Leaving Stanford today...

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Christen POV: Today, Tobin leaves me. A part of me is super sad, but I'll also see her in a couple of weeks. We've made plans to go to the beach for spring break after she goes to see her family for a day or two. I better go get her coffee and head to her hotel to say our goodbyes. "Hi can I get a cold brew with almond milk?" "Sure, anything else?" the barista says. "yeah let me get a blueberry muffin and another cold brew with a splash of milk", "Yeah no problem!" I pull out my phone and notice two notifications, one from Tobin and Kelley. I decided to check the one from Kelley first.
O'Hara>Chrisssssy: Hey CP where you at?
Chrisssssy>O'Hara: HIW, why?
I waited for her to text me back but never got one back so I just went to Tobin's text, and all it said was sad to leave. "Christen" said the barista,"Thank you!!" I walk back to the hotel wondering what's gonna happen after Tobin leaves.

Tobin POV: All I can think about is Christen, I know we haven't known each other but for like 3 days but I'm gonna miss her a lot. I don't know if she's into girls if she's not I'm gonna respect that. I hear a knock on my door, I had to throw on a hoodie because I was in a sports bra (What's new?). I open the door, there is standing Christen, I freeze because she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. "I brought you coffee, I didn't know how you like it, so I just got you a cold brew with almond milk. I hope that's okay." she says, she's nervous you can tell. "Thank you Press, that was very sweet of you! Please come in!!" I say as I move out of the door way. "So what time does your bus leave for the airport?" That's a good question I say to myself. I walk over to my bed and grab my phone and go to the group message, "1:30-2, we have to be on the bus." I look at the time and its already 12:30. "So we only have an hour" she says with kind of a sad face. "HEY!!! Cheer up!!!!" I say. I go and lay down on my bed and pat next to me referring to press coming to lay down next to me. She comes and lays down and lays her head on my chest and arm around my abdomen, "I think I'm in love" I thought to myself. 

Christen POV: She pats on the bed, and points at me and then back to the bed. So I go over there, and I lay my head on her chest. At this point I couldn't move after already laying there, so I just threw my arm over her stomach. I was nervous as heck to know what she was thinking. "Tobin?" I say. "Yeah?". Where do we go from here? "I mean I'm not sure, I don't want to tell you something and then you get scared and leave and never turn back to me" she says. She gets up and goes to the bathroom, Christen you stupid idi... She comes back out with her hoodie that she was just wearing and had on a shirt, "Here" she hands me the hoodie. Whats this for? "In case you get sad while we are separated. By this time it was 1:20, so we said our goodbyes in her room, she kissed my cheek and I could feel myself get flustered. I heard her giggle a little. I honestly couldn't let her go from hugging. "Bye tobs..." "Tobs huh? I like that." Bye cutie, I'll see you spring break!!

Authors note, Let me know what ya'll think, leave me feedback!!!! 

A Love That Wasn't Planned (COMPLETED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя