She's just like her mother she will never love you", she cries "I lied for you, I killed for you, why is she here"
My heart stops at those last few words, she killed Jon Arryn. She will kill me.
"I'll send her away, let her go"
Her grip slackens just enough that I push myself away from the edge and stumble backwards, backhanding her hard across the face as I tear myself free from her grasp and stumble as fair away from that damned door as I can. In a split second I've drawn my dagger and make sure there a considerable amount of distance between us. She tried to kill me. She truly would kill me.
"Lysa I don't want to hurt you", I warn, I may have no guilt when it comes to killing those who harm me but I don't want to harm my own blood.
Petyr looks to me , his eyes asking if I'm alright and I nod. Lysa falls to the ground sobbing and Petyr approaches her.
"Oh my sweet, silly wife", he says as he comforts her and brings her to her feet, calming her. I lower by dagger cautiously.
"I have loved one woman, only one my entire life", he says and Lysa smiles at him, love struck as always and I relax "Your sister"
A scream is ripped from my throat as he pushes Lysa through the moon door without hesitation, without remorse.
In Kings Landing I always heard he was a dangerous man, I always thought he was cunning but never dangerous.
Now I know.
Littlefinger is a dangerous man, far more dangerous than I ever believed to be possible.

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