Twenty - Eight

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As soon as Lydia took a seat on her bed, she heard a knock on her door. Already knowing who it was, she huffed and turned the other way.

More knocks came up. "Come on, Lydia. I know you're in there!" Chloe's voice rang out like an annoying alarm clock. "I saw you walk into your room right now. Open up!"

Lydia groaned and walked over to the door. Opening the door, she looked at Chloe with an angry look, showing her that she was still mad about what had happened before. "What do you want?!"

"Lydia, I just wanted to apologize," Chloe spoke, but that just made Lydia lose her trust in her even more.

"What! Do! You! Want!?!"

Chloe sighed and gave up. "Listen, I still think you're wrong, but I really do want to apologize. I need your help!"

"You're still trying?!" Lydia couldn't believe her ears. She wanted to shut the door in Chloe's face, but Chloe was quick to stop her.

"Listen, we made a deal. I'll help you get Marinette eliminated, and you'll help me get Adrien," Chloe reminded. "I have an idea on how both could happen. Lydia, you might think that Adrien likes Marinette, but that doesn't mean that there's no way to get Adrien to fall out of love with Marinette and fall for me. Boys could have a change of heart, you know."

Lydia knew she was right, but she didn't admit it. "You said you had an idea on how we could get what we wanted. Care to tell me?"

"One name," Chloe chuckled. "Nathaniel!"

"And what does Nathaniel have to do with all this?!" Lydia rolled her eyes.

Chloe sighed. "You have a lot of catching up to do. Don't you get it? Nathaniel likes Marinette, and we haven't confirmed yet whether Marinette likes him or Adrien."

"Yeah, so?"

"We can use Nathaniel to get in between Marinette and Adrien. Maybe if Adrien thinks or sees that Marinette likes Nathaniel instead of him, he'll give up on her, and from there I can try to find a way to get him to me," Chloe explained even more. "If Marinette starts feeling comfortable around Nathaniel, who knows... She could slip up and kiss him. We'll catch them and then get them eliminated."

Lydia was thinking about it. The plan could work, but the whole plan was just a "maybe", which meant that Chloe wasn't even sure if it would work. She nodded her head anyways. "Fine, I'm in." Maybe she could pitch in her own idea that could make Chloe's idea even better.

"Oh that's great," Chloe stepped forward to hug her, but Lydia stopped her, shaking her head.

"It's not time to play nice. Now we really have to be serious," Lydia gave Chloe a glare. "Your plan could work, but just in case it doesn't, we need to be prepared with a plan B." She opened her door wider. "Come inside and we can start planning." Chloe nodded, and quickly walked inside the room.


Nathaniel finished the rest of his design, before he sighed and walked over to his bed. He was so distracted and disappointed.

You told me you have nothing to do with him. Why did you lie when you clearly like him?! He had tried to clear his head multiple times, but he couldn't. No matter what, Marinette was always stuck in his head.

He heard a knock on his door, and knowing that his door wasn't locked, he yelled out a "come in," before looking down.

"Wow, Nathaniel, you look terrible!" Nathaniel looked up to see Chloe. He sighed and turned away.

"What do you want, Chloe?"

Chloe slowly walked forward towards him. "Are you thinking about her?"

"Shut up!"

"I thought so," Chloe rolled her eyes. "Listen Nathaniel, I just came here to tell you that you're a complete coward!"

Nathaniel frowned and looked back at her. "Well, if that's what you wanted to say, then leave!"

"No, hear me out!" Chloe urged. "You obviously like Marinette, so why don't you go for her?!"

"Adrien," Nathaniel spoke, hoping that Chloe got it, because he really didn't want to explain it all.

"So?" Chloe folded her arms. "Marinette and Adrien aren't dating! You still have a chance. Make Marinette fall out of love with Adrien, and fall in love with you! Don't just sit down on your bed, hoping that Marinette would randomly come to you."

Nathaniel sighed. "It's not that easy, and... I don't want to force her..."

"You're not forcing her," Chloe said again. "I know what I'm saying, alright? Marinette and Adrien can't be together! I love Adrien, and you love Marinette! You don't see me sitting around, being upset because Marinette and Adrien kissed."

"You...also know about that?"

Chloe nodded. "Yes, I saw them. But I'm not upset. Instead I'm going to fight for Adrien, and you should be doing the same thing as well with Marinette. I think if you hang around her, she'll learn to like you. Trust me."

Nathaniel was thinking about it, Chloe could tell. Chloe started walking over to the door. "I hope you follow what I just told you. I'll be going now." She walked out of the room.

Nathaniel looked down. Do I really still have a chance?...

~ Edited ~

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