Meeting Her Whole World

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Christen POV: So tonight Tobin completely surprised me and I'm honestly just so glad she's here with me. I definitely know she is the one for me, even though it's so early in our relationship but I've never been my complete self around anyone besides her. So we are on the way to my house with Nima, and she is going to meet my dad.  I just hope my dad likes her, which I think he will because he loves everyone. Tobin keeps running her hand up and down her leg like she is nervous, so I calmly just grabbed her hand and held it and squeezed it three times, to let her know it'll be okay. 

Tobin POV: I'm so glad to be back with Christen, I've missed her. But, there is just something about meeting someone's parents and I'm just gonna be completely honest with y'all, I AM NERVOUS AS HELL. I start running my hand up and down my leg which is something I've always done since I was in middle school. It's a really bad habit but I can't break it because it keeps me completely calm. Christen grabs my hand and squeezes it and I just completely melted at her touch so I knew it was gonna be okay. There is something about this girl that I haven't been able to figure out, but hopefully soon I'll be able too. "We're here!!!" I hear Christen say, I've been so damn nervous that I didn't even pay attention to the car ride. Shit I say, and my palms are sweating like a freaking waterfall. Are you ready Tobs? I hear the most innocent voice say, I guess so I say as I get out of the car. 

Christen POV: We're home! I shouted throughout the house so my dad knew to come meet Tobin. Hey daddy! I say as I see him and give him a hug. So this is Tobin that Nima has told me about my dad says quietly as he goes up to Tobin. I shot a glance at Nima wondering what all he knows about Tobin. Tobin holds out her hand expecting to shake my dad's hand but he just opens up his arms, Come here you're family now! I hear my dad say and my eyes get all watery. Tobin goes and gives him a hug and is just smiling from ear to ear.  She begins looking around I'm guessing she's looking for my mom and I need to tell her what's happened but I'm just not ready. She doesn't ask where my mom is, so that's good because I know it's a touchy subject for my daddy. So let's all go sit down and talk I say eagerly. Christen, honey it's 11:30 at night, why don't we all rest for tonight and I'll get up and make breakfast for everyone in the morning I hear my dad say. Oh, yeah! Sorry I guess today got away from me today! I say. I hug my dad and Nima goodnight and take Tobin up to the guest room, where I think she'll be staying unless she wants to sleep with me (Once again, get your heads out of the gutter!). Do you mind if I just sleep with you tonight and have my arms, please? I hear her say. Of course, come on! 

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