Chapter 6: Clumsiness and Violence

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It was the middle of the week and I was honestly so bored

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It was the middle of the week and I was honestly so bored. I hadn't seen Yoongi's annoying face in almost a week and I had to admit life was a little dull.

For a matter of fact, it seemed that all the boys had fallen off the face of the Earth. I still had BamBam and Jisoo, but I missed the bit of strangeness they added to my life.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when the locker beside me slammed shut. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that it was none other than Baekhyun.

He'd been nagging me about missing his game, and despite me apologizing a billion times he couldn't seem to let it go.

"Jihye-ahhhhhh make it up to meeeee." I turned to face the whining boy, finally fed up with his attitude.

"What do you want me to do, I already said I was sorry!"

"I want you to um-"

I gave him an irritated look. He didn't even know what he wanted but he continued to bother me.

"Fine how about this, I'll owe you a favour."

I wasn't one to enjoy owing people, but it seemed like this was the only way to get him to shut up.

Baekhyun's eyes lit up like I had offered him chocolate, and he nodded enthusiastically.

"Your so smart Jihye, that's a great idea!"

The elated boy sauntered off and I hoped that would get him off my back for at least a little while.

Just when I thought, I could perhaps go about my day peacefully a hand landed millimetres from my face.

Startled I glanced at the locker to see that a small dent had formed. Why was the hulk near me?

"Stay away from the boys, you've already inconvenienced everyone enough. So if you have even a shred of sanity, keep away for your sake and for there's."

I raised an eyebrow, unamused and confused by the boy's rudeness. "And you are?"

"Kim Namjoon, but you'll address me as RM."

"Well sorry to burst your bubble Namjoon, but you can't tell me what to do."

He glared at me fiercely, and I matched his gaze unwilling to submit.

"You better watch yourself, bitch."

Now, if I had learned one thing from overbearing mother, it was not to let anyone get away with calling you such a derogatory term.

Internally thanking myself for wearing a shoe with a bit of a heel, I brought it down hard onto his clothed foot.

I noticed him wince, and he angrily pushed himself away. I watched as his fists clenched and unclenched. After seeing what happened to that locker, I prayed that my face didn't end up the same way.

Almost as if a wave of calm had hit him he let out a sigh as if realizing something. "You'll regret doing that."

Namjoon then stomped down the hall, the other students falling victim to his anger as he shoved them out of the way.

Luckily for me, he somehow tripped over his own feet, before getting up with a huff and disappearing down the hall.

He totally deserved that.

Jisoo came up beside me a look of horror etched onto her face. "You just insulted the smartest student in the whole school."

"Well, he doesn't act like it. He just made a fool of himself in front of everyone."

"Umm... Actually, that was you Jihye."

I looked around noticing that everyone around me was whispering and shooting me dirty looks.

"But I didn't do anything wrong!"

Jisoo rubbed her forehead in annoyance, before responding. "Namjoon's popular, everyone thinks he's super sweet and smart. You, on the other hand, don't really have a reputation and basically just insulted this so-called wonderful guy."

"Did no one witness him practically harass me?"

"It's something that can be easily overlooked by the student body."

I let out a groan realizing that I may have just made my school life a lot harder.

Jisoo sighed before pulling me into the cafeteria, where we met BamBam at a vacant table.

"Why do you two look so glum?" the black haired boy questioned.

Jisoo explained the situation to him and only 2 words came out of his mouth. "Well shit."

"Wow thanks for the support BamBam," I groaned massaging my temple.

"Well, you know what, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."

"I guess you're right," I said, allowing a small smile to slip on to my face. I was grateful for his encouraging words.

"Y'know what, let's go eat outside today."

We both agreed to Jisoo's idea and made our way to a bench outside.


I looked up to see three of the very boys Namjoon had demanded I stay away from. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi. But I didn't bother to pay any heed to his warning, because things couldn't get much worse.

I was surprised when Jimin enveloped me in a hug before, yanking me to my feet.

"Mind if we steal her for a minute."

Jisoo agreed quickly obviously wanting to play matchmaker once again. BamBam looked a little hesitant but gave a subtle nod.

Such great friends I have.

Jimin happily led me over to a more secluded area, the other two following closely behind.

"Long time no see princess, I thought you died."

I rolled my eyes at Yoongi's comment, focusing on Hoseok's cheerful yet rushed words. It was actually quite nice to catch up with the three of them, despite Jimin's perverted input and Yoongi's many bluntly sarcastic remarks.

"You idiots."

I glanced behind me to see a raging giant storming towards us. What was with this guy.

"Calm down Joon, we were only talking." I took note of the blank look that replaced Hoseok's infectious smile.

"Remember who's in charge," the silver-haired boy growled.

I noticed familiar malice appear in Yoongi's eyes that reminded me of the night we first met and I knew that a fight was about in the midst.

Not wanting to be caught in the middle of there dispute, I took the initiative to leave.

"I should probably get going anyways."

The cheerful orange haired boy sent me an apologetic smile. I bid farewell to the three of them, ignoring Namjoon of course because screw him.

I made sure to give Jimin a quick pinch though because his way of saying goodbye was "I'll have to tap that ass next time."

I glanced back, seeing that the three of them were engaged in a heated argument. I decided that it wasn't my place to intervene, so I made my way back over to my waiting friends.

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