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Marinette looked tired. Her eyes were tired and red. This was probably how Ella and Emily wanted her to feel. This was probably how Chloe and Lydia also wanted her to feel.

What if Ella, Emily, Chloe and Lydia were all working together to get her eliminated?!

She lazily walked up to her door that someone had knocked on. Last night, she wasn't even sure whether to cry or just punch her wall... So she did both. First of all, the punch hurt her hand and second of all, she didn't even make a crack on the wall.

Opening the door, and being glad that it wasn't Adrien, she sent a lazy smile at the lady.

"You look terrible," She commented.

"Thanks," Marinette nodded, not wanting to argue because she actually believed that she looked terrible.

"You better get washed up soon. Breakfast will be in 30 minutes. Here's the next design you're supposed to work on," The woman handed her a paper, before walking off. She seemed to look disgusted by how Marinette looked.

Marinette sighed and closed the door, before looking down at the paper to read it.

"Design: Jackets
You will be given 4 days to make and design your jackets."

Marinette placed the paper on her table. Honestly at this point, she wasn't even sure if she could do this anymore. She wanted to talk to someone she was very close to, but Alya and Nino were gone, and she had 4 enemies now.

Did she consider Adrien as an enemy? She wasn't exactly sure, but one thing for sure, she was staying away from him. She needed to focus, no more distractions.

It was her own fault for being stupid in the beginning anyway. How could she had believed that Adrien actually liked her? All those kisses they shared, it meant nothing to him; he was just trying to get her to fall for him.

And he succeeded.

After breakfast was work time. Marinette was tired, but she was able to pull through it.

By pull through it, I meant her finding the design she wanted on her sketchbook, and after that, falling down on her bed and resting. She was so exhausted. The whole Adrien situation made her brain go wonky.

No wonder Gabriel said no lovey-dovey stuff. But he said that at the parties being held, you were allowed to do whatever you wanted, because the parties were basically your free time.

Her phone dinged for like the 17th time. She groaned and got it, wanting to silence it and turn it off. But being curious, she looked at the messages she got.

A - Marinette, those girls might have been telling the truth, but I swear, I wasn't thinking about the dare.

A - I like you and that's why I asked you out.

A - besides, if I was still going for the dare, I would have thought that I succeeded long ago because of the kiss we shared. You definitely seemed like you enjoyed it. But I promise, it's not like that!

Marinette sighed. After sending her own message, she dropped her phone.

M - Adrien, I want to focus on the competition now. Please don't bother me... Don't talk to me, until this competition is over. When the competition is over, I will think about it and see who's actually lying!


"What are you looking for now?" Lydia put down her book as she turned to Chloe, who was searching all around the room.

"My phone, that's what!" Chloe lifted the small table she had, but found nothing there. "I swear I had it in my pocket. Who could have taken it?!"

Just as soon as she yelled out that question, a knock came on the door. Chloe walked up to it and opened it, then glared when she saw Ella at the door. "What do you want?!"

Ella held up an object and Chloe gasped. "My phone! You little-"

"Oh don't be like that," Ella handed the phone over to her, in which Chloe snatched back. "I found your phone. The least you could do is thank me!"

"Pfft, in your dreams!" Chloe slammed the door in her face, before facing Lydia again.

"At least tell me you had your password on your phone," Lydia said.

Chloe bit her lip. "I was having problems with my phone in which the lock screen wasn't working at all... So no, I didn't lock my phone. Hopefully that little brat didn't go through anything."

Chloe turned her phone on. While walking towards the bed, she searched every single thing that was on her phone. "That's weird. Nothing wrong."

"I don't believe Ella would find your phone and not do anything to it," Lydia spoke.

"Yeah, me too," Chloe nodded along. "Wait-" She went on her text messages, and checked on every messages she had with her friends and family. But no, nothing was wrong.

She did something, but must have deleted it so I wouldn't find it.

Chloe stood up, her phone clutched in her hand. Nobody goes through my phone and gets away with it!

This really means war!

~ Edited ~

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