Chapter 17: Black Liquid and Awakening

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"Y'know I should probably be heading home now

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"Y'know I should probably be heading home now... My parents probably think I've fallen in a ditch or something."

I bit my lip pathetically hoping that I would be allowed to go home and forget this ever happened. 

Namjoon let out an exasperated sigh. "You've already agreed to join us. So you will be awakened."

"Not that I had much of a choice," I muttered lowly.

"What was that Song?"

I met his threatening gaze and held back the snarky remark I wanted to vocalize.

"That's what I thought," he grinned smugly.

"Lay off her Joon," Seokjin chided.

I allowed a small smile to slip onto my face as the boy's triumphant grin morphed into a scowl. At least Seokjin stood up for me. But then again he lied to me as well. 

 "Taehyung go get the ointment," the annoyed boy grumbled. 

The cherry-haired boy nodded before scurrying out of the room to retrieve said ointment.

I sat there fidgeting nervously as silence overcame the occupants of the room.

Taehyung returned a few moments later a porcelain bowl of black liquid held in his outstretched hands.

I gulped as the odd liquid was passed Seokjin.

"Now Jihye, I'm going to place this on your forehead and it might tingle a bit but I need you to stay calm."

I begrudgingly nodded, watching in trepidation as he smeared his hand with the gooey liquid that seemed to respond to his touch.

I shut my eyes tightly as his hand neared my face, and the minute he wiped the substance onto my forehead I experienced torture like no other.  

A blinding pain erupted in my skull and I could hear the sizzling of flesh through the thumping in my head.

I refrained from screaming trying to follow Seokjin's instructions, but it became progressively harder as I allowed the salty streams of agony to flow from my eyes.

But just as soon as the abrupt pain as came it vanished. I opened my eyes startled that I was free from the short grasp of torment.

I looked beside me to see that Jimin had taken ahold of my left hand rubbing soothing circles into the soft flesh. I hadn't even felt him through my overwhelmed state.

I turned to my other hand and shrieked when I saw it covered in blue flames.

"I'm going to die," I wailed, frantically shaking around my burning palm.

My attempts to extinguish the fire was brought to a halt when Namjoon's hand wrapped around my wrist prohibiting movement.

"You idiot that's your ability, you're a partum. You created that fire, so it won't hurt you."

I paused my panicking mode for a moment, coming to the conclusion that the angry giant was right, my hand hadn't begun to charcoal and all I felt was a pleasant warmth.

"Now put it out," he ordered as if sensing my epiphany.

"How," I muttered, still staring at the crackling flame.

"Just imagine it breaking down until there's nothing left," Taehyung chimed.

I allowed my imagination to take over and watched as the flame shrunk out of existence.

Namjoon loosened his grasp on my wrist and I pulled away immediately. "What weird shit did you put on my forehead!"

The leader's eyes rolled so far back into his head I thought he was having a seizure.

"It's special stuff the council engineered a few years ago to force the dormant ability to surface. We stole a bit before we all went rogue so you're lucky we decided to waste some on you."

I glared at the overconfident male, not impressed by his behaviour.

"C'mon you're probably tired and want to head home," Seokjin offered me a gentle smile before helping me up from the bed. 

He led me out of the infirmary and into an elegantly furnished room which I assumed to be the entrance way. 

"I thought you guys were supposed to be hiding from this council." 

Seokjin shrugged. "It's in a remote location and they would simply assume it belonged to some rich person. They didn't know we were loaded when we left." 

I nodded slowly, only half understanding Seokjin's reasoning. 

"From now on you're going to have to come here after school every day so we can integrate you into how Bangtan works," the male smiled.

"Every day?" 

"Yes, you deaf idiot." 

I was really tempted to toss douche Joon the middle finger but thought better of it. It seemed that Seokjin already got my revenge for me though and I watched with glee as he smacked the back of Namjoon's head. 

"Stop acting like that all the time Namjoon," the male scolded. "You'll end up as some grumpy old man with 500 cats." 

I stifled a giggle at Seokjin's prediction and the silver-haired boy sent me a deadly glare. Which I shrugged off, he can't kill me now that I already agreed to join his stupid rebellion. 

"Yoongi, come take Jihye home!" the ravenette called, clearly done reprimanding Namjoon, to my dismay. He received no response and turned around to see that the mint-haired boy was not among his companions.

"Sorry Jihye I don't know where Yoongi went," he sighed. "That boy's always running off." 

"It's okay, I can walk home," I smiled. Even though I literally had no idea where I was, I really didn't feel like being around them right now.

"I'll take you home Jihye-ah!" Jungook beamed.

"No, I'll take pancake home!" Jimin argued.

"I can drive her," Taehyung piped.

"You can't drive a car Tae," Seokjin reminded.

"Oh, yeah," he muttered sheepishly.

"How about you take her Hoseok, so the little children don't get into a fight."

The orange-haired boy nodded, before pulling me out of the house despite the maknae lines whining.

I walked out of the large house and I was even more amazed by the exterior than I was by the interior. The diverse array of lush greenery looked surreal under the blanket of night. 

I trailed behind Hoseok and he led me over to his bright red Audi and I began to wonder if all of them had expensive cars. Though it would make sense with the price of their humongous abode. 

I slid into the passenger seat, and he inserted the key as the engine roared to life.

"So got any questions?"

I turned to the cheerful boy. "Many, many questions."

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