Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Vince's POV

"I cannot disclose what Jane and I were discussing. It violates confidentiality rights, even for you, Vince," Chase didn't even look up as he typed away on his computer. "I know you're curious. If she wishes to tell you, she can tell you herself. It's not within my jurisdiction"

"Seems pretty serious," I added. He shrugged, before pulling out my file from a drawer.

He leaned over the table, resting his chin on his hand. "You already know what I'm going to tell you, don't you?"

I glanced away before looking back at him. He took a deep breath, before showing me the records. "Vince, if you continue to take this, the side effects are only going to get worse. You're already getting the migraines and muscle aches. Eventually, the Wolfsbane and Moonstone will not just suppress the bond, but your wolf too"

"The pain is worse this time. I can't just not take the pills. I'd probably drop dead," I scoffed.

He pointed down at the breakdown of ingredients for the medicine I was on. "It's been ten years, Vince. Being on these high amounts of Wolfsbane isn't something that anyone would recommend for over a week, let alone years"

"Well, what should I do, doc?" I snapped. He scratched the back of his head, before getting up and walking over to a larger cabinet. He spent some time scrounging around some papers and books, before reaching for one from the top shelf. He blew off some of the dust before sitting in front of me again.

"As you know, my father was the previous pack doctor. Most of the files and research here is his," he opened the book to a tabbed page. In scribbled cursive, what looked to be a recipe with red notes and Post Its everywhere. "He treated your father with the same medication I'm giving you. Although it's been revised over the years I've prescribed it to you, the side effects and issues my father has seen from this is exactly what you're dealing with. Other pack members we've given this to previously, have lost their wolves partially to completely. It's a dangerous drug, Vince."

"Well, you must have something else that can help with these headaches. I need this medicine, Chase."

"No, what you need is to get off of this to get better," he drew out. "I can lower the dose every 1-2 weeks until you wean off of it. The pain will increase temporarily until you and your wolf can manage it on your own. If your wolf has the will to get better, they'll become stronger and stronger until you can successfully shift again without any side effects."

Although it sounded reasonable, there was no way I could just wean off of this stuff. Losing my wolf aside, the slim chance of bearable pain wasn't going to justify getting rid of this pill. I still could run this pack as alpha without my wolf, our entourage of betas, deltas, and thetas was enough to keep order and secure our members.

"And if the pain becomes too unbearable?" I leaned back in Chase's guest chairs, tapping the armrest.

He sighed before rubbing his face and then leaning over the desk. He glanced at the door before saying quietly, "you do realize that the pain you're feeling is only a fraction of what your mate is experiencing"

"Sarah takes the same pills that I do, just in a smaller dose," I scoffed. "She's not experiencing migraines"

"I meant Simon," he huffed, keeping his voice down still but with an elevated level of irritation.

"I told you to never mention his name again. If someone were to overhear us," I warned. I felt a growl rise from my throat, anger pooling in my veins.

His jaw clenched, as he pulled out a dusty file from another drawer at his desk. As he looked through the papers, he argued, "it's been ten years, Vince. Ten years without the drug. It's unlikely for separated mates to survive that long without help"

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