Chapter 19: Deals and good mornings

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Bangtan GC 😎

Jihye: You lying pieces of shit best get yourselves on here

Namjesus: The hell is wrong with you

Jihye: Just the fact that you never told me there were other rebellions or the fact that BAEKHYUN was one of them

Jungbook: Ummm sorry Jihye-ah it must have slipped our minds?

Hoesuck: I meant to tell you in the car yesterday but I didn't get a chance too

Jihye: We were literally in the car for 20 minutes, I think you had time

Jimochi: We didn't want you to join another group pancake, no one else can stare at that ass except meeeee

Jihye changed Jimochi's name to pervert (Nickname cannot be changed for 24hrs)

Pervert: I'm not a pervert sksksksks

Jimin changed Jihye's name to pancake (Nickname cannot be changed for 24hrs)

Pervert: We're even now pancake :)

Pancake: Stfu Jimin

Pancake: Now can someone tell me the truth about why you didn't tell me about the rebellions?

Tae: It's because all the rebellions do work together sometimes, the stronger team usually gets more say over the other ones, and Yoongi-Hyung did sense a very strong presence from you...

Pancake: So I'm being used once again

Namjesus: Yup that's exactly the case and you don't have a say because I can easily kick you off this team and kill you

Seokjinnie: NAMJOON

Seokjinnie: Jihye, I'm going to be honest, that was originally the case but after getting to know you as a person, even if only for a little while, you've become a friend to us, so I hope you know we have your best interest at heart

Namjesus: Not me


Namjesus: I'm just stating facts and remember who the leader is Seokjin

Grandpa Yoongles: Just because you are in a leadership position does not mean that the decisions are solely yours to make Joon

Jungbook: Hyung!

Pancake: Honestly I don't know if I can trust you guys, Namjoon is the biggest douche on the Earth, has threatened to end my life numerous times and you guys continue to constantly lie to me.

Seokjinnie: I know we haven't been the most trustworthy so far so how about we prove our sincerity with actions? Go on a mission with us this Wednesday and if we get back and you no longer want to be apart of our cause you're free to go.

Pancake: With no consequences?

Seokjinnie: With no consequences.

Namjesus: I didn't agree to this

Seokjinnie: Namjoon

Namjesus: Fine

Pancake: So we have a deal then

Seokjinnie: I suppose so

Jungbook: I'll make sure you want to stay apart of Bangtan Jihye-ah >.<

Tae: Me too!

Grampa Yoogles: I'll drive you to school tomorrow

Pancake: Ok?

Pervert: Rest well my sexy little pancake

Pancake: Ew and goodnight

Hoesuck: Gnight!

Namjesus: Bye

I placed my phone down onto the nightstand with a gentle thud. I was glad that I had gotten the answers I wanted, though I was not too enthused about finding out what kind of mission they intended to take me on.

I snuggled back into the confines of my sheets, hoping that tomorrow would be less shocking than today.


I woke to the incessant ringing of my alarm and I rubbed my eyes with a groan.

"Nice bed head you got their princess."

I whipped my head around to identify the speaker of the voice and saw the notorious Min Yoongi, perched like a cat atop my desk.

I allowed a startled shriek to escape my lips at the presence of the man, and he simply chuckled at my obvious fright.

"How did you get in here?" I questioned holding onto my sheets as a form of protection.

He shrugged. "I told your Dad I was here to pick you up for school and he let me in."

I narrowed my eyes at his statement. "My Dad would never let a boy in my room, did you use your weird mind tricks on him!"

The mint-haired male held up his hands in mock surrender. "I'm not lying and I didn't use mind manipulation on him, I can't control what they see after all."

"Wait, you don't know what you're making people hallucinate?"

He climbed down from my desk, stretching his stiff limbs. "Well I can control what kind of hallucination they have as in if it's happy or sad or painful but no, I don't know exactly what they're seeing."


The boy raised an eyebrow at my lack of words. "Well if you're done you should probably get dressed, though those unicorn pyjamas do look good on you."

I could feel my face beginning to burn and I hurled a pillow towards his cackling figure.

He let out a light oof, before continuing to laugh as he exited my room. I got up with a huff, before getting ready for the day.

I met Yoongi in the kitchen where he was somehow making conversation with my Dad about some Australian basketball team. I was surprised he had even heard of the many foreign names my Dad was dishing out.

Grabbing my favourite strawberry yogurt from the fridge, and I interrupted the two males conversation claiming that we were going to be late for school.

My Dad waved us off and I clambered into Yoongi's shiny car.

"So when did you two become close?" I questioned, raising a skeptical brow.

He shrugged before pulling out of the driveway. "I see him outside a lot and we ended up having a conversation here and there. He also told me he wouldn't mind if we ended up dating."

The pale boy shot a wink in my direction and I swatted at his arm in embarrassment.

"Shut up Min."

He smirked, suddenly stopping at the side of the road.

"Yoongi what are you-"

I was cut off when his warm lips crashed into mine. 

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