Chapter 31: Meetings and Concerns

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"Joohyun, I haven't seen you ages!" Namjoon warmly greeted the shorter woman, enveloping her in a hug.

I was left shook at Namjoons sudden display of affection. Even around the boys, he wasn't that touchy-feely.

She let out a soft laugh. "I know, though I wish it were under better circumstances."

"Namjoon and her are childhood friends," a voice whispered in my ear.

I jumped back surprised to see Hoseok awake.

"I thought you were sleeping!"

"Well I was but you didn't exactly quietly wake Namjoon up."

I smiled sheepishly at that, about to retort when the doorbell rang again.

This time it was Exo who piled through the doors. The 9 boys looked indifferent except for Baekhyun who looked like a puppy on drugs.

"Jihye!" the man child exclaimed bounding towards me.

I could feel my bones being crushed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You never text me anymore! I missed talking to you," he pouted.

"Well y' know I haven't exactly had time to chit chat with my friends lately," I muttered struggling to get out of his hold.

"That's the first time you called me your friend!"

I winced as his unbearably strong grip tightened and I knew I was mere moments away from death.

"You're killing her!"

I watched as Jimin appeared behind Baekhyun, prying the surprised boy off me.

I greedily sucked in air, resorting to falling into a crouched position.

I closed my eyes feeling Jimin run his hands through my hair.

"Are you alright pancake?"

"I'm ok," I sighed, leaning into the pleasant touch of his hand.

"Can you two not."

I hopped up immediately, blushing in embarrassment. I had totally forgotten about the presence of the others.

One of the Exo members, Kai I believe it was, rolled his eyes. "You don't have to rub it in my face that I'm single."

If it was possible I became even redder. "We're not-"

Jimin leaned in close to my ear. "But we could be."

I slapped his arm angrily.

"Leave the poor girl alone," Joohyun intervened. "Don't we have plans to discuss?"

"We should probably start without IZ*ONE," one of the Exo members piped up. "They're always late."

As if on cue a whole sea of girls made their way into the entrance way and I was startled at the size of their group compared to the others.

"We are not always late argued the girl at the front of the line.

"Usually you are Eunbi," chuckled Joohyun.

Eunbi simply pursed her lips, rolling her eyes. "Whatever, let's get straight to business."

The pile of people filed into the living room and I followed behind them, feeling a little lost.

It definitely appeared that they all knew each other and I couldn't help but feel a little bit left out.

All the boys were up by now and Namjoon brought them over to his train model.

"We have a new member of Bangtan and it would probably be best if you introduce yourselves to avoid confusion."

I was thankful to Namjoon for that because I'm sure it would've eventually become awkward when I began calling people the person with brown hair, or the person in the pink sweater.

I was pretty sure I had all their names memorized when BamBam came stumbling down the stairs looking hungover.

Yena's eyes immediately narrowed upon seeing the symbol on his wrist and my eyes lit up in a panic.

"BamBam's on our side!"

She shot me an incredulous look. "Your telling me one of them is trying to help us."

I nodded. "He's the one who told us about what the council is really up to."

Seulgi piped up. "That is a bit hard to believe."

"I swore a blood oath with him, he's been honest in assisting us," Seokjin said, gesturing to the fading scar on the palm of his hand.

"If you swear his loyalty I suppose he can be trusted," Suho spoke warily making room for him to join the circle.

I shot BamBam a supportive smile and his lips upturned in response.

Once everyone had settled down Namjoon began explaining his plan.

"Trying to convince the aquelis is quite risky don't you think? The more time we spend inside the base the more likely they are to become aware of our presence." Luhan mused.

"That's true, but it's the most humane and if it works, will result in the least amount of casualties," Namjoon argued.

"But the chances of it working aren't very high," Sooyoung muttered. "Even if the other aquelis is a good person the head councilmen must have brainwashed the shit out of him."

I knew that both Luhan and Sooyoung's concerns were in fact very valid and it would indeed be better just to kill the aquleis without a second thought. But I couldn't help but think that we should try and spare as many lives as possible.

I gulped thinking over my next words carefully. "5 minutes."

I was shot questioning glances.

"Give me 5 minutes to try and convince them and if not I'll kill them immediately."

Joohyun smiled at me. "Your very brave for a new aquelis, I respect that. Let's go along with Jihye's idea."

The others agreed some more hesitant than others. I could tell that Joohyun was greatly respected among the group and I appreciated the faith she put in me.

"Okay now that we have figured out the main plan we just have to settle the technicalities." Namjoon continued before resuming moving his trains along the track.

Jihye I think Yoongi wants to talk to you.

I scanned the room, confused when I saw the mint-haired male leaning against the kitchen island.

Thanks, Seokjin.

I quietly excused myself making my way over to Yoongi.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok doing that?" he questioned. 

I smiled softly at the concern in his voice.

"I think I'll have to find a way to manage."

He sighed. "I'm really sorry Jihye, I wish there was another way. But who knows maybe you can annoy them into switching sides." 

"Wow, thanks for the support." I rolled my eyes, playfully batting his arm.

"Or how about I give them some of your druggie coffee, so they can't think straight." 

"Great idea Ms. Song I'll work on a fresh batch immediately."

I giggled and a lazy grin made its way onto Yoongi's face. 

Maybe this would work. 

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