Twenty - Seven

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Adrien had lied to her about two things. First, there was never a spider on her back. He just said that so he could have the opportunity and chance to get closer to her.

Second, they were never supposed to be in this room. Gabriel hadn't mentioned it as one of his rules, but he had specifically told Adrien to make sure that no one entered this room. If Gabriel knew that someone came here, Adrien was going to be the one getting in trouble. Not disqualified, but in trouble.

Finally Adrien pulled away from the kiss, and Marinette couldn't help wanting more, but she stopped herself before she leaned in and kissed him again. Finally she spoke and asked; "is the spider gone?"

Adrien nodded. "Yes, I killed it. It's gone." He bit his lower lip. He didn't want Marinette knowing that he had lied to her twice; Marinette would just lose her trust on him all over again, and he would have to start from the beginning.

"Why did you do that?" Marinette asked again. "Why did you kiss me? Adrien, aren't there cameras here?"

"No," Adrien shook his head. "This is the only room in the entire building that doesn't have any cameras, so you don't have to worry."

"But what if... What if Gabriel somehow knows that we did this?" Marinette couldn't help being worried. Maybe she should have pushed Adrien away, maybe she should had ran back upstairs when she had the chance. But maybe, she didn't dislike the kiss either.

"Don't worry Marinette, it's on me," Adrien answered again. "If my Father somehow knows, I'll tell him that it was my fault and I'll get disqualified instead of you. I know how much this competition means to you, Marinette."

"What about you?" Marinette folded her arms. "Doesn't this mean anything to you at all?!"

"No," Adrien shook his head with a small smile. "I could care less about this competition. If I win, everyone is just going to think that I won because of my father, which is absolutely not fair."

"Then... Why are you here?"

Adrien couldn't answer that question. He knew the answer to it, but he just couldn't tell Marinette. "My... Father told me to give it a shot and join, so I did." That was absolutely not the truth. Now he had lied to her three times. He had been the one that had wanted to join this competition, his father had nothing to do with it.

Once he found out that Marinette was joining, he wanted to join as well. Back then, it had been because of the dare, he had been wanting to get closer to her so that he could fulfil his dare. But now he found his reasons completely different. Maybe... Maybe he really did like this girl.

Marinette lowered her head, not sure on what to think. Finally she looked back up and looked around. "I think I've seen enough. Now I know exactly what to do in my design." She gave Adrien a smile. "Thank you."

Adrien nodded. He may be getting in trouble, but it was so worth it.

"Let's go back now. I keep getting a weird feeling that we're doing something wrong," This time, Marinette was the one to take his hand. The both of them walked out the door and Adrien closed it.

"Are you rethinking about your feelings for me?" Adrien blurted out after a few seconds of silence.

"What, no!" Marinette frowned at the question. "Why would I be doing that?"

"Well... You really seemed to have enjoyed the kiss," Adrien shrugged. "I just figured that maybe... You know what, never mind." He didn't want to go screwing his chances of getting closer to Marinette all over again.

As they were walking towards the stairs, they saw Nathaniel, who seemed to have been heading to Marinette's room. Nathaniel turned to see them, and as soon as he did, Marinette let go of Adrien's hand.

Adrien frowned. Marinette still didn't have feelings for Nathaniel, right? Not after what had just happened, right?

"Hey," Nathaniel was frowning at why these two were together again. "I was just heading up your room to see if you were there. I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Nathaniel, I came here for only one reason," Marinette held up one finger. "I came here for only the competition, not for you. Please, I'm feeling distracted lately, but if you just leave me alone, I can focus. Talk to me when this round is finished."

"I'm not worried," Nathaniel shrugged. "We both are very good designers. I know we both are going to make it through the next round."

"It's not just about beating this round!" Marinette huffed. "I have to beat some two people, so please, just leave." Marinette groaned and started heading upstairs. Adrien smirked and headed upstairs to his room as well, while Nathaniel had to go back downstairs.

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