Chapter 10: Amusement parks and white clad figures

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It was finally Saturday and I was grateful that I got a break from dealing with the backlash from my supposed hate tweet against Namjoon

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It was finally Saturday and I was grateful that I got a break from dealing with the backlash from my supposed hate tweet against Namjoon.

On the downside, my parents came home tomorrow and I had mixed feelings about facing the inevitable conversation about my origins.

My phone buzzed and I was surprised to see a message from the boy from the arcade.

Jungkookie: Jihye-ah I hope you didn't forget about our date today! I'll be there around 3 to pick you up.

Jihye: Okay

Jungkookie: Just okay :(

Jihye: Fine I'm super excited Jungkookie! I can't wait to spend time with you!

Jungkookie: I didn't know you were looking forward to seeing me that much! I'm so happy UwU

Jihye: Oml, how are you even going to pick me up if you don't know where I live

Jungkookie: I almost forgot about that ;)

Jihye: It's xx xxx street. See you soon

Jungkookie: OK BYEEEE

I placed my phone on the counter, letting out a frustrated sigh. I had completely forgotten about agreeing to hang out with Jungkook today.

I guess I would have to say goodbye to my KFC and Netflix filled day. It was already 2 so I decided I might as well change out of my sweaty pyjamas.

Slipping on some ripped jeans and a loose beige tank top, I patiently waited for the arrival of the brunette gamer.

Soon enough the doorbell rang, and I was greeted by a smiling Jungkook.

"Jihye!" he beamed enveloping me in a hug. I was thankful that the embrace hadn't lasted long enough to get awkward, but the boy was a good hugger.

The male yanked me out of the house and I barely had enough time to lock the door, before I was led down the steps and pushed into his mahogany coloured car.

"So since it's nearing the end of September, I thought that we should go to the amusement park!"

I grinned at his childlike enthusiasm and nodded in agreement to his proposal. The car ride was filled with Jungkook's jests and I think I lost count of how many strange faces he could make.

"Jungkook has anyone ever told you, you look like a coconut."

The boy beside me took one of his hands off the steering wheel and placed it over his heart in mock hurt. "Jihye, I can't believe you would say that about me!"

"Well it's true," I sniggered. He scrunched up his nose and looked at me in distaste. "If I'm a coconut then you're a pumpkin!"

I pressed my lips in a thin line, batting at his arm. "How does that make any sense!"

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