Fifty - Six

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Come on, pick up! Pick up, you fool!

Chloe growled and tossed her phone aside, knowing that no matter how many times she tried, Sabrina wasn't going to pick up her phone. I can't believe she seriously chose to go with them!

Before Chloe could pick up her phone, Audrey called for her downstairs. Sighing, Chloe tossed her phone over at her bed, before walking out of her room.

"Coming!" She yelled back, closing the door. She started walking down the stairs, knowing that whatever this was about, it wasn't going to be good.

"Chloe!" Andre was folding his arms with a frown on his face. On the other hand, Audrey looked angry.

"Daddy? Mommy?" Chloe tried giving them that puppy dog eyes, the ones that always worked on her dad. It never worked on Audrey but Andre sometimes was able to convince her.

"Chloe Bourgeois, you've really disappointed me," Audrey didn't waste time at all to point fingers at Chloe. "I asked Gabriel, and he told me the truth. He said that it was Marinette and Nathaniel that were still in. How could you lie?!"

"Wait-" Chloe widened her eyes. "Marinette? And Nathaniel? But. . ." I know Marinette is amazing, but Nicole should have had a nice shot at winning. How was Marinette able to take her down?! "Adrien is out?!"

"How shameless!" Audrey continued, never taking down her pointy finger. "You lied to us and all you care about is Adrien?! Do you seriously think Adrien would love a lying brat like you?!"

Chloe stopped cold at the words. Andre quickly snapped his head towards his wife. "Chloe may have lied, but she is not a brat, and she has an absolute chance of getting Adrien!" Leave it to him to stand up for her.

"Pah!" Audrey still didn't give up. "I came all the way here just to be disappointed? No! Chloe!" She turned to Chloe again. "We're going to watch the finals whether you like it or not. As for your punishment, you are going to be carrying a poster, cheering for Marinette."

"What?!" Chloe already looked mortified. "Can't I at least be on Nathaniel's side?! Why Marinette?! You know I hate her!"

"And you think I care, because. . . ?" Audrey didn't wait for an answer though. "That's not the end of your punishment! Jean will go on a vacation. For the next month, you'll be walking to school instead of using the limo."

"WHAT?! NO!" Chloe knew it was going to be bad, but this bad?!

"Audrey sweetie, don't you think you're being a bit too harsh?" Again Andre tried to convince her, but Audrey didn't seem to be taking it easy now.

She moved away from Andre as she gritted her teeth. "The reason why your daughter is like this is because you go too easy on her! Tell me: when was the last time your gave her an actual punishment?!"

Andre didn't answer.

"Exactly! Either we treat this girl right," Audrey turned to leave, "or I'm leaving this family forever!"

Chloe watched with teary eyes as she watched her mother go. Sniffing and trying to calm down, she turned to her dad with a weak smile. "You're not really going to do all that to me, are you? Come on, Daddy. You want the best for your daughter, don't you?"

Andre stood quiet for a few seconds, before he sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Chloe."

Chloe couldn't believe it. Right when she needed him the most, he was just going to leave her like that. It's clear that he loves his wife more than his own daughter! With that thought, Chloe started heading for the door. Stupid family. It's not like I wanted to be in it anyway!


"Alright, is that one done?"

Rose nodded at the question, and Alya checked something off on the paper she was holding. She then turned to Adrien and gave him a thumbs up. "All the posters are made, and we have all the items we need for the party. Anything else?"

"Nothing at the moment," Adrien replied back. "Right, I guess we could take a break now."

Everyone else nodded, before taking a seat in the bakery and ordering pastries. Adrien sat down next to Nino, thinking about how he couldn't wait to see Marinette again. He would have called, but by now, Marinette should be working on her next and final design, so maybe now wasn't the time.

All I know is: I can't wait to get back there and see her win that thing!

~ Edited ~

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