Sixty - Five

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"But it wasn't me!" Nathaniel exclaimed once again. "Yeah sure, I got red hair and I don't want her to win, but I would never hurt Marinette, okay?"

Marinette looked down at the floor. Nathaniel sounded so convincing, but some part of her still didn't believe him. Adrien didn't look like he believed him either. He rolled Marinette out of the office, wanting to have Gabriel talk to Nathaniel alone.

"So, how are your legs?"

Marinette frowned, before she finally got the question. "Uh yeah, they're fine. They're getting better."

Adrien was about to speak up when Chloe ran over to them, a small look of pity on her face.

"I know we aren't exactly on good terms, and it's weird that I care, but I do hope you get better," She spoke, making Marinette and Adrien frown. "You. . . You may be wondering why I'm doing this, but. . . I was upstairs when it happened."

"What?" Both Marinette and Adrien asked at the same time.

"I was upstairs. I saw you coming down the stairs, then I saw Nathaniel rushing over. He had suddenly grabbed a mask, and he put it on so quickly. Before I could warn you, he had already pushed you. I ran away to call for help, but then the next thing I heard was that Nathaniel was the one who found you, and-"

"Wait, what?!" Marinette could feel her heart beating faster. Gabriel said he saw a hint of red hair. Chloe said Nathaniel put the mask on so fast. He must have put it on so fast and didn't have time to properly put all his hair inside, and that's how it was noticed.

"You need to go to my father then. Tell him what you saw," Adrien urged, pointing towards the office.

"I don't know. What if he doesn't believe me?"

"He will. And if he doesn't, he'll make sure to get to the bottom of this," Adrien looked determined, and Marinette figured out that it wasn't because he thought Nathaniel did it, but he just wanted to figure everything out and make all these things stop.

Chloe looked from Adrien to Marinette, staring hard at her as if waiting for Marinette to tell her it was okay. Marinette just shrugged, not knowing what to say. Sure, Chloe's story sounded true, but neither of them between her and Adrien had any proof that it was the actual truth.

"Okay," Chloe breathed in. "I'm going to report what I saw." And then she started walking towards the office. Adrien followed, and because he did, Marinette had to follow as well.

Nathaniel was still arguing with Gabriel when they got there. Chloe knocked on the opened door, interrupting the two of them, before she walked inside without Gabriel telling her to, as if she owned the office.

"Miss. Bourgeois?"

"Mr. Agreste," Chloe said and nodded her head in way of greeting.

"And how may I help you?"


"Chloe came over to tell you what she saw at the time of the crime," Adrien quickly interrupted, as if he was afraid that Chloe would say the wrong thing. He nodded over at Chloe, motioning for her to carry on.

"She was there?" Nathaniel frowned. "I never saw Chloe there when I ran over to help Marinette. When I got there, the person who pushed her had already left, and it was just me and Marinette. No one else!"

Chloe clenched her fists. "Nathaniel, there were a dozen people there. How could you have been alone with Marinette?"

"No, there wasn't a dozen people," Nathaniel argued back. "It was almost time to start the final round. Everyone were heading inside to settle in and wait for the show to start. Except if someone decided to use the bathroom, or just look around, no one headed outside. It was just me and Marinette!" It was like a fight between two people to see which one was smarter, and so far Nathaniel was winning it.

"Well, let Chloe explain what she saw first," Adrien stopped them from their argument. "Chloe?" He motioned for her to start again.

So she began, telling Gabriel exactly what she had told Adrien and Marinette a few minutes ago. Gabriel listened without speaking up, Nathaniel looked frustrated and angry the more he listened and Marinette noticed him opening his mouth to speak but closing it again as if deciding it was best not to speak up.

"And that's it," Chloe finished off with those words. "Now I'll let you ponder over it, Mr. Agreste, but if I were you, I would not believe Nathaniel at all! He wanted to win, that's why he did it!"

Marinette gulped, walking backwards out of the office, not wanting to hear anymore. Right now she just wanted to rest, to cool off and not think about what was going on. She tugged on Adrien's sleeve, gaining his attention, before she pointed over at the stairs, showing him that she was leaving to her room to take a break.

"Let me come with you," Adrien insisted. "Who knows. Maybe it wasn't actually Nathaniel, and whoever it was would come after you again."

Marinette nodded with a smile. "Sure. Thanks."

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