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Marinette groaned loudly as she glared at Adrien, who stood there, smirking.

"Because you would regret it if you didn't," He answered earning an eye roll from her.

"Ugh!" Earning one last glare from Marinette, she headed inside her room. Marinette made sure to bang her door shut in his face at the end.

First day, and it's not going pretty well. Marinette huffed. Whatever. Let's put all that aside and look around.

She looked around her room. It was huge, of course, and it felt weird to be at a room that wasn't hers or Alya's.

Dropping her box of stuff on the floor, right beside her bed, she hopped on the bed, spreading her arms.

Ahh.. Feels so comfortable.

She sat up then, deciding she was going to take a look around, and hopefully didn't bump into Adrien or anyone she hated and felt annoyed by.

Closing her door, she silently headed to the stairs, seeing Adrien's bedroom door wide opened.

"Ah! Watch where you're going!"

"Oh, sorry." Marinette looked in front of her, seeing Chloe there looking all annoyed.

"Whatever!" Chloe walked past her. Marinette watched as she headed inside Adrien's room, and a loud "Adri-kins!" came out.

Rolling her eyes, Marinette decided to try to find Alya and have some girl time with her before going back.

"Hey Alys." Marinette heard another voice, and saw Nino. She waved at him and ran towards him, where Alya was as well.

"Guys, this place is so awesome!" Alya exclaimed. "You should totally see my room. Oh, and I heard a certain girl has her bedroom right next to a certain... "


The three of them rolled their eyes and turned back to Chloe, who was chasing after Adrien, who was walking fast so she wouldn't catch up. Adrien sent a wink towards Marinette, making her look away.

Alya giggled. "I do admit he's a flirt, but hey, be glad that at least he pays attention to only you."

"That's supposed to be a good thing?" Marinette frowned. "Please, I hate the attention he gives me."

"Uh huh, sure." Nino rolled his eyes. "But admit it, you love it when he ignores Chloe, right?"

As Adrien's best friend, he was able to understand how Adrien was annoyed with Chloe following him anywhere and everywhere. And sometimes Adrien even talked about Marinette, which made things more interesting.

Marinette rolled her eyes. "You guys are no fair. I wanted to be with friends that would want to talk about the things I want to talk about. No, but instead you talk about Adrien!"

"Of course we talk about Adrien." Alya chuckled. "We're bringing you two together, you know."

"Which is why we gave him your phone number," Nino blurted, making Marinette scream at his words.

"You did what?!" Her eyes would pop out at the news if it could. She gritted her teeth. "Why?!"

"He was asking for it, and..." Soon Nino was interrupted by Marinette stomping away.

"It's okay," Alya gave him a pat on his shoulder. "She'll see that all this will come to good at the end."

Marinette huffed, grumbled and mumbled words under her breath at how her friends could sometimes do the things she hated.

She realized Adrien was back to his room as well. Chloe had probably left him alone.

Ah! Stop thinking about him!

She sighed and jumped on her bed, before taking her blankets to get some rest.

She picked up her beeping phone and wanted to silence it, before she realized who it was.

A - hey Mari.

She rolled her eyes, but texted back anyway. Maybe if she told him how she really felt, he would leave her alone.

M - her Adrien. Can you please leave me alone?!

A - I'm surprised you even answered.

M - shut up! I wanted to tell you to leave me alone! Stop flirting with me when you've already got Chloe!

She realized she typed this one with anger. Why was she angry though?

A - but I don't like Chloe.
A - plus I'm not texting to flirt with you. You say you hate it, but I know you love it. You live for it, Mari.

M - just what did you want to tell me?!

A - simple. Good luck.

For a while Marinette was staring at her phone. Good luck?! GOOD LUCK?! Why did he say that?

M - what?

A - oh, Mari longing to talk to me? Usually you'd just stop texting me and put your phone away, but not today? Why?

M - fine! Bye!

Psssht! Of course he didn't mean it when he said good luck. He was probably trying to get to her.

Marinette huffed and pulled the blankets over her head.

I'll never fall for it.

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