Ch 46 Greninja

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"C'mon out !"

"Let's go lucario"

As if they read each other's mind, both fighting pokemon came out slamming their arms against one another then landing with perfect balance.

"Lucario?" Red checked his pokedex, "Wow, this is quite the pokemon. Its stats are really high and it can sense, aura? Don't know what that is ( lying to The Sinnoh Champion) but it sounds interesting!"

"Alright , it's an unfamiliar foe but that's exactly why it's the perfect opponent for you," Red told it confidently.

"Let's see that then," Cynthia answered.

"With pleasure! Go Greninja!"

Greninja ran straight towards Lucario, barely seconds he had gotten in arm's length.

Its fast, Cynthia was surprised and she doesn't know nonthing about this pokemon.

Lucario looked at the water pokemon calmyly.

Cynthia smirked, but-

Lucario put his palm in front of Greninja with the same blinding speed. Both Red and Greninja didn't even have time to blink. With a large blast Greninja flew right back at Red.

Red caught Greninja and fell down on the ground, "What was that?"

Red's question was answered by the audience.

"An aura sphere attack"

"So Coooool!"

"I want a lucario!"

Red checked his pokedex, An aura sphere, this is one high level attack. If Greninja gets hit by too much of these it'll be game over for me.

Red kneeled down and whispered to Greninja .

"Listen up Greninja , this lucario is like something you've never faced before, so let's try out that battle style we trained and give that guy a run for his money."

Greninja grinned liking the idea, Cynthia saw this and found it unsettling.

What are you planning Red?

"Okay Greninja let's go double team," Red said excitedly.

Greninja multiplied forming around Lucario. Lucario readied himself for an incoming attack by the original. This made Red grin widely.

"Now Greninja DOG PILE!"

...Everyone was dumb struck.

"Did he just say 'dog pile'?"

"Is that even a type of attack?"

While everyone was stunned Greninja and all of his illusionary clones charged towards Lucario. Lucario not being able to comprehend to the immediate situation fired an aura sphere towards one of them. The aura sphere hit but unfortunately the wrong one.

"Got ya! Greninja Hydro Pump." Red exclaimed.

Behind lucario a burst of water sent him flying down the stairs towards the entrance to route 211. Cynthia quickly ran towards her lucario, Red and Greninja quickly followed as did most of the crowd.

Down the steps lucario had already regained its composure although its fur was soaking wet and its foot seemed to have been damaged, Cynthia noticed this.

He must have twisted it when he landed. This is going to decrease his speed and evasiveness. Cynthia thought worriedly.

Half way down the steps Greninja jumped towards lucario.

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