Chapter 33: Black Ice and Blue Flames

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"That can't be right it should be right there," BamBam said, panic seeping into his voice.

"Well, it's not," Namjoon spat, anxiously tapping his foot.

The line went dead.

"What's going on?" I muttered, "We have to keep moving."

"That won't be necessary."

I turned around at the sudden noise, shocked when I saw a male blocking our exit.

"Who are you," Namjoon spoke threateningly as Jimin moved to stand in front of me.

I peered over the blonde's shoulder, hands growing clammy as the mysterious boy's smirk grew.

"Well Jihye should know, she's my sister after all."

I watched in trepidation, as he slowly stepped into the light, revealing features strikingly similar to my own.

Was this the twin my mother had mentioned?

I felt a shiver trail down my spine as his eyes caught mine.

"Come here Jihye, I've always wanted to meet you, I missed my twin so much."

I flinched at the underlying malice in his tone, moving closer to Jimin.

Something about him had my confidence dripping down the drain.

"How about you let us pass before I blow your brains to smithereens," Namjoon growled.

"But why would you want to do that? I'm the aquelis you were looking for after all."

My mouth fell agape in shock. It did make sense, if I was an aquelis, why wouldn't my brother be?

I slowly stepped out from behind Jimin ignoring the churn in my gut. I had promised after all, that I would try and win the aquelis over.

"You understand that what the councilman plans to do is wrong. So many innocent lives will be lost, simply because of one man's ideals." I began.

I was interrupted by a deafening laugh escaping his lips and I watched in bewilderment as he doubled over.

"You truly think I'm being manipulated by that buffoon? Those ideals you speak of are my own. I'm the puppet master and all of these council idiots are my puppets."

I had no words and Jimin's hand slowly intertwined with mine in an act of reassurance. I had not seen this coming. He was insane, my brother was insane.

I became even more confused as Mark appeared behind him a fresh pair of Gucci slides on his feet.

His mouth was twisted up into a cruel smirk. "You really thought Jimin was the only one who could teleport?"

Everything was falling apart before my eyes. Who knows what Mark did to BamBam and Hyewon, our plans were going to shit and the other rebellions had also probably been intercepted.

The only thing left to do was fight. There was no way to get out of here unscathed.

Seokjin seemed to have the same idea and he cast me a glance.

We'll deal with Mark you go after the aquelis.

I subtly nodded, this is what I had promised everyone.

I'd have to kill him, no matter how much I wished I didn't have to.

On the count of 3.

I clenched my fists.


I took a step back.


I focused on his crooked grin.


I shot foreword summoning my flames to propel me forward.

The others jumped into action and to my dismay, the aquelis's smile grew even wider.

"My sister wants to fight huh?"

I swung a flame covered fist towards his head and he expertly dodged before his own fist became covered in black ice.

My eyes widened and I didn't have time to avoid the sweltering cold colliding with my stomach.

I stumbled back, gasping for air as I struggled to stand through the blinding pain.

He stood in the same spot the same sickening expression on his face.

This was all a game to him, he was simply toying with me.

It was obvious he had superior fighting skills and a greater mastery of his abilities. It was foolish to think I could beat him after discovering my own ability only a little while ago.

"That's all? You could always surrender and we could ascend home together. Imagine it Wonwoo and Jihye, the most powerful twins of this generation, returning everything to how it should be."

I scowled at the wistful look on his face, holding onto my still aching gut, my recovering leg had begun to throb as well. 

"That's insane killing everyone isn't the answer. Achieve your ambitions without involving the future of the Earth. Save yourself before you try and save others."

His face twisted into a frown and he shook his head.

"Your mind is corrupted. I'll help you to see the light when this is all over."

"Jihye watch out!"

I turned to see Mark barreling towards me and I hurriedly ducked.

He began screaming and Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

"I thought you were smart enough to not get stuck in mind manipulation."

I turned to see Yoongi with his eyebrows furrowed mouth set in a thin line.

"Snap out of it!"

Wonwoo angrily kicked Mark, his foot colliding harshly with the withering male's side.

Jungkook took this as a chance to short circuit the lights, shrouding the hallway in a blanket of darkness.

Run back to the exit!

I immediately dashed towards where I remembered the exit to be, pushing against the metal doors.

They gave out with a dull thud slamming open to reveal the forest.

I ran as quickly as I could not daring to look behind me until I made it to the van.

I flinched from the pain in my gut, pulling up the sweatshirt to reveal a bloody wound. The bulletproof vest had been shattered sending a shiver down my spine.

How strong was he if he could burst through a bulletproof vest and cause severe damage with a single punch?

I became curious when I didn't hear the boys and my face paled when I realized they weren't there.

"Guys," I called softly. They had to have made it out, maybe they got lost.

I'm sure they'd be back.

I curled up by the tire, rubbing soothing circles onto my wound, as I tried to ignore the ache in my leg.

I'd wait for them. They'd come back. They had to come back.

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