Twenty Nine

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Jaime and I are standing off to the side the hall of the wedding feast for some privacy while we're happily drinking. He then sees the look in my eye and turns around to greet Roose Bolton.
"I didn't expect to see you here alive", he says to Jaime
"That makes two of us", Jaime says raising his glass.
"It's rather crowded in here isn't it", he observes "You should get the maester to look at your arm, he's just outside the hall", Roose suggests and something about it doesn't seem right.
Jaime considers for a moment and I can see the suspicion in his eyes "You aren't going to have me killed are you?" he laughs but neither of us are amused.
"No, I've been speaking with your Father, when you go South please refrain from telling him I sent you to Robb Stark", Roose asks of him.
"Why have you been speaking to Tywin?" I ask stiffly. He is Robbs bannerman he should not be speaking to the enemy.
"He heard rumours his son was under my roof, and well I've been trying to avoid his wrath", he answers and I nod. Reasonable enough but I'm still suspicious of him. The excuse is almost too reasonable.
"Fair enough, it was my choice after all to go North", Jaime says believing it "I'll go see the maester, it is rather crowded and lots of unfriendly stares"
Roose nods and walks back to my Mother who is seated with Robb and Talisa.
"Jaime are you sure?" I ask quietly.
"What man would harm a guest under his own roof?", Jaime says knowing the unspoken laws surrounding it "And besides I'm leaving tomorrow and it can't hurt to check it"
"Something isn't right, this whole situation is off", I whisper. Between Walder Frey and Roose this doesn't seem right.
"I know but let's play along with it", he responds quietly as he kisses my hand. Everyone here knows about our relationship but our engagement isn't public knowledge yet. Most only tolerate us because they don't know what he did to Bran. My family has kept that knowledge to themselves thankfully.
"I'll come check on you soon", I say squeezing his hand knowing I am not leaving him alone for long, I watch carefully as he walks outside to the maester.
"Rayna", my mother calls and I put on a smile as I walk over and take the seat in between her and Robb. Being with them both calms me somewhat.
"Mother", I smile as I take another drink.
"I've been meaning to speak to you about Jaime"
"What about?" I ask confused as she doesn't seem pissed saying his name for once.
She and Robb share a look "I'm happy that you have found a man who loves you as deeply as you love him. I may not like him very much but I am happy for you and I look forward to your wedding", she says and tears of relief come to my eyes "And so does Robb"
I look to Robb and break out in a large smile as he says "I am, I'm happy for you, that you've found the love that I have with Talisa" then continues on "We can't forgive him for Bran, you know that, but he is a different man to who he used to be"
"Thank you, and he is", I agree, finally they've come around "I certainly can acknowledge he wasn't the best man when I met him but the man he is now he is a good and he wants to be honourable"
Robb and Mother actually smile and Talisa says "So there will be another wedding"
"At least I'll be able to attend this one", Mother laughs. She has finally warmed up to Talisa, considerably since Jaime came. She doesn't seem as bad now in her eyes compared to him.
"I'm sorry for all the fighting Robb", I say squeezing his hand "You are my brother and I love you, remember that although I may be marrying a Lannister I will always be a Stark"
He presses a chaste kiss to my forehead "Always"
"Where's Ser Jaime?" Talisa asks noticing his absence.
"Outside, Roose sent him to the maester", I answer and I check to make sure Roose is far away before I lower my voice "Robb Roose Bolton been speaking to Tywin, he claims it was because Tywin learned he had Jaime at Harrenhall but I don't believe him"
"Why?", Robb asks, still trusting too blindly in his banners despite my warning.
"He was willing to give me to the Queen, he isn't loyal and if he's talking to Tywin"
His face falls and mother looks on edge "I'll handle it after the feast"
"No we will handle this now", Mother says curtly "Rayna if Roose is in cahoots with Tywin then you will be safest with Jaime"
"I'm not leaving you here with him", I argue as the fear starts to set in. Out of the corner of my eye I see Roose talking to the guards manning the doors.
"Go to Jaime", Mother says watching Roose as well.
"Mother", I argue, I'm not leaving them here with Roose.
"We have guards we will be safe but just in case go to Jaime", she pleads. I turn to Robb and he nods his head in agreement.
"Go, I'll deal with Roose", he says squeezing my hand and I quickly leave my seat and head towards the door before anyone can notice I'm leaving. Roose has his back turned as I manage to slip out the door amongst some servants.

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