Chapter 28: Daffodils and Plans

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An uncomfortable silence had befallen us as we pulled into my driveway.

He let out a cough and I turned to face him.

"Y'know Jihye, we'll be alright we'll figure something out. We're a lot smarter than we look."

He held onto my hand and I squeezed his in return. "Thanks, Taehyung, I really needed to hear that."

I opened the door and the red-haired boy helped me get to the porch.

I pecked his cheek. "Thank you, Tae I'll see you tomorrow."

I watched him turn a vibrant shade of crimson and I giggled as he waved before scurrying back to his car.

I slowly crept into the house startled when I saw my mom watching TV on the couch.

"I'm not going to yell at you, come here and watch this movie with me your father's out and I have no one watch it with me."

I smiled, sliding off my shoes and joining her on the couch.

I was surprised when she awkwardly opened her arms and I fell onto her shoulder with a light thud. Basking in the rare act of affection.

I knew that there was no way I would allow the council's plan to come to fruition. I would protect my loved ones with everything I had.

I allowed myself to drift off to sleep, a new sense of determination filling me.

I awoke with a start the next morning, I had totally forgotten it was only Thursday and I rushed to get ready.

I dashed out of the house clad in only a baggy sweatshirt and jeans. Yoongi honked from his car and I hurriedly slid into the vehicle.

"Took you long enough," he grumbled.

I noticed the bags under his eyes and gave him an educated suggestion. "I think you need some of your druggie coffee."

He rolled his eyes, pulling out of the driveway. "No thanks, I'm not into drinking my own blood."

"But then you could be a vampire, just a vampire that drinks his own blood."

"Wow, my dream come true."

I watched in delight as a bit more colour returned to his face, smiling triumphantly.

"Has Namjoon came up with anything yet?"

He sighed. "Not yet, Seokjin, BamBam and him stayed back at the house to try and come up with a plan. Namjoon has only gotten in contact with Exo and Red velvet so far. Both agreed to help, so that's something."

I nodded, at least we had a start.

We arrived at school soon enough and I bid farewell to the mint-haired male.


I turned away from my locker, only to see Jisoo bound towards me her face twisted guilt.

"Have you seen BamBam anywhere I haven't seen him since we argued."

"Sorry, Jisoo I haven't seen him either."

I felt bad lying to her but I couldn't just tell her that he was currently trying to save everyone's lives.

She smiled sadly. "I wanted to apologize to him, he was right about Mark, I should've listened to him."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

I was at the bonfire last night and saw him go into the woods with a girl.

I froze before allowing a sympathetic smile to fall onto my face.

Had she seen me go with Mark into the woods? This wasn't good, I had no idea she was there. Luckily, she hadn't recognized me.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Jisoo, I'm sure BamBam will forgive you. Mark's a douchebag if he gave someone as pretty as you up."

She smiled kindly and I tried to ignore the twist of guilt in my gut. It was safer if she didn't know.

"Thanks, Jihye, I feel a bit better now. See you at lunch."

I gave her a wave as she scurried off to first period and I followed suit.

I arrived to see Hoseok a pile of dirt tightly grasped in his hands.

"Hobi, what are you doing."

He turned to look at me, a smile plastered on his face, though I could tell that it was forced.

"Growing flowers helps me to feel calm."

I peered under the desk to see that small flowers had begun to sprout from the clump of dirt.

"Daffodils?" I questioned, admiring the dainty yellow plants.

He nodded. "Yeah, I think they're pretty they symbolize rebirth."

I smiled running my thumb across the smooth petal of the flower.

I looked up at the sudden sound of knocking, confused when I saw Jungkook with his face pressed up against the glass beside the door.

I gave him a look tapping Hoseok beside me who then looked equally confused. "I think he wants us to come out."

I peered around the classroom, making sure the teacher wasn't coming, I grabbed Hoesok's hand leading him out of the class."

"Jihye!" the boy exclaimed enveloping me in a hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever," the male pouted.

"I saw you yesterday," I grumbled smushed against his chest.

"Oh yeah!" he pulled away. "The guys came up with a plan!"

Now I was smiling as well.

"Though there's one problem," he muttered, glancing around to make sure no one was looking.

"We're going to have to get rid of the aquelis, but only another aquelis can totally defeat one."

My smile fell.

"I have to kill someone?" I questioned, my voice barely above a whisper.

Jungkook smiled sadly, intertwining his fingers with my own.

"It's the only way to ensure everyone's survival, they can't go through with their plan if the main part is gone."

Hoseok nodded in agreement, acknowledging that this was the only way.

"Don't worry Jihye, we'll be with you every step of the way and if we can find an alternative we'll use it."

I nodded silently, still mulling over the fact that I would have to end someone's life, whether they were bad or not.

"Mr. Jung, Ms. Song, I would appreciate if you would come in the class and get ready for the lesson."

I turned to see our science teacher standing by the door, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Come to Bangtan after school, we'll discuss more there," Jungkook whispered.

We both nodded, heading our separate ways.

I could only pray that I would be able to live with ending a life.

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