Coma After Accident

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Authors note: This won't be a very long chapter, I promise the next one will be longer! Thank you for the constant support! - t

When Tobin wakes up from the accident, she noticed that Christen wasn't right there. She automatically starts freaking out and screaming looking for her. The doctor then comes in and what comes out of his mouth leaves Tobin speechless. "Hello Tobin, my name is Dr. Smith, do you know where you are?", Tobin a little confusingly shakes her head no. "Do you realize how long you've been asleep for?" "NO! SO WHY DON"T YOU ENLIGHTEN ME ON WHERE I AM OR WHAT HAPPENED????". He steps out of the room for a minute and dials a number and she hear mumbling but what Tobin picks out is Christen's name. He comes back in and says to her that Christen is on her way and she'll be here shortly, that she'll explain everything. "Thanks Doc, I apologize for yelling", she says. 

Christen walks in quietly as Tobin is gracefully asleep, she can't help but tear up because she is finally awake and can talk to her again. She has desperately missed her sweet tobs voice. She starts to stir around and slowly starts to wake up. Looks around room and sees her girlfriend in the corner and can't helps but cry. Christen walks up to her and just takes her into her arms and they both just laid together for hours, that they both lost track of time. They both have so many questions for each other but none of them wants to look on the past, they just want both to move forward. Tobin will have to do physical therapy but other than that she will be fine. 

Today is Tobin's first day home, after two and a half months. Her family was there and Christen's family decided to fly out and surprise Tobin and thought she could use some lifting spirits. The next couple of weeks were going to be a struggle for her, she was slowly regaining her memory back, and working on her foot to get it back her old ways. She wants to be one-hundred percent so she can get back on the field this coming pre-season and regular season. Without soccer, Tobin wouldn't be where she is today.

Fast forward a couple of weeks:
Christen went back to college Tuesday, I am beyond thankful for a girlfriend like her. We facetime everyday and she makes sure I have taken my medicine to get better. If it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't have cared about taking my medicine or getting better. She is my absolute everything and my safe place. Preseason starts today and all the girls are excited to see me after my surgery. I am not fully back to my old self, but in the next week or two I will fully regain my strength. I told coach that I didn't want to miss anything and that I would be playing this season, and there wasn't any discussion about it because besides my family and Chris, I wouldn't have anything. Soccer has been my entire life since I was four years old.

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