Chapter 13: Revenge and Bowling

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The duo turned to face me, unimpressed expressions dominating their features

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The duo turned to face me, unimpressed expressions dominating their features.

"You're the one who insulted Namjoon oppa." Dahyun accused.

A crooked smile made its way onto my face, one fueled by my anger and disgust. "No I'm pretty sure that was you Dahyun, Sana or should I say @SongJihye22."

Sana visibly gulped and I knew that Yoongi was right. "So what if we are? What are you going to do about it?"

I walked towards the girl pressing my finger to her chest. "It's not what I'm going to do but more what you're going to do. You're going to give me both your phones."

She raised an eyebrow. "And why would we do that?"

"Because I'm going to tell the whole school you and Dahyun were smoking it up in the girls' locker room if you don't."

"How would you even prove that," the brunette scoffed.

"Photoshop dumbass."

"W-Well we could do the same to you."

I shrugged my shoulders. "No, actually you couldn't because I don't post pictures of myself on social media."

The two exchanged a look before, reluctantly handed their phones over and I let out a sigh of relief thankful that my bluff had worked. I literally had no idea how to use photoshop.

I could feel my anger simmer as I posted a tweet from each of their accounts exposing what they had done to me we'll pretending to be them.

"Thanks, girls." I handed the duo back their phones, warning them not to delete it.

"But one more question, why did you do it?" 

"We saw you being mean to Namjoon oppa in the hall and you were taking away his friends so we wanted to discourage you." 

I rolled my eyes at their lame excuse before exiting the room reeking of cheap floral perfume.

I called Yoongi again, realizing that my teacher would likely pummel me if I showed up late.


"Princess, how'd it go."

"I think those tweets will stop now," I laughed.

I could feel Yoongi's smirk on the other side of the line. "Atta girl."

"So umm.. I happen to have a free period and your obviously not at school..."

"Come outside in 10." He hung up and I was glad he was free. I was honestly so done with school today and I could always ask Jisoo and BamBam for notes later. 

I decided to go and wait for the mint-haired boy outside and I was surprised when I saw him pull up with Taehyung in the passenger seat.

The red-haired male gave me a shy wave and I waved back before clambering into the backseat.

"I haven't seen you in so long Taehyung!"

"S-Sorry Jihye, I've been busy studying lately."

"No need to apologize silly."

His ears turned a bright shade of red and he looked away in embarrassment.

"Okay love birds that's enough," Yoongi scoffed.

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Is someone jealous."

"You wish." The pale man continued to stare straight ahead at the road a scowl etched onto his face.

I leaned back amused by the boy's response. "So where are we going?"

"Somewhere fun!" Taehyung exclaimed a boxy smile making its way onto his face.

I was surprised by the docile boy's enthusiasm and allowed a smile to make its way onto my face.

We soon arrived in front of a small building which appeared to be a bowling alley. The three of us made our way inside and I was startled to see four of the other boys I had become familiar with as the school year started.

I raised an eyebrow. "How did all of you manage to skip school?"

The four turned to face me and Jungkook's eyes lit up like a boy who had been given candy.

"Jihye-ah!" I almost fell backwards when the hyperactive male engulfed me in a hug.

"Hey Jungkook," I muttered, awkwardly patting him on the back. He was yanked away from me by Seokjin, who scolded him for attacking me.

"There's my sexy pancake."

I rolled my eyes at the comment that obviously belonged to Jimin, before wondering if pancakes could even be considered sexy.

Hoseok greeted me with a blinding smile and I quickly retreated to the counter to rent a pair of bowling shoes.

The employee slid a pair of worn red and blue striped shoes across the counter, and I cringed as I slid them onto my feet, not wanting to know what old lady with toe warts had worn them before me.

I made my way back to the group and it was simultaneously decided that I would go first.

I grabbed a smooth orange ball, before lining myself up with the lines on the floor. "Do you want me to get someone to put up the gutter rails for you Princess?"

I tossed Yoongi the middle finger before once again preparing to roll.

"Nice ass!" I wheeled around to see Jimin send me a wink. "I thought I taught you better than that!" Seokjin chided, pulling at Jimin's ear.

I allowed a satisfied smirk to make it onto my face and Jimin's consistent ow's and sorrys.

I turned around before tossing the orange sphere down the lane. I watched in anticipation as it rolled across the smooth wood, nearing the white pins.

The globe connected with the middle pin causing the other 9 to come crashing down and I turned to Yoongi a triumphant smile on my face.

"Are you sure you're not the one in need of gutter rails?"

The mint-haired boy scowled. "You got lucky."

"Then why don't you try Yoongs?" I teased.

He stomped his way over to the rack, picking up a 16-pound neon pink ball and I was waiting for his lanky arms to break from the weight, but to my surprise, they stayed intact.

The male awkwardly threw the ball down the lane with an angry huff and the globe began to drift to the right knocking over a singular pin.

Jungkook burst out laughing and I did as well. "Yoongi hyung that was so sad!" the brunette cackled.

Yoongi stomped past us, eyebrows furrowed and lips downturned. He plopped into the seat opposite to Jimin, who eyed him teasingly.

"Mister badass sucks at bowling, who would've known."

The mint-haired boy ignored Jimin's insult, sinking further into his seat.

"You're up Tae!" Seokjin called, obviously trying to save Yoongi from further embarrassment.

The redhead made his way over to the rack of balls but suddenly froze. Now resembling a statue.

"Jin hyung call Namjoon hyung." 

I could feel a shiver run down my spine at the fear laced in his tone.

The elder looked confused for a moment before a look of realization dawned on him.

"They're here." 

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