Chapter 21: Flaming Gucci and Security Offices

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The boy ignored me tightening his grip on Mark's outstretched arm. "Were you planning on hitting her?"

The blond raised an eyebrow cockily. "And If I was?"

"Then I'd beat your ass," Taehyung spat.

I was surprised by the words I wouldn't have expected to come out of the docile boy's mouth and I wasminded of the Taehyung from the forest that day.

Mark let out an obnoxious laugh which immediately ceased when Taehyung tightened his grasp on his wrist.

I could see the blond begin to grind his teeth together as the redhead gave a painful twist to the body part.

"Hey, Tae that's enough ok?" I said softly, placing a hand on his tense shoulder.

He slowly nodded loosening his grip on the other male.

Though Mark being the douche he is, took this opportunity to swing at the redhead. His fist connected into an unsuspecting Taehyung's cheek with a sicking crack.

A startled shriek left my lips and through my panic, I lit Mark's foot on fire.

A series of curses left his mouth as he took off his flaming shoe and hurled it down the hallway.

Now the screams of the other students filled the air as the shoe continued to melt onto the floor.

I imagined the fire vanishing and I prayed that my imagination would help me. Fortunately, when I opened my eyes the shoe had been reduced to a heap of fabric no longer engulfed by flames.

"My Gucci slides!' Mark shrieked, running (more like hobbling) over to the mass of charcoaled material.

I held up my hand in a mock salute. "Goodbye 300 dollars."

"Tuan, Kim and Song to my office right now!" I watched as the angry vice principal beckoned us into the principal's office.

We walked into the room where a stubby old man was seated behind the desk. The vice principal left muttering something about kids these days.

"Care to explain to me what that commotion was about and why one of you are missing a shoe?"

I pursed my lips deciding to speak up. "Mark tried to slap me so Taehyung stopped him but then Mark got mad and hit Taehyung."

I gestured to the tan boys bruising cheek. "And Mark umm had a match in his shoe and the friction caused by his sock rubbing up against the match caused it to set on fire."

The principal nodded and I was amazed that he actually believed my absurd statement.

"Mark is this true?" The old man asked.

"Of course not, why would I have a match in my shoe, and Taehyung hit me first!"

The principal waved his hand dismissively. "You have a bad reputation Mark, I think this will be a good learning experience for you. Jihye and Taehyung your free to go."

I internally cheered, laughing silently at Marks many protests. The two of us made our way out of the stuffy office and I took time to examine Taehyung's injury.

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