Chapter 25: Ice Cream and Accidents

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Small shrubs had sprouted from the ground upon Hoseok's demand and I envisioned them being eaten by flames the colour of midnight blue.

I closed my eyes tightly, feeling the pleasant rush of heat through my veins. Peeking one eye open I watched as the vibrant flames rushed across the ground to meet the flora.

Not exactly what I had intended, but good enough. Taehyung grabbed onto my forearm yanking me away from the startled council minions and into the confines of the awaiting vehicle.

Yes, I decided to call them council minions from now on because there was just way too many of them to all be of the same status. Note to self, ask one of the boys about the council hierarchy system later.

I watched as Seokjin slammed his foot down on the pedal and we took off down the dirt road. I peered through the foggy windows stifling a laugh as the partum with water abilities desperately tried to put out the wall of flames, their faces twisted in rage.

Namjoon turned around from the passenger seat a rare smile decorating his face."So I guess I can congratulate everyone on a successful mission."

I was momentarily stunned until I realized that we had indeed just pulled off kidnapping 2 council members and escaped a horde of council minions.

I couldn't help the sense of pride that filled me, even though it wasn't really something someone would normally be proud of. Though I guess nothing about my life was normal anymore.

"I promised Jihye we would get ice cream so can we stop at the ice cream store on the way home?"

I perked up at Jimin's mention of ice cream and internally prayed that Namjoon would agree.

The boy shot the blond an incredulous look. "You know we have two members of the council in the back correct."

"Yes, but they won't wake up for at least another two hours and we can consider it a victory treat."

"C' mon Joon don't you think they deserve it? Everyone worked really hard," Seokjin added.

Namjoon groaned rubbing his temple. "I suppose but we have to be quick."

A chorus of cheers erupted from within the van and I could already imagine the cold yet pleasant taste of the frozen treat in my mouth.

Seokjin pulled in front of a quaint looking store and the 8 of us piled out of the car and into the shop.

My mouth had already begun to water as I stared at the colourful array of deserts.

I joined Jungkook in debating between cookies n' cream and maple walnut. I settled with maple walnut well the brunette chose the latter.

He got five pounds of sprinkles on his and I couldn't help but tease him. "Look its cute now like you Jungoo."

The boys face flushed a deep shade of crimson and he swatted at my arm. "Don't say that! I'm way better at you than video games, so, therefore, I am not cute."

I giggled at his reasoning. The boy was dressed up as a bunny rabbit, how could I not find that cute?

To my dismay, my giggling eventually turned into wheezing when I saw the triple scoop of crab ice cream clutched in Namjoons grasp.

"You're eating your own species," I managed to cackle in between laboured breaths.

He narrowed his eyes. "You saw it didn't you?"

"Saw what?" I became alert at his sudden serious expression.

"My pet crab, crabby."

My posture immediately relaxed and another fit of laughter overtook me.

I'm pretty sure the cashier thought we were all asylum escapees or something, as she passed me my scoop of walnut ice cream with a single dot of chocolate syrup on top.

I like to keep it classy y' know?

"That will be 35,000 won," the cashier spoke uncomfortably and I watched as Namjoon dramatically slid the money across the counter and towards the boy.

"You trolls best be grateful for this."

We all thanked the annoyed male before proceeding to find a booth to sit at.

I was sandwiched in between Yoongi and Seokjin, the other boys all crammed in on the other side of the table.

I happily began licking at my ice cream oblivious to the look Jungkook was giving me from across the table.

I heard a gulp and looked up to see the brunette licking his lips.

I raised an eyebrow. "You want some?"

Jungkook looked startled, before violently shaking his head. "No, um, I-"

"Jungkookie you pervert! That's my job!"

I watched as Jimin kicked him from under the table, my eyes widening in realization.

"You nasties!"

Seokjin had to restrain me from drop kicking the duo to the other side of the Earth.

In Jimin and Jungkook's haste to get away and my struggle to catch them, we ended up shaking the table and in turn knocking over Yoongi's mint chocolate chip ice cream.

I glanced down at the table as the sweet substance begun to melt. The occupants of the table fell into a sudden silence at the deafening crack of the mint-haired boy's knuckles.

"I'll give you three 10 seconds to run."

Wasting no time, I shoved the rest of my ice cream into my mouth, clambering over Seokjin and following the other 2 males out of the shop.

We rushed into the parking lot and of course, my dumbass self tripped over my own shoelace tumbling to the ground with a thud.

My knees were bleeding and I struggled to get up from the concrete floor.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." I looked up at a panicking Jimin and he tried to help me up.

I let out a groan of protest as he hoisted me to my feet. I immediately let out a groan of pain upon putting pressure onto my left leg.

"I think I twisted my ankle," I said, between gritted teeth.

The blond cursed again before helping me onto Jungkook's back.

I placed my head on the male's shoulder trying to ignore my aching foot and knees.

"It's okay Jihye we'll fix you up," the brunette mumbled, rubbing his cheek onto mine in an act of comfort.

"What the hell happened this time!"

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