Chapter 30: Sleepovers and Red Velvet

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Namjoon had stated it would be best if we were all present when the other rebellions showed up in the morning so I called my dad hoping that he would be ok with me staying over at Jisoo's house.

He agreed immediately saying I should get out more and I felt bad lying to him.

I hung up with a sigh and Taehyung immediately asked me what was wrong.

"I just feel bad lying to my parents all the time, even though I know it's for a good reason."

He smiled rubbing my shoulder. "It just shows that your a good person and I know if they knew your reasoning they would understand."

I smiled back. "Thanks Tae."

It was nice now that he was more comfortable with me, once he gets past his shyness there is a whole another personality under there.

"Now," he grabbed onto my hand, "let's go get the sleeping bags set up."

The boys had spontaneously decided that since this was my first time sleeping over, despite the circumstances, that we should all have a slumber party in the living room.

I stifled a laugh when I realized Yoongi was already comatose in his sleeping bag and Namjoon was sleeping upside down by the bonsai tree in the corner.

I'm sure they had both had a long day and I was surprised they stayed asleep despite the boys' loud chatter.

"Jimin hyung is so small."

"No, I'm not. I'm still big enough to top Jihye!" the blond argued.

I could feel my eye twitch and I immediately picked up a stray slipper chucking it at his head.

I grinned triumphantly as the slipper made direct contact with his forehead and he let out a startled oof falling backwards.

"That's what you get you ass."

"Ah, pancake! I didn't see you there," he mumbled sheepishly, massaging the spot where the slipper hit him.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure you didn't pervert."

"I wasn't being a pervert! I was just umm stating facts."

"Wow, then I think you should get your facts checked."

He pouted. "Sorry pancake, I couldn't help myself."


I was used to this behaviour from Jimin but it never ceased to stop irking me.

Jin then walked in the room a plate of piping hot s' mores in his grasp.

My eyes immediately lit up. I hadn't eaten s' mores in so long and well, it's food.

Before I could even get up Taehyung and Jungkook had already snatched all of the warm treats, leaving only crumbs behind.

Jungkook was closest to me so I immediately jumped on him, hanging onto his back like a monkey.

He became confused for a moment and I took that opportunity to snatch one of the s' mores out of his grasp.

I shoved it into my mouth, probably looking like a whale as I did it.

I was still clinging onto him like a koala and he awkwardly cranked his neck to face me.

His eyebrows were furrowed, his lips pulled into a firm pout. "Why did you eat my s'more."

I glared, using my free hand that was not wrapped around him to point at the 4 remaining s' mores in his hand.

My mouth was still full, but I'm sure he's smart enough to figure it out.

"But I'm a growing boy!" he argued.

"Mmm, you're definitely growing," I snickered, swallowing the last of the yummy snack.

He softly dropped me onto the couch and I glared at him. "I was having fun up there."

He leaned closer an uncharacteristic smirk crawling onto his face.

"You were being a bad girl and you know what happens to bad girls? They get punished?"

I could feel my face heat up and I came to an intelligent conclusion. It was time to throw myself.

"No not my pancake!"

I let out a shriek as Jimin belly flopped onto Jungkook, which then caused Jungkook to collapse onto me because of the weight.

"I don't want to be left out either!"

I felt like I was dying once Taehyung added onto the pile.

Luckily my hero Seokjin arrived shoving the mountain of bodies off of me.

"I taught you three better than that!"

"Sorry hyung, sorry Jihye," the trio apologized in unison looking like kicked puppies.

"It's okay," I grumbled, cracking under the sad look in their eyes. I then glanced down to see that all the s' mores had somehow remained intact in Jungkook and Taehyung's grasp. 

Sad hours.

"I'm going to bed now, I'm done with this slumber party shit."

Snatching a sleeping bag from the pile I placed it beside Namjoon. I climbed into the orange sleeping bag, instantly snuggling into the material despite the complaint from the 3 males.

Night Jihye.

"Goodnight Jin," I whispered back.


Loud knocking woke me up the next morning and I begrudgingly exited my cocoon of warmth. I was careful not to step on any of the snoring teens despite the temptation. 

I unlocked the front door with a click, surprised to see a group of girls standing there.

The one in front immediately offered me her hand a polite smile on her face.

"I'm Bae Joohyun the leader of Red Velvet, you must be Jihye."

I shook her hand, offering her a smile in return. "It's nice to meet you, come in."

The group was smaller than I thought it would be, but I assumed their abilities must make up for their numbers.

"I'll be back in one minute, I'll go grab Namjoon." I bowed apologetically before scurrying off to wake up the sleeping boy.

Once I arrived back in the living room I kicked his sleeping form repetitively until he woke up with a confused groan.

"Why'd you wake me up like a psychopath!"

I raised an eyebrow. "One of the rebellions just showed up and your ass was still asleep."

"Oh shit!"

He immediately got up tripping over his own feet before falling to the ground.

I snickered at his misfortune and he shot me a glare before scurrying to his feet. He smoothed down his messy silver hair, dashing towards the front door.

I followed behind him, curious to see how he would treat the group of girls. 

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