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Marinette was tempted to slam the door in his face, but Adrien walked right inside.

"So, what kind of dress are you making?" He asked, walking up to her desk.

"Why do you care?!" Marinette gritted her teeth. "Leave!"

"Oh, calm down. It's not like I'm going to steal your idea," He laughed as if it was the funniest joke ever. "Besides, I'm making something else. I just want to know what you're making."

Marinette sighed. "We're making a- Adrien?"

"I wonder," Adrien wasn't paying attention. Instead he was looking at the camera that was up on her wall. "If I take the camera out, can they still see us?"

"Don't get any ideas!" Marinette huffed. What kind of boy was this, getting such ideas?

Adrien smirked and got closer to us. "Marinette, all I said was if they could see us. I never said we were going to do anything. What idea have you got in that head of yours?"

Marinette turned away. "If you take the camera out, Gabriel will know something is wrong and come to my room."

"Ah, what a shame. Then I have no business here." He headed to the door. "Call me later." And with that he left.

Call you?! CALL YOU?! ha! In your pathetic dreams!

Marinette slammed her hand on your desk. It's only morning, and already I'm having a bad day.

Marinette sighed and got ready to continue making her dress. She went through the many mini dress designs she had made, and tried to pick one.

Wow, too many that I can't pick. Maybe I should ask Alya and see which one she thinks looks better.

With that idea, Marinette got up and left the room, making sure to lock it. She passed Adrien's room, Rolling her eyes, before she got to Alya's.

She knocked on the door. "Hey Als, you here?" She knocked harder. Finally a very sleepy Alya opened the door.

"Ah, Marinette, it's you. What's up?" Alya smiled at her. She looked tired.

"Are you just waking up?" Marinette frowned. "So late?" Alya was never the type to wake up so late.

"Yeah," She slowly nodded. "I stayed up all night making my mini dress design. It's all finished now. So, what do you need?"

Marinette raised up her sketchbook. "I made so many designs. I was wondering if you could help me pick one."

"Oh, alright come in." Alya opened the door wider, letting Marinette in. Marinette placed her sketchbook on the desk, and turned to Alya.

"So, lets see the designs."


"So, why are you here?" Adrien turned and looked at his father, who took a seat on his bed.

"Adrien, I've been noticing that you've been bothering Miss. Dupain-Cheng."

"I haven't been bothering her," Adrien huffed and looked away, folding his arms.

"Well, I know you got eyes on her, but mind yourself Adrien!" Gabriel warned. "I set that rule especially for you, because I knew you would do something like this. I believe in Marinette and I believe that she can get to the last round. Maybe a few problems on the way. Please don't ruin her chance."

Adrien glared at him. "You seem to care about Marinette more than me!"

"Of course not! I believe you can do this too," Gabriel chuckled and stood up. "Just don't stand in her way."

Adrien smirked as Gabriel left the room.

Who said I was good at following rules?!

~ Edited ~

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