Chapter 26: Stomachs and broccoli

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Namjoon stormed up to us, brows furrowed in anger.

"I tripped," I grumbled.

He rolled his eyes be for scolding me for my carelessness.

I sighed, knowing that the old Namjoon was back.

Yoongi soon arrived at the scene and I could see his anger over his deceased ice cream had been forgotten.

"Pass her to me Kook."

I watched Jungkook pout before turning around and gently sliding me into Yoongi's arms. I stifled a laugh through my pain and Yoongi gave me a look.

"Your arms are so skinny they might break while holding me."

Jimin let out a snort from beside me as the mint-haired boy threatened to drop me on the ground.

Seokjin hurriedly rushed over to inspect my foot, while Taehyung and Hoseok bombarded me with questions.

"Does it hurt?"

"How'd you manage to fall?"

"Are you going to die?"

"I'm fine guys I think I just twisted it when I fell." I winced as Seokjin poked at the throbbing flesh.

"It should heal in about a week or so."

I stared at him. "Are you a doctor now?"

"No, but according to your symptoms wikihow said it wasn't severe." He turned to Taehyung. "Can you make some ice?"

The boy quickly froze a dozen puddle. He took off his shirt, picking up the frozen chunk and wrapping it in his shirt and went to hold it against my ankle.

I tried to stop the series of squeals from escape my lips at the sheer cuteness of his tummy, but I ultimately failed.

"Your tummies so cute Taehyung!"

The boy's face became as red as his hair and he quickly covered up his exposed stomach.

"Jihye look here!"

I craned my neck to see that Jungkook too had taken off his shirt his abs on full display.

I stared gawking as a triumphant smile played on his lips.

"That's not fair," Jimin glared about to pull his own shirt off only to be stopped by an irritated Namjoon.

"Put back on your shirt Jungkook and get your pubescent asses back into the van."

My mind had literally turned to mush and I didn't even bother trying to fight Yoongi when he made fun of my dazed expression.

My eyes had witnessed the duality of the male stomach. I needed time to digest this.

I managed to seat myself in the car making sure to use Yoongi as a footrest for his earlier comment.

The mint haired male looked pissed off the whole ride home and I couldn't help but reflect on how fun it was to tease him.

We soon arrived back to Bangtan's house and this time Seokjin carried me inside while the others unloaded the captives.

He ended up placing me on the couch in an unfamiliar room before retreating into the expanse of the kitchen.

I took time to admire the design of the room. It was as grand as the rest of the house with intricate paintings and cozy lounge chairs lining the expanse of the room.

Seokjin returned a moment later with 2 cups of chamomile tea and a stick of broccoli?

He passed me one of the cups and the green vegetable.

"What's this for?" I questioned holding up the tree like food.

"So you'll be healthy and become handsome like me."

I stared at him before shoving the broccoli into my mouth all while maintaining eye contact with the male.

"If I could look as handsome as you I'd eat a whole sea of broccoli."

The man burst into laughter and I found a smile slipping onto my face.

I then took a sip of the chamomile tea, making sure to sit up so I didn't choke.

It was actually quite yummy and I allowed myself to relish in the feeling of the warm liquid sliding down my throat.

"This is really good Jin!"

The male immediately froze at my words and I began to panic. "Sorry, Seokjin I didn't mean to step over any bound-"

He cut me off a sad smile on his face. "It's alright, it's just my younger brother was the last person to call me that."

"I'm so sorry Seokjin, you don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to," I said softly, already feeling bad for sending him into a melancholic state.

"It's fine, he had the same beliefs as me, that humans deserved freedom as much as we did." He paused taking a deep breath. "Unlike me, my brother didn't know when to stay quiet and told my mother his feelings. She was all for what the council was doing and immediately told them of his unloyalty."

He chuckled sorrowfully. "They instantly came to our house and took him away and I was too weak to do anything about it. I was told later that he had been used as an example and put to death for his unloyalty. I couldn't bear being a part of that anymore and snuck away to join the rebellion."

I couldn't even begin to fathom how much it must've hurt losing his brother like that and I wanted to try to cheer him up.

"How about I'll call you Jin from now on and we can make more positive memories to replace the bad ones?"

He smiled softly, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'd like that."

I smiled in return. "What is the final plan anyways?"

"Well, we want to establish a new leadership and try and co-exist with the humans in peace."

That honestly sounded quite nice.

Hoseok stormed into the room a moment later a look of confusion on his face.

"Jihye one of the captives says he knows you."

I scoffed. "Yeah, that troll Mark."

"No the other one, Kunpimook."

"But I've never heard of him before?"

"He said he'll only talk to you."

"Okay help me up then."

I attempted to roll off the couch but Hoseok managed to get to me before then.

We walked down some stairs into a creepy looking basement and I noticed that the two captives.

Mark looked triggered as usual and the second one, well he was simply staring at the floor in silence.

"You know me?" I asked waiting for the unknown boy's answer.

His head shot up and my brain basically exploded.


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