FaceTime Dinner

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Christen POV: Me and Tobin planned on FaceTiming tonight, but I much rather be with her in person but I guess school comes first. It's been a week since I've seen her so I guess you guys can imagine what exactly it is I am going through. Our schedules have been super hectic since we got back to school, so this will be the first time FaceTime. She told me to make dinner around 7:30 PM, and be ready to eat at 8:15 PM. Why is she giving me a time to eat? I start to wonder if she's got something up her sleeve. Anyways, I pick up my phone and it's about 7 so I decided to shower before our little date over the phone. It's also Friday, Thank God I don't think I could've gone another day of school. I play some music and get in the shower. I look at my phone it's 7:25 PM, SHIT IM SUPPOSE TO CALL TOBIN AT 7:30 AND I'M STILL IN THE SHOWER, I scream like no one can hear me anyways. I rush to get everything ready and get myself dressed. Do I look cute or just a hoodie, sweats, and a bun? Hoodie, sweats, and a bun it is because it's just Tobin.

Tobin POV: I get my laptop out and get it set up and start getting stuff out for dinner. Then I hear my laptop ring, and it's Christen. Hey beautiful I say, 'Oh gosh, I do not look good at all" I hear her say as she laughs. Well you're beautiful to me, you don't even have to try at all I say to her hoping to see her smile. She says I have a million dollar smile? Has she seen herself I thought to myself. So what's on the menu over there at UNC? I hear my sweet girlfriend say. Uh I haven't quite figured that out yet, it might be chicken alfredo or pesto chicken pasta. I have to cook this chicken before it goes bad I say as I'm rambling on I look over at the screen and she is just completely mesmerized looking at me. I caught her staring at me and her face gets super red and flustered, she begins getting her food prepared. I decided to start cooking as well, I keep looking over at my screen and she has music going on at her apartment and she's dancing and it's literally the cutest thing in the entire world. Lord help her, she can't dance but I still love her. SHIT I JUST SAID I LOVED HER... THANK GOD SHE CAN'T HEAR MY THOUGHTS, I really do think I love her... Well, I'm screwed.  

Christen POV: I'm honestly in my own world, have some music going and occasionally keep checking my screen if Tobin was still on FaceTime and she was cooking. I must say she looks so cute in what she's wearing. I hear her phone ding and she picks it up and sighs, everything okay? I say, yeah coach just texted us and said we have a night practice tonight,  so that means I have to hurry and eat dinner and get ready. But, I'll stay on FaceTime until I have to leave if that's okay? I hear her say which kinda made me sad and smile at the same, sad because she has to go soon, but smiled because she wants to stay on until she has to leave for practice. Hey I have a serious question I hear my sweet girl say. Yeah what's up? I say kinda nervous because Tobin seems to have a worried look on her face.

Tobin POV: Yeah what's up? I hear her say, "What are you doing for Christmas break?" I say nervous at what her answer could be. Uh well, I go on break December 5th and I was thinking about seeing what you're doing before you head home for actual Christmas she says. I smiled so big because she actually thought about spending time with me for some of her break. I'm driving home on the 6th and was wondering if I could get you a plane ticket and have you fly out here and meet my family? I say very hopeful. There's an awkward silence, "Yes Tobs, I'd love too! BUT I buy my own flight ticket!!!!" Uh well you see, as I was talking to you about coming to visit, I've been on my phone waiting for you to tell me yes or no, I just booked it. **BEEP BEEP BEEP** she hung up on me, oh gosh what did I do? I start to question myself and then my computer rings again. I answer it, "why'd you hang up?" I say confused. Because I don't understand why you keep spoiling me and I just want to pay for something to come see you, that's all. I hear her say. I'm sorry I didn't think it would upset you, we've started eating together at this point. There's an awkward silence again, and I'm wondering what's on her mind. Then she says I'm so excited to meet your family, I hope they like me. They'll LOVE you, I just know it I promise, I say. Hey I gotta go get ready, stay here? I say. Wouldn't go anywhere until you're walking out the door I hear her say. I just laugh as I walk to my room, leaving my laptop on the counter facing my door so she can still see me. Don't ask me why I just didn't take my laptop to my room, it's a lot of work!

General POV: Tobin gets ready for practice and Christen is cleaning up her kitchen. Tobin comes back and says she has to leave so she can go get her teammates who doesn't have a car. They both get ready to hang up and Tobin is so use to telling her family she loves them and she accidentally tells Christen she loves her and hangs up. But, it was a full "I love you" it was a "love you, bye". Christen is left staring at her screen and she says to the blank screen, "love you too" she says quietly and closes her laptop down. 

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